Battle Talk ~ Battle Royale VII

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Originally posted by Freak
Natural Law speaks of the reality of "good" & "evil." All of humanity knows of good & evil, for the conscience reveals these universal truths. I noticed you didn't deal with reality, when I mentioned good cannot be evil & evil cannot be good. Just as "chair" cannot be "spider." This is foundational logic. There is absoluteness in goodness & evil. This absoluteness come from God.
"Good" is very often good to one, but "evil" to another, at the same time. Good and evil are human qualifications, and they are relative to the variation of human perspectives. "Good" is not a single object that can't be another object. It's an assessment, that is dictive of certain criteria. That assessment will change depending upon the criteria, and how the criteria is applied. There is nothing "absolute" about it. There is a general concensus among humans as to what they perceive to be good and what they don't, as humans are quite similar in needs and desires, but this by no means makes the concept an "absolute".


Bob wrote:

"most people would not believe[Truth], because when the truth is shoved into someone’s face, the human tendency is to shove back."

Then Bob wrote:

"But Zakath, I had already clarified my definition of truth in my original post sufficiently enough to answer your bullets when I wrote: “If no God exists, then… all the time spent chasing that lie, humanity could have been more effectively pursuing truth.”

Seems Bob has the ineffectual tendency to shove the Truth back in the face of humanity!
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New member
Bob is CREAMING Zaketh

Bob is CREAMING Zaketh

Bob is CREAMING Zaketh. Zaketh hasn't answered any questions!


New member
Originally posted by quip
Bob wrote:

"most people would not believe[Truth], because when the truth is shoved into someone’s face, the human tendency is to shove back."

Then Bob wrote:

"But Zakath, I had already clarified my definition of truth in my original post sufficiently enough to answer your bullets when I wrote: “If no God exists, then… all the time spent chasing that lie, humanity could have been more effectively pursuing truth.”

Seems Bob has the ineffectual tendency to shove the Truth back in the face of humanity!
I agree. I suppose that, since Bob insists he posted a sufficient definition of truth, then Bob's definition of truth must be: that which we would be seeking were we not concerned with the existence or non-existence of God. Yeah, that really narrows it down!


New member
Re: Bob is CREAMING Zaketh

Re: Bob is CREAMING Zaketh

Originally posted by Dolly
Bob is CREAMING Zaketh. Zaketh hasn't answered any questions!
Creaming? Bob asked some questions. Zakath asked for clarification on certain points in order to narrow the discussion. Bob has evaded clarifying his points. You call that creaming? You don't have very high standards, do you?


Bob: Truth is a statement of reality.

Zakath wrote:
• What is true for the Muslim…
• What is true for the Christian…
• What is true for the Jew…

Bob's answer: What is true in the above is that you listed three different belief systems. If you can’t admit that is true, then how about this, what is true is that you presented three bullets. If you can admit that, even taking just that baby step, then we have a starting point, and then you will have fulfilled my request to know if you believe in, or can accept, or even just admit to, truth.

Bob seems here to be completely and possibly, intentionally ignoring the fact that all three (yes, Bob there are three) belief systems are proclaiming the Truth (or as Bob puts it "statements of reality".) This is fine until one considers this triage of belief systems is in conflict and in some cases contradictory to a fourth belief system…better known as Christianity.

Why is Bob insistent on distancing himself from his so called belief system of Truth….. ….So, Bob please "admit" to the reader from what 'system of Truth' does your God derive and explain to us how this system makes accurate "statements of reality" ? Consequently, without such an explanation your pedantic, scientific diatribe given to provide evidence of a creator, is theologically groundless………..We might as well say Zeus was the sole originator of the universe.


TOL Subscriber
Get up Zaketh....and stop dropping your hands like that

Get up Zaketh....and stop dropping your hands like that

Good strategy to reiterate all the questions and therefore, to make it obvious who is giving the direct answers in this match, Mr. Enyart. It is very telling when :bang: Zakath tries to evade/dodge or in one case, to introduce more and more complexity with no source for the original complex design (thereby compounding his problems.) I think Zakath is on the ropes. No, He is down! Wait...... I think he may get up before the end of the count... hes crawling....pulling on the rope...I don't know if he can....:shake:....
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Aside from his attempts at mischaracterization of his opponent's arguments, I'm also underwhelmed by Enyart's definitions.

Truth is a statement of reality…

In't that tautology? Can't that be read as: "Truth is something that is true." Tautology to prove the truth of a statement may work in boolean logic but not in argumentation.

The fundamental statements of Aristotlean truth (A is A, A is B or A is not B, A is not both B and not B) are not, in themselves, statements of reality until "A" and "B" are defined.

Yes, I believe that there are truths because I am convinced of the existence of objective reality. However, providing completely truthful definitions of objects within that reality is challenging enough, never mind more conceptual "eye of the beholder" type notions, like religion or political definitions.

As for absolute morality - if someone cannot conceive of a situation where a particular act is right, does that then make it an absolute? I would argue that it does not. Or a qualified absolute at best, and I'm not convinced that a true absolute can be qualified.

So we're back to the argument from personal incredulity as far as abiogenesis goes. I'm sure Bob would agree with me that science has made giant strides in explaining the world around us (we might part company if that explanation looked like it might contradict the bible) in the last 200 years. The difference between me and Bob is that I suspect that science will one day provide a likely mechanism for abiogenesis. To prove that this was beyond doubt the path that life took might be impossible, but without a time machine I doubt we will ever know for sure.

My definition did not imply God is aloof, and you can learn about Him through the His creation.

Yes, except his creation seems to irrestistably point towards an old earth, an evolution of life, and a huge and star-filled universe created from some event billions of years ago.

Which leads me to this....

What universe? Hawking was speaking of the event that “produced a universe.” And he draws the energy for that event “from the gravitational energy of the universe.” Sorry. Hawkings is wrong

Hawking may well be wrong, but I don't think it's because he's unaware of basic physics. In fact, as Hawking observed:

"This argument about whether or not the universe had a beginning, persisted into the 19th and 20th centuries. It was conducted mainly on the basis of theology and philosophy, with little consideration of observational evidence. This may have been reasonable, given the notoriously unreliable character of cosmological observations, until fairly recently. The cosmologist, Sir Arthur Eddington, once said, 'Don't worry if your theory doesn't agree with the observations, because they are probably wrong.' But if your theory disagrees with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, it is in bad trouble. In fact, the theory that the universe has existed forever is in serious difficulty with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The Second Law, states that disorder always increases with time..."

He probably forgot he said this when he wrote that in Origin of the Universe. It's probably not because he made a brisk generalization in a popular science book to avoid a long digression into quantum physics, it's probably because he just doesn't understand basic physics, or forgot them temporarily.

My, will his face be red when he spots this appallingly elementary mistake! I can't believe his buddies at Stanford, Syracuse, and Caltech didn't point it out to him either - I guess they probably feel sorry for him because he's in wheelchair and didn't want to make him look bad.

When will Bob be producing a paper that criticises this idea of borrowed energy? Someone needs to let these rogue cosmologists know they've overlooked elementary physics in their eagerness to disprove the existence of God.

Bob probably also read somewhere that near the point of a hypothetical singularity, the laws of physics as we know them break down, but he may have forgotten that too. It's easy to forget things when you're physikin'.

Bob's only interested in truth when it's a truth he likes and is in line with his particular biblical interpretation.

There are only three theoretical alternatives to the origin of the universe. True or False?

It's this sort of sophomoric approach to argumentation which makes me doubt his sincerity. There are a number of different alternatives. If the universe was a result of a collision between other objections, into which alternative does that fit?

I can find a word for something popping into existence from nothing: Magic. Magic is not real.

Strange. Isn't that what fiat creation effectively is? A magic word is spoken, and something comes from nothing.

Dear oh dear Bob, I was really expecting better from you.

Neither side is doing a great job of proving their particular position so far, but it is still early days. I wasn't really expecting either side to, because the topic requests proof of a highly abstract concept. Good luck with that.


Well-known member
I'm rather dissapointed in Bob's response this time. He seems to be getting needlessly snotty in tone, and to be more interested in casting groundless and prejudicial aspersions on "atheists" then in coherently responding to the questions asked.

And he is still trying to use the basic argument that if no other explanation for the existence of the universe can be absolutely established, then HIS explanation (God) must be the truth by default.

He seems to be making a really big deal out of Zakath's asking for clarification as "not answering the questions" yet he is not answering the questions put to him at all. What the heck does "Truth is a statement of reality" mean? That's not even proper english, is it? What is a "statement of reality"? In 48 hours this is the best he could do at answering the question "How do you define truth"???

I was afraid that Zakath was opening a can of useless and pointless worms when he interjected all that speculative science into the discussion in his last post. And I was right to be, as it has blossomed into a whole confusing and pointless tirade aparently intended to show everyone how smart Bob is while making no real point whatever. Perhaps Bob saw Zakath's last post as something of the same thing, and he was responding in kind, I don't know. But if all that speculative science crap remains in the discussion, I won't make it past the next few posts, myself. It proves nothing and just muddies up the water, big time. And it plays into Bob's false premise that if Zakath can't present an absolutely irrefutable alternative to Bob's "God did it" assertion, than Bob's assertion somehow wins by default.

The whole discussion is in desperate need of some clarification, and some basic rules, I think, too. Someone should point out to Bob (and some of the other "fundis" around here, too) that asking people a question, and then insisting that they answer "yes, no, or I don't know" is incredibly rude, condescending, and manipulative. The only people who ask questions like that have no interest at all in getting an answer except in that they wish to use it against the person they have asked, which is why they are trying to force the answer into their own little boxes. It's very petty and indicates a complete unwillingness to actually discuss anything.

I hope Bob will behave a little better in future posts, and that both parties will drop the speculative science, soon. This last post of Bob's is a wash.


New member
Originally posted by PureX
I'm rather dissapointed in Bob's response this time. He seems to be getting needlessly snotty in tone, and to be more interested in casting groundless and prejudicial aspersions on "atheists" then in coherently responding to the questions asked.

Actually, he directly answered every single of one of Zakath's questions, except the one about deciding which deities are correct and which ones aren't. That was a frivolous question to ask because if ANY of the deities are correct, then atheism is false.

And he is still trying to use the basic argument that if no other explanation for the existence of the universe can be absolutely established, then HIS explanation (God) must be the truth by default.

I partly agree with you here. He definitely needs to go into more detail regarding why the evidence supports theism. However, I think he is making the implication clear based on the 3 options he gave for the origin of the universe. If it can be shown that the universe most likely: did not pop into existence uncaused out of nothing, or did not exist forever, then the only remaining alternative is that the universe was CREATED. It's deductive logic. Zakath needs to show why that deductive logic is wrong, or provide a fourth option.

What the heck does "Truth is a statement of reality" mean? That's not even proper english, is it?

LOL! We could play that "universal skeptic" game endlessly. For example, what do you mean by "proper"? What do you mean by "english"?? What do you "mean" by "mean"??? What do you mean by "what"??? What is language?? Does grammar really exist?, etc, etc., ad nauseum ad infinitum.


New member
Codicil to previous post:

Neither side is doing a great job of proving their particular position so far, but it is still early days. I wasn't really expecting either side to, because the topic requests proof of a highly abstract concept. Good luck with that.

There are many abstract logical and mathematical concepts that can be proven beyond dispute. A lot depends on your definition of "abstract". So, for the sake of this argument, let us determine that we are referring to concepts that cannot be adequately expressed symbolically.

PureX: I think the point about the speculative science is that it shows us that there may be alternative explanations of the universe other than 'God did it". Unlike "God did it", most of these speculative hypotheses have at least some foundation in theoretical physics or math. Of course, that doesn't make them correct but at least there's a rudimentary framework for others to take potshots at and perhaps as we learn more about other aspects of cosmology, some of these hypotheses may be safely discounted while others might become more favored.

I don't know if we will ever know the nature of the event that started it all. However, I don't don't think throwing up our hands is a good approach either, and it seems to me that that is effectively what "God did it" is.


New member

<We can rely to a reasonable extent on descriptions of science by scientists written for the
moderately educated amateur. It is possible to convey a feel for what the hypothesis is
describing, and to get an idea of the current strength of evidence in favor or against it is.>

I fell sorry for you if you really believe that. How many times on these forums have we seen references to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and chaos theory? Yet, I personally haven't seen a post by anyone who actually understands these things. I suspect that 99 percent of the TOL members believe that the "butterfly effect" actually exists, but it doesn't, and I can explain why. It is an oversimplified model that neglects the effects of random molecular motions.

I didn't say they were without pitfalls. In fact, it appears Pastor Bob has fallen into one himself. And anything that is expressed through words is going to be a long abstraction from the thing itself.

However, just as an summary can give you a flavor of the paper, so can a scientist who truly understands something give a flavor of its implications and the concepts behind it to the layperson. The layperson must then be willing to accept an argument from authority. The cliff notes are not the book itself. I agree though, to have a profound understanding of these physical and mathematical concepts require much more.


New member
Not ignorant about winning.

Not ignorant about winning.

I want to say something in favor of Bob, because I believe in a Creator also, but I can't, because I'm having a hard time following this debate. All I can say is, "I should have been home schooled". Oh well, even though I'm ignorant about a lot of things. I can still tell who is getting whooped in a debate. Forget about Zakath being knocked down, or getting his eye cut. Zakath got knocked plumb out of the ring, into the second row!!!


Well-known member
Originally posted by Scrimshaw We could play that "universal skeptic" game endlessly. For example, what do you mean by "proper"? What do you mean by "english"?? What do you "mean" by "mean"??? What do you mean by "what"??? What is language?? Does grammar really exist?, etc, etc., ad nauseum ad infinitum.
Actually, I am not playing games. I really don't understand what a "statement of reality" means. I understand a "statement about realty", but I don't think this is what he means because all sorts of statements can be made about reality that could be true or untrue. Does he mean a "real statement"? But what would that be? And what would an UNreal statement be? Is he trying to say; "a statement based on reality"? Perhaps, but that is not a truth, it's only a fact. And if reality is the criteria for truth, in his estimation, then isn't he arguing against the supernatural? After all, isn't the supernatural beyond reality, so to speak? Or is he saying that the supernatural is part of reality? But if he is saying that, then what is NOT part of reality at that point?

Knowing that Zakath tends to seek clarification, it seems to me like Bob should have been a lot more clear and elaborate in his "answer". Because I honestly don't understand the answer he gave, myself.


New member
Re: Not ignorant about winning.

Re: Not ignorant about winning.

Originally posted by Brother
I want to say something in favor of Bob, because I believe in a Creator also, but I can't, because I'm having a hard time following this debate. All I can say is, "I should have been home schooled". Oh well, even though I'm ignorant about a lot of things. I can still tell who is getting whooped in a debate. Forget about Zakath being knocked down, or getting his eye cut. Zakath got knocked plumb out of the ring, into the second row!!!
After having first admitted to having trouble even following the debate, and then later pronouncing Bob a clear victor, this post stands as living proof that most people on here aren't judging the debate on the actual merits of the arguments, but are instead judging based on who they want to win, on who is arguing for the position they are already predisposed to share. I'd wager that if any of you were to apply to judge a real debate, you would laughed off the premises.


Well-known member
Originally posted by Flipper PureX: I think the point about the speculative science is that it shows us that there may be alternative explanations of the universe other than 'God did it". Unlike "God did it", most of these speculative hypotheses have at least some foundation in theoretical physics or math. Of course, that doesn't make them correct but at least there's a rudimentary framework for others to take potshots at and perhaps as we learn more about other aspects of cosmology, some of these hypotheses may be safely discounted while others might become more favored.
I agree with you, except that in almost any debate I have seen of this type, the advocate against the "God did it" theory will never have "all" the information, which the advocate for "God did it" will use endlessly to discliam any scientific hypothosis posited. So once the scientific cat is let out of the bag, the debate bogs down in endless arguments over technical details that each side "interprets" as he sees fit. You can see this here on many other threads, and even on this thread just a few posts ago.

The theist, who grounds his truth in supernatural concepts is not going to be convinced of anything by means of science, because he has already "transcended" that method of determining truth. And the atheist who is attempting to use science as a means of establishing truth, is never going to be able to present enough detail to convince anyone who doesn't want to be convinced. It just becomes a dead end in the debate.


Who is the stooge now?
Overheard in the grandstands....
Well, he made it in with his post, but he didn't make it under the 48 hour mark. Should Knight be gracious and allow it anyway? If so, what equal concession should he make to Zakath?
So Bob was 3 minutes late big deal!

Eireann, did you forget all the rules Zakath broke in BR II????
Bob seems here to be completely and possibly, intentionally ignoring the fact that all three (yes, Bob there are three) belief systems are proclaiming the Truth (or as Bob puts it "statements of reality".) This is fine until one considers this triage of belief systems is in conflict and in some cases contradictory to a fourth belief system…better known as Christianity.
- quip
Could you have missed the point any worse?

Obviously "quip" isn't E-Quipped. :D
In't that tautology? Can't that be read as: "Truth is something that is true." Tautology to prove the truth of a statement may work in boolean logic but not in argumentation. - Flipper
Flipper, you haven't a clue do you?

You must realize that we theists are used to debating you atheists.

Bob is simply trying to find out (before to much energy has been wasted) if Zakath believes ANYTHING can be known.
I'm rather dissapointed in Bob's response this time. He seems to be getting needlessly snotty in tone - PureX
Awww....... poor wittle fella. :( Me hopes wittle Zak's feewings dont get hurt. :rolleyes:

Watching Zakath get out classed is fun but not nearly as fun as reading the knuckle-heads in here! :D


New member
Originally posted by PureX
Actually, I am not playing games. I really don't understand what a "statement of reality" means. I understand a "statement about realty", but I don't think this is what he means because all sorts of statements can be made about reality that could be true or untrue.

But Bob didn't say that truth is a "statement ABOUT reality". He said it is a statement *OF* reality, and even gave a few examples of what "statements of reality" would be, such as the fact that Zakath used bullets in the format of his list. Bob couldn't have made it any clearer.

Does he mean a "real statement"? But what would that be? And what would an UNreal statement be? Is he trying to say; "a statement based on reality"?

Reality would be anything in the observable, testable, physical world. But in this debate, they are discussing the ORIGIN of that this is where questions about supra-natural, super-realities become relevant.

Perhaps, but that is not a truth, it's only a fact. And if reality is the criteria for truth, in his estimation, then isn't he arguing against the supernatural? After all, isn't the supernatural beyond reality, so to speak?

I don't know what angle Bob will take, but I would respond by saying that there are certain things in reality (the physical universe) that can give indications of it's origin. None of the indications support a self-caused, OR eternal universe. Thus, the only other possibility is that a super-natural agency (an agency separate from physical reality) was the creative cause.

Or is he saying that the supernatural is part of reality? But if he is saying that, then what is NOT part of reality at that point?

I don't think anyone would be so bold to claim that the supernatural is part of "reality". However, in the realm of theoretical origins, I think it can be shown quite convincingly that theism is logically superior to any of the naturalistic theories,
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New member

Flipper, you haven't a clue do you?

Actually, it seems to me that Bob was asked to give a definition and only managed something that seems woefully inadequate. Nailing definitions has two purposes - it allows combatants to agree a framework for discussion and it prevents people from talking past each other because they are operating on different definitions.

Bob is trying to circumnavigate the process with his yes/no questions, but in reality he's actually doing the same thing - except that implicit in that approach is that you accept Bob's definitions at face value.

But I'm quite sure you think I'm wrong. Why don't you educate me?
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