When all natural explanations have terminal problems and fail to explain the phenomena.
Originally posted by Stratnerd
all tested or all that exist?
also, since there has never been a demonstration of supernatural creation can we also use induction to suggest that it doesn't exist?
Not unless the supernatural explanation is terminally flawed and cannot theoretically account for the phenomenon it is attempting to explain. That's hasn't happened.
we believe what we believe based on induction and probability
how does this work then for the supernatural since it has never been observed and probabilities associated with it cannot be calculated?
Probabilities for the supernatural CAN be calculated. For example, based on the terms of our observations we have only seen intelligent designers create products that have the attributes of intelligent design. (e.g., cars, yo-yos, airplanes, computers, staplers, etc., etc) The universe and biological life also contain the same attributes of design, therefore, it is more probable that it also had an intelligent designer.
appearance of "evolution"
a minute ago you were saying to use induction, which I assume you mean that we use logic and observation and make judgements. Now you are saying to to ignore that since some things are just apparent and not real.
When did I ever claim we should "ignore" induction?? What you are failing to understand is that there is no such thing as a creation process that DOESN'T involve evolution. Creation and evolution are closely related terms. When I sit down to build a model airplane, it requires an evolution process. The model airplane does not just "pop" into existence. It is created through an evolutionary creation process. Creation and evolution go hand-in-hand. I believe God created all things in progressive phases, just like any architech would create a building in progressive phases. As is true with ALL progressive creative phases, you can see a history of evolution. Rip out the walls in a building and you'll see evolution - you'll see the piping, electrical wires, insulation, etc. That is past evidence of the building's "evolution" process. But that doesn't mean it wasn't created by an intelligent designer!
So which is it? Plus those analogies are inappropriate since buildings and trikes hardly have the properties of living organisms (genetic code, reproduce, etc)
Wrong. They both contain the fundamental attribute of design, which is -
numerous integrated parts that work together in order to perform as specific, purposeful FUNCTION. Since biological life and tricycles both contain that attribute of design, my analogy was perfectly sound.
also design is apparent because characters exist solely and explicitly for the benefit of another organism - something lacking in organisms
I have no idea what you just said. Perhaps you could rephrase it?
Since there is no pre-cursor to the cell, it would HAVE to have "popped" into existence fully-formed.
do you know how to do science?
Produce a pre-cell lifeform and I'll be more than happy to "do the science" for you. I am not against searching for a pre-cell lifeforms, so don't try to act like I am opposed to scientific research. But unfortunately, your naturalist ilk have spent decades desparately trying to explain away the origin of life and have hit nothing but dead ends. The more we have learned about how complex the components and functions of cellar life are, the more ridiculous and implausible naturalistic explanation have become.