I will say this SLOWLY..
I am making an ANALOGY between you declaring there was a WW flood and OTHERS declaring the world is flat…
I am not saying you say the world is flat.. I am saying your declaration about the WW Flood is LIKE saying the World is flat…
Surely you got that.. here is my quotes from the previous post…
I know you know the world is round
Have you ever heard the expression “Flat Earther” .. it does not literally mean people who believe in a flat Earth but those who hang on to an untenable belief in the face of all evidence and science.
I’ll give you an example of the way you argue.. I will argue like you (in your style) for a Flat Earth
Steve : The world is Flat
Jack : No it isn’t we have photos showing it is a sphere.
Steve : Where are those photos.
Jack : Produces Nasa website photos.
Steve : Those are photos doctored by secular scientists. It is well known man or machine has never left the planet.
Jack : Aircraft use mensuration and vector calculation based on a spherical earth to Navigate.
Steve : The mathematics used is distorted as you well know.
Jack : You can see the Moon is round and its phases show a sphere.
Steve : Ah ha.. the moon like the Earth is a Flat Plate. Hence we only ever see the same face. The “phases” are just when the sun (another plate) moves and we see the moon at different angles.
Jack : If I head East or West I for long enough I eventually end up back in the same place.
Steve : You effectively travel in a wide circle around the plate. Compasses and directions are aligned to a magnetic base under the plate of the Earth. So when ever you move your direction effectively moves with you.
Jack : If it is a plate then it should take much longer to circle in the Southern Hemisphere as the North.
Steve : It does
Jack : No it doesn’t a plane that circles in the Southern Hemisphere takes the same time as in the Northern..
Steve : No that is not true.. I don’t refute empirical evidence .. show me some !
Etc etc…
Jack .. that is EXACTLY how you sound to us.
Reasonable.. yes. Reasonably Idiotic !