Online Prophesying?
Online Prophesying?
Originally posted by Goose
Was FG7 prophesying or something?
Trying to prophesy, I'm pretty sure of it. I think FG7 has gotten a little miffed over PD's views on physical miracles. (All
I have to say over that matter, for whatever it is worth, is this: if you don't believe in them, chances are, you won't see them--Mt. 13:58).
However, I find something rather hokey about posting a word of prophecy online, especially in the middle of a debate like this. Now, a truly inspired word is one thing (and I believe the gift is fully functional today), but you must be careful not to too quickly ascribe words borne out of your own tensions and frustrations as being from the anointing.
I may be totally wrong, and I trust the Lord will be faithful to correct me if I am, but here is what I see in FG's last post: the words sounded right, but I think the heart was off. It looks very much like FG7 is trying to use his gift as a means to "one up" PD in the debate (a debate which, in the eternal view of things, is not really that important). If that's the case, then the gift is being abused.
This isn't an attempt at character assassination, bro's, and I'm not trying to discourage anyone who moves in prophecy (as a matter of fact, I think the church in general needs to hear it more), just take it as an admonition to be careful, and speak in the right time, right place, and in the right heart.