Battle Royale VII Specific discussion thread

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Thank you for the invitation...Yes, I have been to your country and it is very beautiful indeed. This was a long time ago and one day I may just stray that way again.

Actually I do agree with you about there being an impossibility of nothing. God is always there. See, we do agree upon something!

Bob Enyart

Staff member
Brazilian beans

Brazilian beans

A Great Blend said: Attention, " quickly can you evolve into a bird?"

That just hits my funny bone. -Bob


New member
Knight has only 1 (ONE) entry from the atheists? Oh my goodness!

How about if folks like ex_fundy, attention, D the Atheist, Valmoon, bmyers, Aussie Thinker, do NOT submit a response then they shut up forever!

They are so keen on ranting about nothing...and by "nothing" I mean something...but it's just not worth anything...not the "nothing" that others have claimed created us. Why won't they put their thoughts to the test?

DO SOMETHING...or you can no longer complain.


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Speaking of evolving into birds...

Would it ever be possible for the human race to evolve "angel" wings? You know the wings I am talking about. The wings sprouting from a persons back?

Is it evolutionary possible for the human race, which does not contain the genetic programming to produce wings, in the future to have the ability of flight via such wings?

If humnas began jumping from trees to catch flying squirrels...maybe a human here and there would actually survive the fall. If this happened for eons...would a human EVER grow wings?

Corky the Cat

You crack me up coffee, only not in quite the same way that Bob Enyart implies...

ducks and waits for the curse of eternal hell




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Re: Brazilian beans

Re: Brazilian beans

Originally posted by Bob Enyart
A Great Blend said: Attention, " quickly can you evolve into a bird?"

That just hits my funny bone. -Bob

Thank you for the remark.

It must be that theist have other concepts of what is funny as aslo what is evolution. The mamals to birds concept is however not an evolutionary concept (however there is a transitional form of a bird evolving into a mamal, a bird like mamal that lays eggs but also is a mamal) and besides evolution is not very fast.

Fast transitions and coming into being from EITHER literally nothing OR by "an act of a Deity" (both notions are the same, since there is no way of empirically deistinguishing them), only a theist could believe...

Now can you also answer the two simple questions I asked in my previous post, which was a reaction on your 9-th post?

PS. Working on another PC. Forgot the pasword of my new account "attention", so using temporarily my old '"heusdens"account.
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New member
Bob Enyart wrote:

You crack me up! I, for one, am glad that you're on our side!"

Glad to see that you're still here, Bob. I would like to be on your side, too, but I can't go along with much of your reasoning.
I hope that someone picks up on your offer to debate: "Is the Bible the word of God?" That should be a good one.
BTW, I don't know if you read my posting on the calculus treatment of the Zeno Paradox. It is simply the way that math handles continuous actions. Your digitization idea works fine for semiconductors, which have a natural on-off switching mechanism, but it won't work for motion of an object, because it would involve a series of discrete stops and starts. The kinetic energy would be lost on each stop, and then would have to be replaced on each start.


New member
Originally posted by cheeezywheeezy
Knight has only 1 (ONE) entry from the atheists? Oh my goodness!

How about if folks like ex_fundy, attention, D the Atheist, Valmoon, bmyers, Aussie Thinker, do NOT submit a response then they shut up forever!

They are so keen on ranting about nothing...and by "nothing" I mean something...but it's just not worth anything...not the "nothing" that others have claimed created us. Why won't they put their thoughts to the test?

DO SOMETHING...or you can no longer complain.

Sheesh. I ("heusdens"="Attention") DID SENT IN a post.

I was thinking of more posts and more arguments, I could think of a whole Bunch, but I could sent only ONE post with a maximum of 5000 characters. Actually not much to state something even remotely profound....


New member
Originally posted by cheeezywheeezy How about if folks like ex_fundy, attention, D the Atheist, Valmoon, bmyers, Aussie Thinker, do NOT submit a response then they shut up forever!
Obviously you'd prefer to only hear reinforcements of your own opinion. Why, is it too uncomfortable to have them questioned?

While I briefly considered writing an "official" response, I didn't feel it would be appropriate for a non-Atheist to argue for Atheism (though at times I felt I could have helped out Zakath). But I already posted an obviously erroneous logical equivilent to Bob's last copious post and Attention aptly refuted it.


New member
Heusdens did indeed send in a post, which I have. I am currently wrasslin' with the challenge of answering Bob's questions, attacking his argument *and* summing up the evidence (or lack of it) in 5,000 characters.

It's non-trivial.


New member
Originally posted by Flipper
Heusdens did indeed send in a post, which I have. I am currently wrasslin' with the challenge of answering Bob's questions, attacking his argument *and* summing up the evidence (or lack of it) in 5,000 characters.

It's non-trivial.


You did not sent in a post for the Bob vs the World CHALLENGE, which had to be posted last monday? It's a pitty.

Am I the only one that went into a challenge with Mr. Bob Enyart on here? I could expect several people to be able to challenge the point of view of Bob Enyard, since many had done that in one or more posts.

Or are these people not sure of the vailidity of their own arguments?

I was not convinced to sent in a post, since the limitations of 5000 words, would realy not suffice to even explain in concept my point of view. So I had to leave out a whole bunch of topics, which were brought up here, and much of the arguments I had already used in the course of this discussion.

But I had expected that several other posts would have been sent in.

My argument can stand on itself, I think. Although it can not be expected that one post of 5000 words is enough to rebute the numerous arguments made by Bob in 9 posts. Since I had to focus on my own line of argument, I did not even attempt to discuss all his numerous pesudo-arguments. It is not very fruitfull to argue against such pseudo-scientific claims, since they do not reveal real problems of scientific knowledge, and can not be used to discredit all of scientific knowledge in total. These arguments therefore do not make his 'hypothesis' any more creditable.
It only adds to the confusion a lot of people already have when it comes down to hard science, and will contribute to further misunderstanding of scientific issues.

My argumentation therefore follows a totally different line of reasoning. I won't reveal the contents of the post, before it has been actually put on here as a contribution to the discussion.

I would want to take a real challenge, that is in the form of a fair discussion between me - reasoning from a materialist point of view - and a theist,when both are offered the same amount of time and length, and some discussion techniques are agreed upon, to bring the discussion within some fair limits.
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New member

I sent in a post very, very early this morning (overrunning the deadline and word-count that knight and I had discussed), so we shall see whether he decides to file it "as is",, just go with your post, or whether he wants to cut it further. I had pmed him a couple of times last evening to find out what my hard stop was but didn't get a reply, so I just kept going until I was done.

I had an additional 4 pages of notes on Bob's evolutionary arguments but negative room to use them. If all else fails, we can have it out here.


New member
Originally posted by Flipper

I sent in a post very, very early this morning (overrunning the deadline and word-count that knight and I had discussed), so we shall see whether he decides to file it "as is",, just go with your post, or whether he wants to cut it further. I had pmed him a couple of times last evening to find out what my hard stop was but didn't get a reply, so I just kept going until I was done.

I had an additional 4 pages of notes on Bob's evolutionary arguments but negative room to use them. If all else fails, we can have it out here.

Well I saw the announcement on friday evenining, e-mailed Kninght I would take the challenge and provided a full post by saturday even, 2 days before the dead-line.

And I am happy I did that so early, since it turned out my internet provider had some problems, so I could not go online last coupld of days, and has to use someone else's connection instead.


New member

What will happen to the FINAL contribition?

Will that be a merge of all posts that were sent in (yours and mine?) also having a limit of 5000 words?

Or will there simply be two seperate (lined up into one post) posts, so that the arguments can stand on it's own?


New member
Originally posted by ex_fundy
I didn't feel it would be appropriate for a non-Atheist to argue for Atheism .
Why would you want to do that?
You seem a little conflicted, ex_fundy. Do you know which side you are on?

While we are on the subject, you appear to reject fundamentalism, but do you reject Jesus too? Who is Jesus to you?


New member
Originally posted by Corky the Cat
You crack me up coffee, only not in quite the same way that Bob Enyart implies...

ducks and waits for the curse of eternal hell



Hey Cork, you don't have to wait for that...that curse has been nullified at the cross of Jesus Christ. That's why this whole web site is here and even why we all are having these discussions. Even if you reject me or other Christians big deal...but why someone would reject a free offer of eternal life? If one doesn't go through the Cross then the curse remains and I'm betting you will chose life one day.




New member
Originally posted by LightSon Why would you want to do that? You seem a little conflicted, ex_fundy. Do you know which side you are on?
I'm not on anyones side. I merely post to add perspective to discussions pertaining to the pursuit of truth. So you might say I'm on the side of truth vs. dogmatism (whichever side it comes from).

While we are on the subject, you appear to reject fundamentalism, but do you reject Jesus too? Who is Jesus to you?
I reject the deification of Jesus that was done by a politically powerful subset of followers during the early centuries of Christianity. But much of Jesus reported teaching definitely still has value in my life.
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