Cops: We work for God
Cops: We work for God
- Posted by Freak
Sheepdog, I must warn you:
- Det. Again is a hot head and
- he will arrest you if you are not careful. :shocked:
Oh brother! We need a reality check here! :doh:
Posted by Dee Dee Warren
Ubelievable. Hi wall.... bang, bang, bang, bang.
Dee Dee, please step aside. I need to use that wall that you are using.
I go through stuff like this all the time. People find out that I’m a cop and then they treat me differently thereafter. It is soooo straaaange. People often judge the badge and not the person behind it.
Yesterday, I pulled over a guy for drinking a beer while driving. I saw it with my own eyes. He unscrewed the beer cap and took a swig. He wasn’t drunk and prior to stopping him I decided
- Not to arrest or ticket him.
- To just make him ”pour it out” and then cut him loose.
- I was going to give him a break.

After stopping him
- He hands the beer to the passenger.
- He refuses to retrieve the beer and give it to me.

- He denies drinking from it or holding it.
- He says that it belongs to his passenger and that it’s legal for a passenger to have an open container of liquor. (It is actually illegal
- He makes a blanket, sweeping statement ”You guys (cops) think you’re reeeally something.”
Aw yes, I’m used to those blanket sweeping statements that are inclusive of all cops. Keep it up, Jay Bartlett
(aka Freak).
Yes, I am a man of power. People do exactly what I tell them and they oftentimes don’t like it. When I say “go” then people go. When I say “come” then people come. Most people don’t mind authority. I have found that those who resist the power are either crooked or are not very smart. The dumb ones seem to be characterized by a spirit of obstinancy.
Romans chapter 13 grants a police officer his authority which, by the way, is from God Himself. We work for God.