I'm starting this thread to communicate a basic understanding of Faith to new members and guests. Many are passing through in an attempt to learn something about Faith and how it's applied. It is my hope that through this effort, true, NT, saving Faith, may be rediscovered for the ones God is calling out.
There are two very important words in the Greek language, one is the Greek word "Pistis", the noun which is translated "Faith" in English, and used 244 times in the NT Scriptures. Being a noun, it highlights a person, place, or thing.
The second very important word for Faith is the Greek word "pisteuo". Pisteuo is the verb form of the noun Faith. This word pisteuo is used 248 times in the Greek texts, namely the NT. This word is a verb which is an action word. Pisteuo, is an act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. This definition of pisteuo does not define the precise act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence, that would result in becoming "in Christ." I'l explain what that specific act is as the thread progresses.
To start this understanding about Faith and faithing, it extremely important to know that when the translators were translating the Greek texts into English, the English language had no word for the translators to use to translate Pisteuo, the verb form of Faith. Thats right, the English language doesn't have a word for the verb form of Faith. This Greek word "pisteuo" could be the most important word the world has ever known , to us desiring to follow Christ.
Normally, to take a noun to a verb in English, we would just add the correct endings. The words the English should have had for the translators are faithe, faither, and faithing. But those are not words that are in the English language. So you could just put yourself in the translators shoes, and sense the gravity of getting the translation of this word pisteuo correct.
I don't know how long they must have searched for the best word available, but they decided to use the words believe, believer, and believing. Now remember, faith is an act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. Belief in any way shape or form is only a part of the true meaning of faith. Taken by it's own meaning is an error of epic proportions.
And that is exactly what we have in todays churches. This mistranslation of pisteuo has derailed the true definition of this word pisteuo. The true definition of pisteuo in the strongs Greek dictionary is, "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded and place confidence in. Trust, reliance upon , not mere credence, commit unto, be committed unto."
Although the Strongs warns us, pisteuo does not mean to just believe, it's definition of pisteuo does not define the specific act of trust, reliance upon, be committed unto. But the Vines does.
The Vines Greek dictionary defines pisteuo as , "A personal surrender to Him, and a conduct inspired by such surrender." Now remember this definition is what should be communicated every time, instead of the mistranslated words believe, believer, and believing . 248 times this mistranslation has occurred in the NT.
I realize that 99.9 % of the bible teachers out there are teaching exactly what is written in their bibles, but whats written is wrong. Nothing will result in just "believing" in Jesus.
The OT had to pictorial words for Faith in Hebrew.
One , was to running to the shelter of a mother birds wings. emphasis on the continual running.
And two, To lean on a staff. emphasis on the continual leaning on the staff, with all your weight behind it. Nothing left back.
The continual surrendering of our lives to Him, and a life inspired by that surrender is NT saving faith. And it has been lost to time and history. May God leed us back to the narrow path.
There are two very important words in the Greek language, one is the Greek word "Pistis", the noun which is translated "Faith" in English, and used 244 times in the NT Scriptures. Being a noun, it highlights a person, place, or thing.
The second very important word for Faith is the Greek word "pisteuo". Pisteuo is the verb form of the noun Faith. This word pisteuo is used 248 times in the Greek texts, namely the NT. This word is a verb which is an action word. Pisteuo, is an act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. This definition of pisteuo does not define the precise act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence, that would result in becoming "in Christ." I'l explain what that specific act is as the thread progresses.
To start this understanding about Faith and faithing, it extremely important to know that when the translators were translating the Greek texts into English, the English language had no word for the translators to use to translate Pisteuo, the verb form of Faith. Thats right, the English language doesn't have a word for the verb form of Faith. This Greek word "pisteuo" could be the most important word the world has ever known , to us desiring to follow Christ.
Normally, to take a noun to a verb in English, we would just add the correct endings. The words the English should have had for the translators are faithe, faither, and faithing. But those are not words that are in the English language. So you could just put yourself in the translators shoes, and sense the gravity of getting the translation of this word pisteuo correct.
I don't know how long they must have searched for the best word available, but they decided to use the words believe, believer, and believing. Now remember, faith is an act, based upon a belief, sustained by confidence. Belief in any way shape or form is only a part of the true meaning of faith. Taken by it's own meaning is an error of epic proportions.
And that is exactly what we have in todays churches. This mistranslation of pisteuo has derailed the true definition of this word pisteuo. The true definition of pisteuo in the strongs Greek dictionary is, "Pisteuo means not just to believe, but to be persuaded and place confidence in. Trust, reliance upon , not mere credence, commit unto, be committed unto."
Although the Strongs warns us, pisteuo does not mean to just believe, it's definition of pisteuo does not define the specific act of trust, reliance upon, be committed unto. But the Vines does.
The Vines Greek dictionary defines pisteuo as , "A personal surrender to Him, and a conduct inspired by such surrender." Now remember this definition is what should be communicated every time, instead of the mistranslated words believe, believer, and believing . 248 times this mistranslation has occurred in the NT.
I realize that 99.9 % of the bible teachers out there are teaching exactly what is written in their bibles, but whats written is wrong. Nothing will result in just "believing" in Jesus.
The OT had to pictorial words for Faith in Hebrew.
One , was to running to the shelter of a mother birds wings. emphasis on the continual running.
And two, To lean on a staff. emphasis on the continual leaning on the staff, with all your weight behind it. Nothing left back.
The continual surrendering of our lives to Him, and a life inspired by that surrender is NT saving faith. And it has been lost to time and history. May God leed us back to the narrow path.
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