ECT Baptism


New member
What there is biblical support for is that The early church water baptized and Paul baptized a few and others baptized while with Paul. He says so himself. So where in the Bible does it say to no longer do it?

The scripture you are referring to does not infer that Paul was having other people do his baptisms for him.... as that would STILL have caused the same issues that caused him to stop baptizing people personally.


Well-known member
That is going a bit far don't you think? We are never told to walk on water and those other gifts were for signs during the early Church, which Paul, you know, did those things too. They have ceased, in that manner anyway. I know God is able and does miracles today, but not through the likes of a Benny Hinn or Countless other money hungry so called faith healers. The only gifts that we have today are faith, hope, charity and the greatest is charity (love). Baptism by water was done by the early church and by Paul and others, it was never in scripture said to cease. If so please show me the verse so I can say I am wrong.

Hi , and here is that verse ,but will you believe it , NEVER !!

It is in 1 Cor 13:8 and tongues will CEASE , for Phophecies , tongues and Knowledge will all CEASE , as it is BABY or INFANT TOYS !!:chuckle::chuckle:



Hi , and here is that verse ,but will you believe it , NEVER !!

It is in 1 Cor 13:8 and tongues will CEASE , for Phophecies , tongues and Knowledge will all CEASE , as it is BABY or INFANT TOYS !!:chuckle::chuckle:


I do understand that. Those things have ceased but love never fails.