You did, huh?
Well, not so much, if it is called for, and it is not said over and over again.
Those I have called pigs, it was never a personal attack, not really ?
how are we going to know when it is personal?
You did, huh?
Well, not so much, if it is called for, and it is not said over and over again.
Those I have called pigs, it was never a personal attack, not really ?
Name calling first. Then marginalization. Then railroad cars headed for the camps.Mt 12:36opcorn:
As a reminder aikido7 is number 45 on Satan, Inc. (TOL Heretics list) in "The 'Jesus is not God' people (Non-trinitarians) category. :burnlib:
Name calling first. Then marginalization. Then railroad cars headed for the camps.
Good point. What's your stance on abortion again?Name calling first. Then marginalization. Then railroad cars headed for the camps.
We should learn from history. But we continually fail at it.
Anyone who has hurt feelings needs to stand up and be accountable for the fact. Otherwise they will be forever running around suffering in silence.And I'm not mean, but they say I am. You just can't care what people say. The old saying, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me" used to be believed. Now, it's become the land of hurt feelings. Everyone hurts everyone's feelings....woe is me. It's gone so far that it's against the law to hurt someone's feelings. We're silenced for fear someone's feelings will be hurt. Bunch of babies.....
how are we going to know when it is personal?
What did you find was good about it?Good point.
I personally abhor it.What's your stance on abortion again?
:think:I was banned for a few days for "Intentional blasphemy " ... I meant no blasphemy .
I wasn't disrespectful to anyone , didn't call anyone names ...
Perhaps "monstrously evil - evil being" wasn't meant as a personal slam?I'm not a Christian and have never believed what the Bible says about homosexuality . To me, the notion that God would send people to hell ... if ...true, [makes] God... monstrously evil ...I would never ...have anything to do with such an evil being or be in heaven, assuming it exists at all .
... not innocent gay people who had never harmed anyone, which is true of the vast majority of them.
I'm surprised you have to ask. I agree that we should be careful about dehumanizing others. History is full of horrors that stand as lessons why.What did you find was good about it?
Haven't I seen you argue from the pro-abortion side, citing the unborn child is, at a certain point, not human? It fits the profile.I personally abhor it.
Perhaps "monstrously evil - evil being" wasn't meant as a personal slam?
Yes. I was further looking into the actual post that earned that infraction in the first place. This was it.This is from the old post right?
The Bible says homosexuality is an "abomination ". Well, it also calls eating pork and shellfish an abomination , as well as working on the Sabbath , cutting your hair and having tattoos, among other things .
But I have yet to see any Christians protesting at a Red Lobster restaurant and demanding the government shut this restaurant chain down .
Football players use footballs made out of pig skin . OMG ! It's an abomination to touch a pig !!! This includes devout evangelical Christian football player Tim Tebow ! Yikes !!!
Having sexual relations with the same sex cannot be compared to working on the Sabbath or eating lobster. Why? Because the latter two were regulations given to the Jews for a particular purpose, and the former is against the eternal law of God, and a violation of man's nature as God created him.
Here's how it works around here.Musterion, I'm not "whining" , just talking about being unfairly banned .
Name calling first. Then marginalization. Then railroad cars headed for the camps.
We should learn from history. But we continually fail at it.
Anyone who has hurt feelings needs to stand up and be accountable for the fact. Otherwise they will be forever running around suffering in silence.
Here's how it works around here.
II hope you won't let them bait you into responding to them in kind. Because they know you'll get banned for it and they won't.
Stand up and "be accountable" for hurt feelings? Really? So, they should just admit they were dumb to get their feelings hurt and get on with life. Yes, that would be a good plan.