
My point is simple, Peter did not subscribe to the theory of being a lord over Jesus' flock, which Jesus forbid his disciples from doing.
But Jesus called them to Himself and said, "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you..." (Matthew 20:25-26)​
And it is not so among the Catholic Church. It is however, so, among many rebellious and arrogant splinters of the genuine original Church. Even to this day, where quote-unquote "pastors," "apostles," and "prophets" "lord it over" their flocks.

Jim Jones' thing down there just being one of the more infamous examples.


Are you saying the pope does not exercise authority over his church group?
Definitely. Not in the way that is meant in Matthew 20:25-26. The Holy See exercises authority over the bishops, priests, deacons and religious. And the Holy See authoritatively teaches the Church in all matters of faith, doctrine and morals.


New member
Definitely. Not in the way that is meant in Matthew 20:25-26. The Holy See exercises authority over the bishops, priests, deacons and religious. And the Holy See authoritatively teaches the Church in all matters of faith, doctrine and morals.

And does this holy chair regard all Christians as priests of God and Jesus Christ?

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Antecedent and external factors influence the agent but cannot determine the agent insofar as the agent is self-determining. The ultimate cause and explanation for a free agent's behavior goes back to the agent, no further. (so God cannot be blamed for sin and evil and we are morally culpable vs deterministic views that impugn His holy character).

Sometimes I couldn't figure out what 'rulz is even saying. I think this was his rejection of Romans 5:18.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
You are undermining His finished work (Hebrews shows the superiority of New/reality in Christ over Old/shadows and types) by suggesting there is a temporary 'Jewish/circ' gospel before Paul. Keeping the Law after the Lamb of God sheds His blood is nonsense and futile, even for Jewish Christians. The dividing wall is down because of the cross and there is nothing needed for Jew/Gentile to be one in Christ based on the one true NT gospel. Two gospel theories are not biblical post-cross. MAD confuses eschatological/covenantal issues and soteriological issues. If this sounds robotic, so be it. I will keep pounding away this basic truth till you guys wake up and smell the coffee.

And right here he was rejecting Galatians 2:7

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I was a 12 until Jubal Foster lent me a toe stretching contraption. Now I'm a 13.

Oh, you're a regular Rip Taylor, ain't ya, Mayor? Why don't you head on down to your local Ben Weaver's Department store, visit the shoe department, and put peanut butter and jelly in the women's high heel shoes? I bet you and your "pushy" local "curb side Bert" would get a few chuckles out of that, wouldn't you, Mayor?

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Oh, you're a regular Rip Taylor, ain't ya, Mayor? Why don't you head on down to your local Ben Weaver's Department store, visit the shoe department, and put peanut butter and jelly in the women's high heel shoes? I bet you and your "pushy" local "curb side Bert" would get a few chuckles out of that, wouldn't you, Mayor?

Why don't you and Jim Lindsey take his little red sports car up to Raleigh, get a room at the Dew Drop Inn, and chase Daphne types around town? You Breenites are all about the flesh.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Why don't you and Jim Lindsey take his little red sports car up to Raleigh, get a room at the Dew Drop Inn, and chase Daphne types around town? You Breenites are all about the flesh.
You're jaw muslces are workin', Mayor.And that fancy red car was repossessed. Anyone riding shut gun with me will be in a purple Gremlin.


New member
Well, now that the "Two-Gospel" schismatics have monopolized this thread---and have clearly stated the opinions that they've been taught by their chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s)---perhaps we can hear from someone who is interested in engaging with the actual content of the OP. :yawn:

SaulToPaul 2

Well-known member
Well, now that the "Two-Gospel" schismatics have monopolized this thread---and have clearly stated the opinions that they've been taught by their chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s)---perhaps we can hear from someone who is interested in engaging with the actual content of the OP. :yawn:


So pompous.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Well, now that the "Two-Gospel" schismatics have monopolized this thread---and have clearly stated the opinions that they've been taught by their chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect(s)---perhaps we can hear from someone who is interested in engaging with the actual content of the OP. :yawn:

Translated: There is only one piece of good news in the bible, not 2, 3, 4. 5...............pieces of good news(satanic), or the Roman shill is clueless as to the meaning of the word,"gospel"-no other option.

I know, I know......See here.............
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New member
We don't have Apostles, we have bishops. The bishops are not Apostles but bishops were the Apostles' idea, and we know that therefore bishops are the Lord's idea, because He chose and commissioned His Apostles.

There is no office of bishop in the New Testament Hebrew or Greek... Bishop is a bad English translation.

The New Testament talks about a plethora of elders which have different temporal gifts and ways to test them and determine their fitness for the position. Not a single Pope, Cardinal, Bishop or Priest passes the tests outlined in the New Testament for an eldership (presbyter) position.


New member
There is no office of bishop in the New Testament Hebrew or Greek... Bishop is a bad English translation. The New Testament talks about a plethora of elders which have different temporal gifts and ways to test them and determine their fitness for the position. Not a single Pope, Cardinal, Bishop or Priest passes the tests outlined in the New Testament for an eldership (presbyter) position.
Once again, the opinions that you have been fed by your chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect are noted. :yawn:

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Once again, the opinions that you have been fed by your chosen recently-invented, man-made non-Catholic sect are noted. :yawn:

=word for word spam, for the 666th time, in the last 6 months, from this RCO shill/stooge, that says NADA.


New member
There was a church in England 600 years before the Cafflicks arrived

The Catholics arrived in 597 AD, so 600 years before that is, err, um … ? The first Christian churches were probably built in the 3rd or 4th centuries, and Christians were in serious decline to paganism when the Romans left a century later. Catholicism reinvigorated and saved English Christianity.