Excuse me, but why should I give him a break? Does he deserve one? In what way? I don't think that he deserves a break because he doesn't show the fruits of a christian...
First, it's
Christian. Second, get some glasses. I said "Give
me a break."

Which, FYI, is a well known slang phrase.
He is insulting [ look at the names he has called me], he has insulted my intelligence [so what, that I am not the smartest cookie in the jar, I still have balls enough to play, and to play fairly]...You show me chapter and verse where Jesus did the same thing as that in the same context, and I will back off. K?
Interesting, everything you accuse him of doing you are guilty of yourself.
Excuse me???? are you saying that we are not allowed to judge what type of character another human being is??? Are you saying that the evidence that a person puts out is not enough to judge a person?
Admiral_deception, Mind showing me where I said
any of that?
But you do have the right to judge fruit of the individual as to whether it is good or bad or non-existant fruit...
Tell me, have you held that view long?
On 30th of June, 2002 in the year of our Lord at 0958 hours you said the following, and I quote:
Tell me, what right do Christians have to "judge others"
That was said
here if you want to go back and edit it.

FYI: I have saved a copy of this page so that even if you do edit it, you won't escape.
The fruit of the spirit that Jesus was refering to is found in Gal. 5:22. But the fruit that I find that Goose is continously putting out is found in verse 20.
V20:"Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies..."
Idolatry: I don't see him worshipping flase gods.
Witchcraft: I don't see him casting spells
Hatred: I don't see any hate. In fact I see the opposite, someone who loves enough to point out the truth.
Variance: Don't see any of that?
Emulations: None of that...
Wrath: None of that...
Strife: It is you, my friend, that is causing this.
Seditions: None of that...
Heresies: You have yet to find a place of scripture that goose contradicts.
Perhaps you could narrow it down?
Jesus said that there were 3 types of trees...ones that gave fruit, fruit that refreshes the soul, 2] bad fruit, one's that are spoiled and no good to eat....3] lots of folage, but no fruit...
You tell me, Cisme, what type of fruit does Goose exhibit?
[sarcasm]You're such a great judge and know so much more than I, you tell me.[/sarcasm]