i think it's misinterpretation. i agree with Paul's writings and don't seem to have the problems others do. i'm not real clear on the dispute here:cigar:
Gotta admit I'm surprised no one will admit to poll options 4 and 6 (which are really the same thing).
This thread was created with you in mind, among others. It's fine you joked along with the poll, but the floor is yours.
Your question can be taken two ways. I will attempt to answer both possible meanings.So I would ask plainly in a yes or no answer, does MAD hold that through all dispensations that all men are saved through the finished work at the cross?
Your question can be taken two ways. I will attempt to answer both possible meanings.
If you mean "Were all who were made right with God before the Cross made right with Him by looking forward to the Cross?" as many today believe they were? That is, were they saved by a knowledge that the Christ would die for their sins, much less the sins of all the world? The answer from Scripture appears to be "No, they weren't." That God would ultimately redeem was not a secret. The question was HOW it would be done. So as I posted to you last night, Paul said the fact that Christ died for the sins of the whole world without distinction (what he purposely called "his Gospel") was an aspect of Messiah kept secret in God until it was revealed to and through Paul. Not only did no one before Paul know that the Cross would accomplish all that WE know it did; they also did not know that the Cross would circumvent God's long-prophesied use of a nation of priests (redeemed Israel) to reach the world. Prior to Paul's being told, NOBODY had a clue of all that happened and how it happened...they'd probably have punched in the mouth or stoned to death anyone who dared suggest it. That, I believe, is why Peter said Paul's revelation contained things "hard to be understood." It makes perfect sense for Peter to say that in light of the revelation of the mystery. You and others can deny or ignore it all you want and make Peter out to have known something that God's Word shows he did not know. MAD simply takes the Scriptures as they're found and, in so doing, honor and glorify God and His Word. If you want to fault us for that, feel free. We'll see you at the Bema.
If, on the other hand, your question is, "Was the Cross ultimately God's basis for forgiveness and redemption going as far back as Adam and Eve?" the answer to that question appears to be "yes, it was." They just didn't KNOW it, despite our now being able to see it foreshadowed throughout the O.T. Hence the caution you received against backfilling later revelation into periods before it was ever given.
I hope that helps clarify what you want clarified.
If any other MAD finds my answer inadequate (and I'm afraid it is) feel free to correct me on any point.
Gotta admit I'm surprised no one will admit to poll options 4 and 6 (which are really the same thing).
Oh you were funnin' alright! You're a real scream! You oughta get a job on one of them pleasure boats.
John W has never been mean to me specifically, but causes me to cry on occasion.
And johnw isn't mean, he's just a left-over flower child with mommy issues or sumptink.
,... but yous guyers ...
It actually IS law (anarthrous nomos). That's part of the problem.
It's just Neo-Judaism with a different Talmud, but yous guyers are blind to it. Same veil.
Hope presuming to be faith.
Most, if not all, mainstreamers or organizations put Paul on the same level as Christ.
MAD disregard Jesus' word, period.
Your question can be taken two ways. I will attempt to answer both possible meanings.
If you mean "Were all who were made right with God before the Cross made right with Him by looking forward to the Cross?" as many today believe they were? That is, were they saved by a knowledge that the Christ would die for their sins, much less the sins of all the world? The answer from Scripture appears to be "No, they weren't." That God would ultimately redeem was not a secret. The question was HOW it would be done. So as I posted to you last night, Paul said the fact that Christ died for the sins of the whole world without distinction (what he purposely called "his Gospel") was an aspect of Messiah kept secret in God until it was revealed to and through Paul. Not only did no one before Paul know that the Cross would accomplish all that WE know it did; they also did not know that the Cross would circumvent God's long-prophesied use of a nation of priests (redeemed Israel) to reach the world. Prior to Paul's being told, NOBODY had a clue of all that happened and how it happened...they'd probably have punched in the mouth or stoned to death anyone who dared suggest it. That, I believe, is why Peter said Paul's revelation contained things "hard to be understood." It makes perfect sense for Peter to say that in light of the revelation of the mystery and God's complete deactivation of Israel and her Kingdom gospel. You and others can deny or ignore it all you want. You can attempt to make Peter out to have known something that God's Word says he DID NOT and COULD NOT have known. Have fun with that. MAD simply takes the Scriptures as they're found and, in so doing, honor and glorify God and His Word. If you want to fault us for that, feel free. We'll see you at the Bema.
If, on the other hand, your question is, "Was the Cross ultimately God's basis for forgiveness and redemption going as far back as Adam and Eve?" the answer to that question appears to be "yes, it was." They just didn't know it, despite our NOW being able to see it foreshadowed throughout the O.T. Hence the caution you received against backfilling later revelation into periods before it was ever given: that is a form of the wresting of God's Word that Peter warned against.
I hope that helps clarify what you want clarified.
If any other MAD finds my answer inadequate (and I'm afraid it is) feel free to correct me on any point.
Great. Thanks for the answer. That appears to me the same view as mine. That although they didn't know it at the time, they were given a different message (veiled through types and rituals), It was ultimately the finished work at the cross that saved them, us and them to come.
I feel much better about the MAD view now. Although we do still disagree on when the church started and that the two are different. (the BoC and the Church)
But really the seemingly different gospels are not at all different gospels then as I see it. Now it depends on what you say is the gospel. You seem to be saying the message to them, which they had to follow was the gospel, or good news. I see that the gospel is not the message itself but the good news that Christ came or would come, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for the sin of the world and was raised by God to live forevermore. Which admittedly they did not know at the time, but God knew. Which that gospel, good news, is what I say has never changed. It was always the cross, is today the cross and will forever be the cross. So really I see us saying the same thing just in different ways. except that of the separation of the church.
Watchin' some of "The Best of Laverne and Shirley," on your beta max VCR, are you, Timothy?
Well articulated, terion of mus. Men/women have always been saved by faith; however, if you survey the book, it testifies that the content of faith, that the LORD God demanded, changed, as He progressively revealed His "Big Picture," so to speak. For eg., Noah knew more than Abraham, who knew more than ...................who knew more than than Adam and Eve .
The content of faith, that was requiredm, in Matthew-John, at least prior to the death, burial, resurrection(study the "good news" of 1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV)?:
Post #519
I agree. MAD still advocates a large portion of humanity can only hope and will only be saved by works. By blessing national Israel.
Yep. They'll tacitly agree to that much, usually, because they aren't bringing animal sacrifices. But when you show them from their own Bible that no one before Paul preached the death, burial and resurrection of Christ for the sin of all without distinction, without works (there's a reason Paul noted that) and without law, their knives come out. They WILL NOT tolerate it...as a Baptist once told me, "You're trying to take away my [water] baptism!"however, if you survey the book, it testifies that the content of faith, that the LORD God demanded, changed, as He progressively revealed His "Big Picture," so to speak.