attack fool.

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Hall of Fame
wickwoman said:
Here in the south we have a very friendly form of insult. I will demonstrate (note southern accent):

Well, bless your heart honey. You just don't have sense enough to come in out of the rain! I mean, your bread ain't baked darlin'.

It is assumed that anything that follows the term "bless your heart" will be somewhat insulting. In court, the judges use the term "with all due respect to counsel." That means that counsel is NOT going to be respected. But, southern judges have to say that. It's in the manual.

"With all due respect, fool, this thread is folly and meaningless, a seeking after wind."

See what I mean?
bless your heart


New member
Hasan_ibn_Sabah said:
Doc - You are the result of what happens when a lesser demon takes a baboon for wife, retarded childern laugh at you behind your back, you are so repugnant that even the village idiot will have nothing to do with you.



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Kind of like a barroom brawl. Two people start fighting, but soon the whole room is at each others' throats. An object lesson in this "way" of relating, dontcha think?


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Balder said:
Kind of like a barroom brawl. Two people start fighting, but soon the whole room is at each others' throats. An object lesson in this "way" of relating, dontcha think?

Oh shut up you Buddhist freak! ;)


New member
Balder said:
And the little lamby grinned, and behold! He had fangs dripping saliva and blood...

On that day you will thirst for the blood and saliva of angry lambs you illegitimate (spelling?) son of a swamp adder!
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New member
balder - when your mother isn't scartching the fleas out of her mangey hide, she is busy coupling like a she-dog with miscreants so repugnant that demons from Hell vomit whenever they see them. To this day no one knows truly who your fathers is, but the nieghbors are placing bets on the village cheesemaker
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Hall of Fame
Hasan seems to have somthing against cheese.
maybe he is the son of a cheese maker.
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