Atheists, do you hope you're right?


Well-known member
I'm wondering if she truly isn't aware of just how dumb such tactics actually are. Maybe I should be more charitable then?

Generally with people like her I will give a wide berth for their poorly kept sailboat. I am usually of the attitude "There but for the grace of God go I". But when I see their boat so poorly navigated or steered that it might hit my boat or another, I am certainly going to take the liberty to bring that to their attention and all the others around us on the water.


Well-known member
Good question, but somewhat context specific perhaps.

Agreed. So then can we also say "There is no accounting for taste"? I might like scuba diving, while you might like golf.

My only problem is with people that seem to make avoiding reality their favorite hobby. In my estimation a thorough philosophical analysis can raise some red flags which can serve as a caution for this behavior.


New member
Agreed. So then can we also say "There is no accounting for taste"? I might like scuba diving, while you might like golf.
I've been a scuba diver in my past, but I tend to agree that golf is a good walk ruined. :plain:

My only problem is with people that seem to make avoiding reality their favorite hobby. In my estimation a thorough philosophical analysis can raise some red flags which can serve as a caution for this behavior.
Some people seem to have already presupposed a "reality" that reality itself cannot be allowed to interfere with.


Well-known member
I have studied other religions as well and none teach the love between us and our Father, whose image we are made in....

Study further- you are apparently still ignorant. For starters- read the Old Testament. If that is too hard, try watching "Fiddler on the Roof", then tell us what Tevye's relationship with God was like.

By the way, I hope that my wife won't burn supper, since I often end up washing the pot.


I am pretty sure they hope to GOD that God doesn't exist

:chuckle: They know he exists: :Shimei: internal testimony (Ro 2:15), external testimony (Ps 19:1) scriptures (Jas 1:18). They are without excuse (Ro 1:20). There aren't too many fools around here (Ps 53:1). They hate him (Jn 3:20). Most can't even bring themselves to consider answering honesty. How can they? I'm under God's wrath (Jn 3:36)--and I hope he exists (Re 6:15–17).


New member
:chuckle: They know he exists: :Shimei: internal testimony (Ro 2:15), external testimony (Ps 19:1) scriptures (Jas 1:18). They are without excuse (Ro 1:20). There aren't too many fools around here (Ps 53:1). They hate him (Jn 3:20). Most can't even bring themselves to consider answering honesty. How can they? I'm under God's wrath (Jn 3:36)--and I hope he exists (Re 6:15–17).
Talking of honesty here, I honestly believe that some ancient guy called Paul was in no way an authority on what I know and nor, in all honesty, are you. :nono:


Well-known member
Talking of honesty here, I honestly believe that some ancient guy called Paul was in no way an authority on what I know and nor, in all honesty, are you. :nono:

Another example of a deluded person sacrificing accuracy for the illusion of certainty.


Well-known member
Only you are an authority on you. That seems quite limiting....

What are you suggesting? That one human being is somehow an authority on another human being, simply by virtue of their claimed theological beliefs.

From my experience I can judge other peoples actions and that perhaps gives me some insight into their beliefs. I can also see/hear if all their words are in line as well as their actions to see if they are honest and have integrity. But other than that I think it goes beyond my human capabilities to claim I can read another persons mind.


Well-known member
Apart from me perhaps only a god would be an authority on me, but certainly not some guy called Paul nor SD. :nono:

Many Christians try to stay out of the paradox that their interpretation of scripture and the gospel logically entails. In their view on one hand the Bible claims that all humans have knowledge of God, but they also claim that you cannot have knowledge of God without reading and accepting their view of the Bible.


Well-known member
"Authority" as I see it is just a silly mammalian obsession that we can't seem to outgrow … like hunger an sex. It stems from our being social mammals that therefor need to establish a "pecking order" to maintain our social cohesion. I don't think it has anything to do with God or righteousness. And I think Christianity as a religion suffers greatly because of it's obsession with the idea. In fact, I would say it suffers 'terminally' from that obsession; as I believe that obsession will render it a dead religion someday, if it persists.


New member
"Authority" as I see it is just a silly mammalian obsession that we can't seem to outgrow … like hunger an sex. It stems from our being social mammals that therefor need to establish a "pecking order" to maintain our social cohesion. I don't think it has anything to do with God or righteousness. And I think Christianity as a religion suffers greatly because of it's obsession with the idea. In fact, I would say it suffers 'terminally' from that obsession; as I believe that obsession will render it a dead religion someday, if it persists.

Someday men shall not be persons to fear because of their great physical strength?


Well-known member
Someday men shall not be persons to fear because of their great physical strength?

Power should not mean fear, or an overriding fear that cannot be overcome with courage. Power without understanding is blind.

Intellectual strength far surpasses physical strength. If that were not the case, humans would not have colonized the world with such feeble bodies.

The problem with intellectual power is the lack of humility that often seduces people. Because an over bloated ego is actually a disadvantage as it blinds us from the reality around us. It actually takes humility to be rigorous in our research and accurate in our perceptions. This is a grave problem I see with many Christians. They have simply replaced the support for justifying their over bloated ego from what was once our human abilities to what they now claim as belief in God. They are still playing the same game of "believing their superiority means they can overlook some things, and how does one know what they can overlook?". They become isolated and weakened from living in their Ivory Tower. They mistake isolation for solitude, and they give up their intellectual power because they believe they have already found all the answers.

"A wise man learns more from a fool, than a fool learns from a wise man."