Lon, your logic is weakly framed and is just a version of the Kalam Cosmological Argument.
You draw the conclusion that something caused the universe to exist because one of your premises is that everything that came into existence had to have a cause. That is OK is your premise is indeed true, but why must it be true? If time is not a simple flow from past to future (and assuming that it is brings all sorts of problems in interpretation) then the idea of 'cause' in relation to the whole of space-time past and present, which could just 'exist'. This has been raised several times but you have yet to address it.
"Your" problem is that it doesn't require it to be shown in science, just that it is logically true, and it is. God 'logically' exists. This proves that. You are thinking with science constraints that you must be able to 'see' it. That simply isn't true. My proof is to show that atheism is untenable and I've done that clearly. You can try as you like, you'll never do any justice to dissonance. It is only your objection trying to assert itself blindly and as unfoundable skepticism. Agenda tends to be the reason for this. You should think about that. On top of that, William Lane Craig gave basically the
same proof I did so you are a bit out of your element to call it weakly framed.

lain: He's been given large accolades for this. I gave this proof in 1983. I'm sure I'm not original with it, that something I read lead to it, but I wrestled with it before coming up with the proof back then.
You then go on to conclude that this 'something' must be your personal God, but you haven't excluded the possibility of either a multitude of creator gods or none, so it is not a logical deduction, no matter how much you'd like it to be, just the weaker possibility.
:nono: You are illogically jumping to conclusion before it was ever given in evidence. Ask yourself, again, why
you did that. It is cognitive dissonance. Ask yourself why you insist a personal god doesn't exist at this point. No such proof was given. I'm merely saying that atheism is untenable and I've proven it in my proof set. In fact, you've said I am right so you are cognitively dissonant in your own thinking. IOW, you know I'm right on this point. Atheism is untenable.
Your pseudo-logic may convince you, but it isn't the faultless formal logic you think it is.
Yeah it is. I aced this part of philosophy, meaning I never made a bad logical proof set. FYI, this was one of them. "A" And this from an atheist professor :noway: This isn't appeal to authority btw. That's an amateur conclusion. It is an appeal to likelihood: A guy with a PhD who is employed to know this stuff vs a nonprofessional without the degree on the internet. It is likely he is the correct one. There is no appeal to convince you (misapplied fallacy). I'm not sure if you'd have done that, but it is incredibly arm-chair prevalent amateur assessment I see often on TOL. I'm not sure the fallacy, but it is nothing more than looking for an escape or an erroneous out.
Your conclusion must follow with certainty from the premises, and yours does not. The premises must be reliably grounded in reality, and yours are hopeful rather than definitively true.
It does: "If not A, then B where no C is apparent."
At the very least, it proves "Not A," and removes the objection of "Not B" where B is likely the only answer and logically the only tenable answer to the set. Your answer
should be "you are right, according to this, God could very well exist." Also, eliminating A also necessarily eliminates atheism "nothing" and leaves it untenable. Even though I aced this, the professor didn't stop being an atheist that I'm aware of but knowing a bit about his home-life, I'm pretty sure that was cognitive dissonance. He gave me the A afterall.