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:yawn:You misuse your mind to suppress the knowledge of Him and to deny Him, not to honestly seek Him. Because He has promised, and it is still true for you, that
Jeremiah 29:13
Matthew 7:7
Acts 17:27-28
2 Cor 5:20-21
:yawn:You misuse your mind to suppress the knowledge of Him and to deny Him, not to honestly seek Him. Because He has promised, and it is still true for you, that
Jeremiah 29:13
Matthew 7:7
Acts 17:27-28
2 Cor 5:20-21
I didn't know what?Exactly. saying you didn't know. :rapture:
I didn't know what?
:nono: It is kind of like instinct in that it seems intuited and common sense to be true, but you exercise belief it it every time you go to the store. Those pennies aren't really worth anything unless you believe it.Lon, 2+2=4 is an established provable fact, it is solid knowledge, no belief is required.
Actually, theoretical means proposition in this case. Once you theorize it, it is actual because it existed before you started. It is a property of the universe (2 dimensions within 3 dimensions) so you are incorrect. Whether you believe that does show a difference, but as I said, most often they are the same in that they necessarily coincide. It is kinda necessary, in school, to believe 2+2=4I believe that theoretical lines do not in actuality exist.
:nono: It is why you bundle up or not. Belief: 1. an acceptance that a statement is true or that something exists.The wind is also a testable fact and simply what happens when gas moves from A to B, again no belief is required.
That is the problem. There are reasons to believe God exists.I don't claim to know that no gods exist but I don't see any reason to believe any do.
Non-engaging. They speak for themselves and are genuine promises that if the one would seek God, He would be found. That's empirical. God does not insist on being found by the masses. Think instead of yawn or move on ignoring the post instead of marginalizing as if that is acceptable dialogue.:yawn:
#1 change your 'other to atheist' then.Again, it's fascinating to see how some Christians think quoting scripture to non-Christians is persuasive, never understanding that "The Bible says..." is as meaningful to us as "The Book of Mormon says..." is to them.
On the one hand I'm told that I already knew, but on the other I still need to be told about his God apparently.I think he means his invisible friend, who you must know about because musterion as told you all about it, and he should know since the whole thing resides in his imagination.
#1 change your 'other to atheist' then.
#2 God says...
#3 Again, buddy, you are on a "Christian" website
#5 It is not fascinating to me, because rejection, arrogance, and ineptly not knowing what 'kind' of website this is are readily available to answer what you find fascinating.
It is his way of caring concern. Me? I care but am mostly doing peanut gallery this thread.On the one hand I'm told that I already knew, but on the other I still need to be told about his God apparently.
Because scriptures bother you and are a waste of your time?Why?
:nono: A doctor or dentist can apply something to you that you have no idea about, but has the desired affect whether you know it or not. Your belief isn't necessarily required."God says" according to the Bible. Why you think that would be persuasive to non-Christians is a mystery.
Just because something is quoted, doesn't mean it isn't true. I don't find your 'quote' true. "Why'd you put it there if I think it's stupid" amounts to the same thing.That has non-Christians as members. So again, why do you think quoting Christian scripture would be persuasive to non-Christians?
If it supports a point. It depends if there is an actual god behind it, doesn't it? We all quote sources. It is, in fact, odd when the atheist throws out entire websites and portions when the quotes, however disdained, are given to convey meaning. If there is a promise of an actual god behind it, that ups the import and effect. He says they "can't" go out without doing what He desires. I don't know all He desires for effect, but it makes it important whether you or I know His agenda implicitly. IOW, an actual God intervenes at that point, to some desired effect. My guess? It is reminiscent of Moses, Pharaoh and 10 plagues. That Pharaoh was an atheist and a half. Probably still was when he died, but that's not the point of that story. He isn't part of the rest of the story.Is the Book of Mormon persuasive to you?
You are welcome :wazzup:Thanks for sharing.
I would like to think that a real god would be able to understand that I did in fact try to use the brain that you think God gave me and thus perhaps give me more brownie points than those who mindlessly adhered literally to ancient scriptures.
Because scriptures bother you and are a waste of your time?
A doctor or dentist can apply something to you that you have no idea about, but has the desired affect whether you know it or not. Your belief isn't necessarily required.
Just because something is quoted, doesn't mean it isn't true.
If it supports a point. It depends if there is an actual god behind it, doesn't it?
We all quote sources. It is, in fact, odd when the atheist throws out entire websites and portions when the quotes, however disdained, are given to convey meaning.
You obviously think so anyway.That is the problem. There are reasons to believe God exists.
Then please do present something specific that might be considered convincing to someone who doesn't simply regard a very specific ancient scripture as convincing evidence of itself.The reason you assume what you do there, is because you haven't yet been brought to your knees as all true believers have. I'd be very surprised if there were any among us who fault you for where you find yourself now....hoping for brownie points if it should turn out that we are right. I certainly can't fault you, because I was once in the same boat, myself.
It was actually those "ancient scriptures" that caused me to become curious about the Bible. The old prophecies about the last days to be specific. I wondered how something written so long ago could be so dead on to what I was witnessing with my own eyes in the world around me.
Now I look back and say like the blind man did when asked how it was that he was no longer blind...."I don't know, but once I was blind and now I see".
I believe the Lord is drawing you're here talking about God.![]()
Then please do present something specific that might be considered convincing to someone who doesn't simply regard a very specific ancient scripture as convincing evidence of itself.
3. Atheists believe that whatever you believe is wrong.
Then please do present something specific that might be considered convincing to someone who doesn't simply regard a very specific ancient scripture as convincing evidence of itself.
All forms of atheism, boiled down, are active beliefs that there is no God.
No, no, no, Musty don't tell me what I believe....Don't be a faith bully. Try and free yourself from your confining doctrines and embrace reality...atheism is, at the core, a rejection of religious belief....much like a rejection of the belief in leprechauns and fairies...get it?:rapture: