ECT At the cross...


Well-known member
So if the Israelites obeyed the law in the OT, great things were promised them here on earth...and if we obey God after Calvary, great things are promised in heaven? The passage in Hebrews speaks of making those who approach, perfect. Not those who approach obeying for reward. I still don't see how you've addressed what the sacrifice itself actually did.

God gave the law and God gave grace, each in their due time, to suit His good pleasure. Each performed the function of His intent. If you have a problem with that you might should take it up with Him.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
It has a very specific purpose. Assume no one chooses Christ.

Then God would be alone.

What did Calvary accomplish?

If all people ever, reject him, then it accomplished nothing. You seem confused. Salvation is a gift, to all. It isn't something you earn, it is not pre-appointed to anybody. The gift is free to all, at a very heavy price paid the Son.

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
I'm not sure what definition of "Christian" includes those who reject the death, burial and resurrection (much less one in which 9/10ths reject its central tenet!).

Those who say they are Christian, but are outside of Christ. That definition. Broad is the path to destruction. Narrow is the way to life. This refers to people trying to find life.

Cross Reference

New member
Then God would be alone.

If all people ever, reject him, then it accomplished nothing. You seem confused. Salvation is a gift, to all. It isn't something you earn, it is not pre-appointed to anybody. The gift is free to all, at a very heavy price paid the Son.

Salvation is a gift to those who ask for it and the righteous who have faith in God having never heard the gospel.

Why should anyone ask for it unless persuaded unto believing for it for themselves that it solve the issues they contend with within themselves, the hidden stuff?

God's Truth

New member
What was actually, really and practically accomplished at the cross? If no one was ever saved, what could be said that was vitally and practically accomplished on Calvary 2000 years ago?

When Jesus died on the cross, he shed his blood for the new covenant.


Well-known member
Then what was the purpose of the Old Covenant?

Hi and there many things that the CROSS accomplished !!

#1 In John 19:30 Jesus said " IT IS FINISHED " is in the Perfect Tense and it means that Jesus died for SINS , PAST , PRESENT and FUTURE and in the Passive Voice which means that God died for us and the Indicative Mood says it is a FACT >

One other point is that Jesus death PAID for all the 1600 years of Priestly sacrifices done under the Law of Moses in Heb 9:15 !!

There are many more points that He did !!

dan p