It's only an assault weapon if you are wearing assault clothing while using it.lain:
View attachment 21167
It's only an assault weapon if you are wearing assault clothing while using it.lain:
You should try reading what you write.
A militia is composed of able bodied men between 20 and 50 years old (give or take) who bring their own personal weapons to the battle field to fight for their State.
In a fight against an army, the militia would need to be able to match firepower with firepower.
when the liberals speak, it is like an assault weapon
The constitution of the United States established that the power of military force for the United States would reside in the militia maintained and commanded by each individual State.Could you explain what is highlighted in your post?
not an assault weapon?
The constitution of the United States established that the power of military force for the United States would reside in the militia maintained and commanded by each individual State.
"The Congress shall have Power To ...raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years....
i decided i was not against machine guns, etc because if the jihadists have them, we should, as you say match firepower for firepower
Could you explain what is highlighted in your post?
After 3 decades, the political pendulum has swung so far to the right that Reagan would now have been denounced as a Democrat.Ronald Reagan was long thought to be the most conservative of Republicans. And by any standard today he is the most popular Republican in modern history. Yet he
- raised taxes 11 times,
- supported a ban on assault rifles and the Brady Bill,
- which mandated background checks, and
- established amnesty for 3 million undocumented workers.
(Mark McKinnon)
No it doesn't. The bill of rights is about the people, not the governments of the states.
Yes, this is the DoD. Not a militia as told in the bill of rights for the people. The right to not have your free exercise of religion regulated. Same thing.
Are you suggesting that there can be no regulation on any of the Bill of Rights freedoms?
After 3 decades, the political pendulum has swung so far to the right that Reagan would now have been denounced as a Democrat.
Anyone with Reagan's record of raising taxes 11 times, supporting the Brady Bill, a ban on assault rifles, mandating background checks and an amnesty for undocumented workers would have been condemned by his fellow conservatives and booed off the stage!Hardly....
You seem to have missed an important part of what I said.
How many people who "bear arms" in the US today belong to a State Militia?
You are correct. Two points to bear in mind:
1. You wrote that it is their personal weapons. It is not clear from the amendment itself that that is what is meant.
2. How many people who "bear arms" in the US today belong to a State Militia?
You would see Militias pop up over night in America if there was a need. Minute Men are the general public.
We are talking about State Militia, not local vigilante groups.
Anyone with Reagan's record of raising taxes 11 times, supporting the Brady Bill, a ban on assault rifles, mandating background checks and an amnesty for undocumented workers would have been condemned by his fellow conservatives and booed off the stage!
The Constitutional Amendment on the matter mentions that people have the right to bear arms in order to be part of a militia controlled by an individual State (not the United States) so that individual State can remain a free State.
So, who is the enemy that the free State would fight against?
If it is a foreign enemy, then the militia would be called up by the President of the United States and assembled by each individual State.
If it is a domestic enemy, then it is one or more of the militias of the other individual States that make up the United States, or if the United States created a standing military force, it could be that military force of the United States that the militia is supposed to fight against.
A militia is composed of able bodied men between 20 and 50 years old (give or take) who bring their own personal weapons to the battle field to fight for their State.
In a fight against an army, the militia would need to be able to match firepower with firepower.
So the right to bear arms includes the right to use a sword, a handgun, a shotgun, a fully automatic machine gun, grenades, a rocket launcher, a tank, and even nuclear bombs.
Anything that infringes on the people of the United States from being able to personally own a nuclear bomb is a violation of the Constitutional Amendment.