Debate on the Trinity
Debate on the Trinity
Gavin, I can be patient. I too will be visiting family during that time, so that is convenient for me as well.
As far as "informal" debating goes, I have placed my argument before several interested Trinitarian friends (most of them Bible students) as well as discused the matter with some more established Trinitarians. I'm actually well versed in formal debate (six years speech and debate in middle school and high school; I was also the president for a time). I feel adequately prepared for a "Battle Royale" debate on the Trinity (as defined by the Athanasian Creed). All I lack is a firm understanding of the rules (I can obtain that well before January).
After careful consideration, I have found the Bible to teach that the Father alone is the one God of Israel (YHWH). His Son Jesus had no antenatal existence and was in fact a created being just as I am. In spite of his total humanity, Jesus was chosen by God before the foundation of the world to act as the teacher, the prophet, the high priest, the Davidic king, the savior, and the sacrifice. Jesus was God's plenipotentiary on earth (similar to the angel mentioned in Exodus 23:20-26). This means that Jesus, as God's representative, could act as God without being God (compare Ex. 3:2 with the rest of the passage). (NOTE: By quoting Exodus, I am only making a comparison between the angelic representatives of God and the Son of man as a representative of God- I am by no means equating Jesus with the angels referred to in such passages)
The Holy Spirit is God's mind and power at work. It is not a separate cognitive and conscious person.
This is my conclusion from my studies. In grace, BJ Brown