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You probably need the java plugin for your browser....Originally posted by Wamba the Fool
When I try to enter Truthsmack live it just shows a grey screen. Is there a reason for me being blocked? Do I need to install something? :liberals:
Define "us".Originally posted by harvestmoon
does God 'need' us?
Well.... God could have existed without us.... as He did for an eternity past before creation, but since God is a loving God... apparently He desired beings to love, and that could love Him back.Originally posted by harvestmoon
humans. existance. all of this. does god actually need us for anything, or does it all come down to him doing it out of love?
You are making a mockery of tootsieroll licking...well you are at least mocking somone!:thumb:Originally posted by Sozo
Depends on the individual licker.
God has predetermined the size and licking ability of every tongue, not to mention the saliva content and acidity. He, of course, must also set the day and time for each lick, and the exact temperature of the location of each elected licker. Not everyone licks, nor has everyone been chosen to lick. Only truly appointed lickers will ever know the joy of the center of a tootsiepop, and those who have been destined to be mere suckers can never share in their journey.
It wouldn't be very loving of God to keep us in the dark regarding if (of if not) we had a loving relationship.Originally posted by harvestmoon
id like to think me and god are real tight.
but i guess ill have to wait and see.
They all already are on a seperate forum....Originally posted by Clete Pfeiffer
I have a suggestion.
Could you put all the Battle Royale debates on a separate forum so that they are easier to find? Sort of a 'Hall of Fame' for the Battle Royales!
Why?Originally posted by Greywolf
Knight, is there any way to change the character limit in the input box in the chatroom?