Ask Knight (Archived)

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Knight, we should have a photo album place at this site of either user pictures or famous photos of Jesus paintings or anything religious or not or of science that could be a place where we can start discussions or threads or leave comments or post jokes or observations concerning pictures and then you could award out winners to the funniest or most insightful comments or questions or we could vote on it and all of this may encourage younger people to join this site. Or you could turn this site into YouTube. Oh, this is all a question, too, by the way. So, it's not off topic. This is me painting a picture about painting. What do you think?

Nathon Detroit

Knight, we should have a photo album place at this site of either user pictures or famous photos of Jesus paintings or anything religious or not or of science that could be a place where we can start discussions or threads or leave comments or post jokes or observations concerning pictures and then you could award out winners to the funniest or most insightful comments or questions or we could vote on it and all of this may encourage younger people to join this site. Or you could turn this site into YouTube. Oh, this is all a question, too, by the way. So, it's not off topic. This is me painting a picture about painting. What do you think?
We've had galleries in the past (we have user albums now - oh and premium members can attach images to threads and posts to start conversations about images), we've also tried live chats, music services, game arcades, heck we have done just about every trick in the book and most features only get used for a few days.

What we have found is our strength is our forums so that's what we focus on.


Knight, since this site is then good at being a forum, you could start a real magazine that could feature your favorite comments or threads onto that magazine which would either come out monthly online or in real life and you could sell it at stores or churches or mail it out to the gold subscribers or this site because that could motivate people to write better (not that they don't already do) and it could get more people to read what is wrote here.

Nathon Detroit

Knight, since this site is then good at being a forum, you could start a real magazine that could feature your favorite comments or threads onto that magazine which would either come out monthly online or in real life and you could sell it at stores or churches or mail it out to the gold subscribers or this site because that could motivate people to write better (not that they don't already do) and it could get more people to read what is wrote here.
We have considered something like that.

If I had more time... or if TOL were actually a way for me to make a living I would love to do something like that.


Knight, do you ever try teaming up with other churches, sites, denominations, religions, or something that could strengthen the mission behind TOL in order to make TOL more effective or bigger or better?

Nathon Detroit

Knight, do you ever try teaming up with other churches, sites, denominations, religions, or something that could strengthen the mission behind TOL in order to make TOL more effective or bigger or better?

I don't agree with most churches, pastors, evangelists, etc. so I wouldn't want to be beholden to any one ideology, theology or doctrine.

TOL is a little tent. A very.... little tent.


Knight, does that mean you do not approve the Billy Graham Crusades which featured an array of many different denominations which would all come together to help make it work, which made it a little confusing since the new converts had possibly too many options on where to go to church after that since they just got saved and here they are in a mist of so many walks of faith with each denomination or religion or church saying that they are better than everybody else?

Nathon Detroit

Knight, does that mean you do not approve the Billy Graham Crusades which featured an array of many different denominations which would all come together to help make it work, which made it a little confusing since the new converts had possibly too many options on where to go to church after that since they just got saved and here they are in a mist of so many walks of faith with each denomination or religion or church saying that they are better than everybody else?
I just don't like the hassle of dealing with other people who likely don't think the way I do.

I'm not saying other ministries are not worthy.... far from it. But that doesn't mean I want to work with them.


New member

I don't agree with most churches, pastors, evangelists, etc. so I wouldn't want to be beholden to any one ideology, theology or doctrine.

TOL is a little tent. A very.... little tent.

I pray that you will stay as you are.
Within it's openly stated parameters TOL is quite liberal and tolerant of respectful diversity.
Of course there are a few Twits who just have to push the parameter.
Oops! Did I say that? :D


The Dark Knight
Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
The system may already do that. But i'm not sure.
I know it hides the reps and associated comments one receives from someone they have on ignore, but it does not keep someone from clicking the button, etc. And I believe it still effects the rep power and points of the receiver.


Knight, can we have sharing options in order to share comments or threads or links from here, TOL, to Facebook, Myspace, or other social networks, or in order to update our status there from here, or something like that, you know, because most sites are doing that, or is that what the bookmarks do here at the bottom of each page at this site, or can we start TOL applications on Facebook too, or other places, or Youtube videos which can be posted here too, or maybe you should start a video podcast which I would watch, right?


I identify as a Christian
Staff member
Hall of Fame
Can we have the coding adjusted so that we can disable the repping of someone we place on ignore? There one guy out there that really abuses it.


New member
Hall of Fame
Good Knight:

Probably a silly question, but how do I make my POTD choice into a link in the original thread that takes a person to the POTD thread itself? (I'm sure that was as clear as mud.)

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Good Knight:
A little early for that, don't you think? :drum:

Probably a silly question, but how do I make my POTD choice into a link in the original thread that takes a person to the POTD thread itself? (I'm sure that was as clear as mud.)
Once you have a page you want someone to be able to go to you can either make a page or post link. Highlight and copy the entire www. line for the page and then imbed it by highlighting a word on the page where you're linking from and click the insert link icon (just below the ghostly white smiley face in the composition window) then paste that www address into the pop up window. Done. Or you can click on the top right post number and when that window comes up do the same thing to take people to the post alone instead of the thread. :eek:

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame
Have you seen the forums where you can post more often than every 45 seconds? It auto combines with your most recent post with a divider and time.
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