Ask Knight (Archived)

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New member
Am I allowed to vote on a poll in the Exclusively Christian Theology forum even though my affiliation is "Other"?

That depends.*

John Mortimer,
Why did you say things about me?
Were you just teasing?
Or do you believe you have had some bad prior experience with me?
Please answer.
It could seem cowardly to accuse me of bad to others publicly but then never face me and say what I did wrong.

*On Knight :chuckle:


Without going through the 5,000 posts to see if this question has already been asked, I'll go ahead and ask it:

Is saving "the atheist" a pet project of yours?

Nathon Detroit


The Graphite

New member
Perhaps there is such a creature already, but if not, I think it would be interesting (at least to me)...

Would it be possible to put an area on a person's profile that would allow them to make an extended description of their beliefs?

It is, of course, possible to discover how a person feels with regard to God and religion by reading a number of their posts, but I think it would be nice to go to their profile and read a statement of belief that they had created. They could talk about how they had found God (or how they had gone away from a belief in God, as the case may be) or why they don't believe in any kind of othernatural being. A testimony...whatever.

This would be optional for people to fill out, of course. Just a thought. :)
I wholeheartedly agree! I have long wished that we could have some kind of "statement of faith" in members' profile pages! It would often help prevent misunderstandings and generally help people understand where each other is coming from so we can be on the same page in discussions. :thumb:

Nathon Detroit

I wholeheartedly agree! I have long wished that we could have some kind of "statement of faith" in members' profile pages! It would often help prevent misunderstandings and generally help people understand where each other is coming from so we can be on the same page in discussions. :thumb:
What if.... we changed the "slogan motto" field to something like.... "A little about me"

Or something like that?

The Graphite

New member
What if.... we changed the "slogan motto" field to something like.... "A little about me"

Or something like that?

I don't mean something that's visible in your user info in each post you make. I just mean maybe one large paragraph worth that is visible only within the member's profile. You'd have to go into the member's profile to find it. Enough room to say something like...

Young-earth creationist, Open-Theist, Mid-Acts Dispensationalist, Pre-Trib, Theonomist, pro-life no exceptions, strict constitutional monarchist, anti-public school, politically independant, and Harry Potter is of the devil

For example. If you doubled that, it still wouldn't be a huge thing in the member's profile and would give anyone more than enough room to just state where they stand. :cool:

(Just kidding about Harry Potter, but I advise against it except for adult Christians who are mature in their faith.)

Nathon Detroit

I don't mean something that's visible in your user info in each post you make. I just mean maybe one large paragraph worth that is visible only within the member's profile.
OK, I added a field called... "A little more about me" it has an expanded 256 character limit and you can add your own in your user cp.

It will be viewable in the About Me section of every members user profile.

Give it a try.

The Graphite

New member
I have. Thanks! But, how many people even know about it to use it. Is the only reference to it in this one thread? Is an e-mail alert perhaps in order so people know it's there? Just thinking out loud. For example, the e-mail alert could say something like:

Have you ever been discussing, or debating, or just flat out arguing with someone at TOL, and wished you understood better exactly where they stand on various doctrinal or political issues? Now, you can let others know exactly where you stand, to avoid confusion and so everyone can be on the same page.

In your Control Panel, click on "Edit Your Details." At the bottom of the page is a place for you to state a short summary of your doctrinal and/or political positions. There's a 256 character limit, which should be more than enough. For example:

Young-earth creationist, pre-mil, mid-Trib, Acts-2 dispensational, Republican, pro-choice except rape/incest/life of the mother, pro-school voucher​


Atheist, humanist, politically moderate, pro-Obama, anti-war​

In your profile, avoid confusion by letting everyone know just where you stand, doctrinally and politically. In this way, we can make discussions and debates at TOL even more edifying and productive!

Nathon Detroit

I have. Thanks! But, how many people even know about it to use it. Is the only reference to it in this one thread? Is an e-mail alert perhaps in order so people know it's there? Just thinking out loud. For example, the e-mail alert could say something like:

Have you ever been discussing, or debating, or just flat out arguing with someone at TOL, and wished you understood better exactly where they stand on various doctrinal or political issues? Now, you can let others know exactly where you stand, to avoid confusion and so everyone can be on the same page.

In your Control Panel, click on "Edit Your Details." At the bottom of the page is a place for you to state a short summary of your doctrinal and/or political positions. There's a 256 character limit, which should be more than enough. For example:

Young-earth creationist, pre-mil, mid-Trib, Acts-2 dispensational, Republican, pro-choice except rape/incest/life of the mother, pro-school voucher​


Atheist, humanist, politically moderate, pro-Obama, anti-war​

In your profile, avoid confusion by letting everyone know just where you stand, doctrinally and politically. In this way, we can make discussions and debates at TOL even more edifying and productive!
I thought we might test it out before we announced it... but thanks for writing my copy for me in advance. :D
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