Ask Knight (Archived)

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New member
What I don't get is not necessarily relevant....

...but why do you not get that I need to know if I will get booted for such remarks?

Seems like its laissez-faire around here, which is fine with me (if I can work around the 'tude), but without it being stated in so many words, there's no way for me to tell where I stand.


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
What I don't get is not necessarily relevant....

...but why do you not get that I need to know if I will get booted for such remarks?

Seems like its laissez-faire around here, which is fine with me (if I can work around the 'tude), but without it being stated in so many words, there's no way for me to tell where I stand.

There was one poster not too long ago who began his TOL career by probing to find out the conditions under which he could get banned. He didn't last too long.

Just read the rules (here) and stick by them. It's that simple.

Nathon Detroit

What I don't get is not necessarily relevant....

...but why do you not get that I need to know if I will get booted for such remarks?

Seems like its laissez-faire around here, which is fine with me (if I can work around the 'tude), but without it being stated in so many words, there's no way for me to tell where I stand.
If you are going to insinuate that homosexuality is "ok" because Jesus took on all sin you will not be banned (you will be wrong, but you will not be banned).

If you are going to insinuate that during the time that Jesus took on sin He was temporarily a homosexual..... then you will be banned.

I hope that info helps you. Now please get over yourself already and get on with it.


New member

that's fine.

I just needed to know.

Unfortunately, what you refuse to accept - that Jesus can become something in order that that thing be seen to die - is the very thing your salvation is based on.

Knight died on the cross 1969 years ago and he died a homosexual, murderer, thief, any sinful title you care to name... in spirit, not in truth.

Sorry, but I feel the point of difference over this is too great to make possible posting here. If I can't relate to people on the basis of the cross, no matter what sin would stand between us were it not for Christ, then I can't be said to be loving them (and without that, I have nothing).


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame

that's fine.

I just needed to know.

Unfortunately, what you refuse to accept - that Jesus can become something in order that that thing be seen to die - is the very thing your salvation is based on.

Knight died on the cross 1969 years ago and he died a homosexual, murderer, thief, any sinful title you care to name... in spirit, not in truth.

Sorry, but I feel the point of difference over this is too great to make possible posting here. If I can't relate to people on the basis of the cross, no matter what sin would stand between us were it not for Christ, then I can't be said to be loving them (and without that, I have nothing).

"Knight died on the cross..." ??????

Wow! You should go catch up with elohiym. You and he will get along great, it sounds like.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Originally Posted by Godservant
Sorry, but I feel the point of difference over this is too great to make possible posting here.

Forgive me if I step away for a moment...

:plain: I am inconsolable.

Here it comes....

...wait for it...wait for it...


...okay, you'll just have to take my word for it then. I'm dying a little on the inside.


New member


i am new to this forum. can anyone tell me how to add my own avatar? it won't allow me to add one....perhaps it is just because i am new and it will take a while for everything to work properly....? thank you!

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
i am new to this forum. can anyone tell me how to add my own avatar? it won't allow me to add one....perhaps it is just because i am new and it will take a while for everything to work properly....? thank you!
Either subscribe or make the 50 post minimum to unlock a number of worthwhile toys, like the ability to send and receive private messages and see who is sending you rep... :thumb: I can't recall if independent avatars are reserved for subscribers...look around in the Newbie section or wait long enough and someone will probably link you to the section covering what each level of membership covers/allows.

And welcome to TOL. :e4e:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
This is peculiar...TOL appears to think I haven't posted since the 25th. I went to look at a post of mine that was rep'd form yesterday and was denied access...then I pulled up my own show all posts and nothing after the 25th was present.

'sup with that? :idunno:


New member
This is peculiar...TOL appears to think I haven't posted since the 25th. I went to look at a post of mine that was rep'd form yesterday and was denied access...then I pulled up my own show all posts and nothing after the 25th was present.

'sup with that? :idunno:

Didn't you hear? TOL has implemented new measures to cut down on intellectual narcissism. :plain:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame

I was starting to wonder how long it'd take you to catch that. I figured you just got distracted by something you had written previously...

:D's like I told a fellow once who mocked me for talking to myself, "I take intelligent conversation where I find it."


The Graphite

New member
I'm curious... I know one can buy a personal smilie that only you can use for $50 or so.... but how does one get a publicly-available smiley created in one's name? I see there are lots of smileys for TOL veterans. Just curious! :cool:

Nathon Detroit

I'm curious... I know one can buy a personal smilie that only you can use for $50 or so.... but how does one get a publicly-available smiley created in one's name? I see there are lots of smileys for TOL veterans. Just curious! :cool:
All the TOL smilies are available to any TOL member.

More info on smilies here.
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