Maybe something about their popularity instead?
Here are the current settings....
User makes liberals look conservative
User is a dripping leftist.
User is a limp wristed commie
User acts like a tree huggin' hippy
User is a left wing nut User must be a flaming liberal
User is possibly a commie
User reputation is quickly slipping
User can only hope to improve
User maybe a little shameless behaviour in the past
NEUTRAL (0 rep)
User is an unknown quantity at this point
User is becoming a TruthSmacker
User will become famous soon enough
User is great to be associated with
User is a jewel in the rough
User is a awesome friend to have
User is a TruthSmacker known to all
User smacks some serious truth
User says... mr. truth, meet mr. smack
User will smack you with truth
User makes all truthsmackers proud
User is a brilliant truthsmacker
User has a reputation beyond repute
User is a hall of fame truthsmacker
User is the perfect example of a TruthSmacker
User monster smacker!
User is an untouchable TruthSmacker
I am open for suggestions!