godrulz, post 2 of 2
You said
Ten people can prayerfully read certain verses or passages and come away with various conflicting understanding. Often the issue is resolved by checking a more accurate translation or the original languages. This is rightly dividing the Word, studying to show yourself a workman approved, not leaning on traditions. It is the opposite if one does due diligence.
Consider all scholarship from all Christian traditions and then get the clue!!! They all use your suggestions for what you say should resolve the conflict, yet after they use your due diligence, they all remain just as contradictory and false as they started out!
Manmade Christian tradition is the hotbed for false Christian doctrine. You have never yet resigned to that fact with any sort of substantial consistency. So you hopefully look at me and say, well Mr. Smarty, if I'm wrong and your right, what is the answer if it's not grammatical accuracy and more accurate translations and a better understanding of the original languages??? First let me qualify by saying that those things are not bad, it's good to have that kind of honorable aids while keeping in mind that they can be terribly wrong, but God's word is never wrong. But I say, all those excellent manmade reference works they have led millions and millions into the slew of false and contradictory doctrine! IT IS THE TRUTH THAT SETS MEN FREE, NOT WHAT IS FALSE.
So, you take a humble view of your human ideas, and basically trash them in comparison to God's word. You say, concerning man's ideas, they are all lies compared to God's ideas, so I'm going to suspend my belief in so called Christian teachings, and instead, I'm going to first and foremost read the entire word of God, and get a solid understanding of everything that He has to say so that when I carefully consider the details, they will naturally fall into place. I think Jesus was serious when He said
Matthew 4:4 But He answered and said, "It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’"
Then maybe you know better than God, maybe Jesus should have said that, well, the scriptures are great, but you'd better go to cemetery first so that you can learn proper grammar and linguistic scholarship, and then while your at it, invest in many different translations so that you can finally understand that truth that can set you free, which is not simply God's word, it's man's guide to God's word that ultimately sets man free. Ok, but seriously, God says that His word is sufficient for all matters of faith and right living. So yes, manmade reference works can be a good aid, but the primary resource should ALWAYS be God's word! Understand that first and foremost and then because you have the contextual overview of the entire bible, it will become difficult to get any details in a way that violates the bible's entire context, it's possible, but very difficult.
So to summarize, your answer highlights word studies, lexicons, commentaries, theology textbooks, and other linguistic and theology reference works. Yet that is ultimately "the" path to finding all Christian false doctrine. My solution to the age old problem of 10 people finding 20 different meanings to any passage or verse, is to stop violating God's word, first read and understand the entire bible's main storyline and plot and plot twists, then with that solid comprehensive knowledge, the art and biblical mandate of making perfect sense out of the details nearly becomes child's play.
If your going to become a brain surgeon, do you start out by reading an advanced level book and turning to the page right before doing your first actual operation? Or do you first learn about all the general medical ideas like basics of how the immune system works, how the nervous system works, and so on? You first learn how the entire outfit works together to keep you alive so that when you attack any single crucial detail, you will not screw up any other aspect of the body's functions.
First get a solid grasp of the entire bible, especially concerning the plot and it's twists, that basically represents the entire bible context so that you understand what God is trying to convey at any particular location in the bible. Only after you gain a solid understanding of the entire bible's storyline, can you rightly say that you are best suited to work your way through the details.
God's word first and foremost. Man's ideas is the hotbed for false doctrine. The choice should be clear.