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God_Is_Truth said:Incarnation? I haven't said anything about God becoming flesh! No sir, we are indeed talking about logic.
And yet when the scriptures speak of Christ as logos (logic), they speak of the incarnation. So you are without a foundation.
God_Is_Truth said:To speak english and be grounded in a certain culture first requires logic! To call me a resounding gong requires logic! For me to understand what that is and that you are saying it to me requires logic! To know that "God_Is_Truth" is my screen name requires logic! It's unavoidable!
No, it does not. To speak comes not by logic, but by being born into the world. The child does not learn a formal grammar in order to speak, and yet the child learns to speak very well. In fact, the logic must be overcome, because the child struggles greatly with the irregularities of the language. Logic doesn't help the child learn language at all; it only comes through experience. And it is my own experience of language (I have learned 4) that has taught me how useless logic is in really learning a language. Some of the most logically thinking people I have met have been worst at learning languages.
The majority of the world has learned to speak with not so much as one lesson being taught to them (in some instances they learned three or more languages). They didn't need to be actively making connections between things and words; the brain was already doing the work for them.
Without a brain one does not learn a language; and the brain does not consist in logical structures, but physical ones (synapses and nerves).
God_Is_Truth said:Without logic they don't mean anything to anyone. They only don't mean anything to him because of the difference in language which is certainly not the same thing as logic. Language is the application and use of logic. If I haven't been told how you used the logic (how the language works) then I can't understand you. But that's because of the language, not the ability to use logic.
I'm sorry, but you are really messed up with this kind of thinking. Language comes before logic; logos as a word comes before Logos as a universal structure to the universe. How could you even engage in an argument (whether internal or external) unless you had language? Logic consists in rational arguments and proofs (whether practical or theoretical), and such endeavors are impossible before one learns a language. In a child's development, the child learns language early on (in the first few years), while greater cognitive rationalities (making connections between causes and affects) develop much later. Child phsychology is now discovering that giving a punishing to a very young child is unwise, because the child cannot make the rational connection between the punishment and his or her own actions. Rationality develops in us much later than does language.
God_Is_Truth said:You don't think the same because you have access to different information (language, culture etc.). But you do both think, and that's where logic resides.
Spoken like a true modernist. Descartes was the first to make this statement ("I think therefore I am"). You have established a duality in this kind ideology without justifying such a move. So what one thinks is automatically compartmentalized from one's body. This Decartian dualism just makes me sick! Before Descartes it was not common to view the human being as a thinking being before the human is physical. Human thought was not cut off from the body. And this duality has led to atrocities and neurosis in our Modern age. And in Christianity it has led to a sickly evangelism that cares only for peoples' "souls" without any regard for their body. We forget Paul's statement in Romans 12 that calls us to offer our bodies as a singular living sacrifice, which is the content of our worship to God.
God_Is_Truth said:You mean humanity can't unite as humans? Are we not all the same type? You don't believe some humans are superior to or below others do you?
You are obviously not aware of what happens in Genesis 11. I suggest you go back and read that before you make such stupid statements. You think I am arguing for some sort of social darwinism? Do you not even realize that social darwinism develps from its grounding in modernity (the same grounding that you are proposing above)?
God_Is_Truth said:You cannot know God without logic! That's like trying to tell a tree to move! Without the ability to move, it cannot do so. Without logic (thinking) you cannot know God.
We don't know God unless God comes to us. We didn't have anything inherent to us that brought us to God. Show me in the scriptures where such was the case? The scriptures are about God's revelation to us. We couldn't know God before God revealed himself to us. We were trees, and when Christ shows up God allows us to walk.
God_Is_Truth said:You just said that we cannot understand God in any way. What in the world are you doing on a theology board? Further, God revealed himself in the creation (Romans 1).
Romans 1 is the worst prooftext you could have chosen. Paul in that chapter paints humanity as hopelessly enslaved to sin, unable to know God as the Creator (because they have exchanged God for a lie). God didn't reveal himself in Romans 1; God handed us over to our debased minds.
God_Is_Truth said::shocked:
1 Corinthians 15
3For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures,
4and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures,
You are right that the message Jesus preached was not "I died for your sins", but christianity wasn't what it is today at that point either.
And yet not once in this passage does Paul equate the gospel to this singular message. I didn't remove that message from Paul; I was saying that the gospel for Paul consists in something quite other than Christ's "dying for our sins."
God_Is_Truth said:And you cannot know, follow, turn to, or believe in Christ without using logic.
You are like a barking dog. I'm surprised you haven't woken up the neighborhood, but I guess the neighbors have gotten used to your barking.
God_Is_Truth said:No one reduced God's revelation to logic! What we have been saying all along is that to understand God's revelation (creation, Christ, miracles, gifts etc.) requires the use of logic! God gave us heads for a reason!
God gave us bodies (integrated and wholistic bodies) for a reason. If were just heads we wouldn't get too far.
God_Is_Truth said:Matthew 22:37
You cannot love God with your heart, soul and strength without using your mind. You can't do any of them without your mind.
Anachronism at its worst. Mind for Paul is not filled with the same content as you give it here. Dianoia in the greek signifies purpose and attitude (not mind which is vous in the greek). I guess for Christ logic can't be removed from rhetoric either.