The big irony with the constant labeling of people as 'misogynists' is that they aren't all through the media, and out on the streets with signs, and making up nonsense.
Feminists are, and they aren't doing it for equality because that has already been achieved. They are pushing all which has been debunked as myth, rehashing those myths, and demanding special treatment because they are..
untrustworthy, prejudice, and hateful of men.
It is misandry incarnate, disguising itself as something else and calling others misogynists for making note of it. I'll say it again: the men who side with that- you have Stockholm's syndrome. Plain and simple. You are a hostage sympathizing for your captors.
Have some self respect. These women have made you feel that your masculinity is wicked and that man's great patriarchal importance is second rate to their perceived feminist superiority. Which is a joke- an embarrassing repeal of nature. Patriarchy isn't a demon, it is what got us out of mud huts and into civilized order. Feminism didn't do jack except ruin family and marriage.