Hi Lon!it still means 'born-sinless' and is heresy against scriptures.
My use of the term is simply to show this discussion took place centuries ago and the church found the idea of being born sinless as heresy against the need of a Savior and against what the scriptures say.
Romans 7:9 KJV
(9) For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died.
This scripture has had a lot of debate.
Was Paul really alive once before he knew of the law?
I think there can be a lot said about this scripture and what it means to folks.
I'll give a quick review of what I think.
I think it is an analogy of Adam before the command of the trees in the garden.
Adam was naked and thought nothing of it needing to be covered.
After the command came and he ate of the tree, his nakedness needed to be covered.
While I do not believe newborn babies are sinners, I do believe that they still die and are buried (physical death). But without the death of Christ, the grave would ever have a hold on them making a resurrection impossible and they would be stuck in the grave forever.
So I do believe a newborn can be sinless, but still needed a means to be freed from the grave.
That's the short version!