Well-known member
Evidently, Nang has admitted to being filled with hatred, poor soul.
Nang has a hard time when someone doesn't buy her Tulips.
I'm feeling like the JW's are coming after me. Seriously.
Evidently, Nang has admitted to being filled with hatred, poor soul.
I'm with you on this one Glorydaz. I'm also with you anytime/everytime without fail, Sister.
I wasn't writing that to you, you hateful shrew.
It's what it boils down to when discussing with some Calvinists.Good grief. You're mad because Jerry doesn't want to play your "research the doctrines of men" game?
Me too.I'm with you on this one Glorydaz. I'm also with you anytime/everytime without fail, Sister.
I hate your unbelief.
I hate your disrespect of Lon.
I hate your false teachings.
I hate your hatred and unrepentant opposition to God's Truth.
You're right. What Jerry, GD, and I are talking about is not Pelagisnism, so no need for us to be in THIS thread at all.Perhaps a different thread, as this one is about Pelagianism,
An unsaved (unregenrate) man is blind and deaf to the gospel and is literally dead in his sins. Ro 5:12KJV
He is totally unable, without the power of the Holy Spirit acting upon him, to ever come to saving knowledge of Christ without God making him alive through Christ. Eph 2:5KJV, John 5:21KJV
Jerry Shugart;4984416]Do you really think that defends your illogical idea that a person who dies spiritually isn't alive spiritually at the time when he dies?
Anybody in their right mind understands that before a person can die he has to first be alive.
It is you who denies what is said in the Scriptures and you prove it by arguing that no one is alive spiritually at the time when they die spiritually. Not only do you deny the Scriptures but you stand reason on its head.
The obvious just isn't obvious to some.BRILLIANT!
No one has to be alive spiritually in order to die spiritually?
The word "death" means "the end of life." But according to you a person can die spiritually even though he is not alive spiritually.
Do you never tire of embarrassing yourself?
You're right. What Jerry, GD, and I are talking about is not Pelagisnism, so no need for us to be in THIS thread at all.
So you stay here and compare Pelagius writings with Reformed writings; and we will go to another thread and compare scripture with scripture.
lol, why would a spiritually live person need to be "born again " ?
This has already been explain to you but for some reason this simple explanation is way above your head. "All men" are born spiritually alive. Then when "all men" sin they all die spiritually. So if a man is going to be saved he must be born again spiritually by the gospel.
But according to your ridiculous idea a person can die spiritually even though he is not even alive spiritually. You cannot even understand that the word "death" means "the end of life."
In your effort to attempt to defend Original Sin you have tricked your mind into believing the most ludicrous things. Sir Robert Anderson speaks of your malady here:
"In no other sphere save that of religion do men of intelligence and culture willingly subject their minds to delusions. The historic Church once tried to compel belief that this planet was the fixed centre of the solar system; but who believes it now? Men cannot be made to believe that water runs uphill, or that five and five make anything but ten. In no other sphere can they be induced to stultify reason and common sense. But in religion there seems to be no limit to their credulity" (Anderson, The Bible or the Church? [London: Pickering & Inglis, Second Edition], 61).
Got ya, where scripture says "in Adam all die" do you see physical in that verse ? It is both Physical and spiritual and all your spinning does is make you dizzy.
Jerry Shugart;4984624]I have already explained to you the significance of the meaning of the words "In Adam" and "in Christ" but that too is way over your head. Again, no one is "in Christ" automatically. It is not until a person does something and that thing is to believe when he is identified with Christ and is "in Christ."
And to be consistent the same principle applies to the words "in Adam." A person is not automatically identified with Adam by being "in Adam." No one is "in Adam" until he sins.
One flew over the cuckoo's nest!
That might have been Mr. Nang posting. Either way, that was seriously out of line.
Did you not see the "hates" of GD to which I was responding?
Me too.
I prefer to compare scripture with scripture, as you do.
It's a joy to study with both of you.
It's what it boils down to when discussing with some Calvinists.
You bring your bible to read and study.
They bring their links and commentaries to read and study.
Your method is the purer one, GD.
Nang has a hard time when someone doesn't buy her Tulips.
I'm feeling like the JW's are coming after me. Seriously.