Are people born in Christ or born in sin?


New member
You need to show some respect and address all the scriptures I gave you instead of merely repeating your denial.
You're not the only one I am responding to, GT.

Those verses you paraded have NOTHING to do with your claim of being able to do SOMETHING while NOT in Christ Who said you can do NOTHING while NOT in Him. Address what Christ Himself said.

God's Truth

New member
Those verses you said I bypassed have nothing to do with your doing SOMETHING while yet NOT in Christ Who said you can do NOTHING while NOT in Him.

It's you who bypasses what Christ Himself said. Don't you believe in Him?

You are a hardcore Calvinist?

Okay then, tell me about this:

Malachi 3:16-17
16 Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.
17 And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth his own son that serveth him.

God's Truth

New member
Sorry, No. Calvin believed like you do that people are born in sin. I don't.

So, how were you able to do SOMETHING while NOT in Christ Who said you can do NOTHING when NOT in Him, GT?

Sorry but it is sin to not be in Christ. EVERYONE must be taught about God to know God and be saved.

I gave MANY scriptures that prove we must be taught, persuaded, and convinced.

As for you saying how were you able to do something while not in Christ, Jesus said that to warn people not to leave him.

Now you give scripture that says NO ONE can believe and obey Jesus unless they are already saved.

Give that scripture now, or consider that you are wrong and have believed the false teachings of Calvinists.


New member
Sorry but it is sin to not be in Christ. EVERYONE must be taught about God to know God and be saved.

I gave MANY scriptures that prove we must be taught, persuaded, and convinced.

As for you saying how were you able to do something while not in Christ, Jesus said that to warn people not to leave him.
The issue is how you were in Christ in the first place because you teach that people are born in sin, and therefore born NOT in Christ because sin separates man from God.

So again, how were you able to do SOMETHING - believe, hear, accept, repent - while yet NOT in Christ Who said you can do NOTHING when NOT in Him? How GT? How?


New member
No such thing as being saved before we are saved; and that is what Samie teaches. It is Calvinism.
It's who is a follower of Calvin. You believe in what he taught that people are born in sin, instead of believing Christ Who said apart from Him man can do NOTHING.

You and Calvin both believe that man can do SOMETHING - hear, believe, repent, accept - while NOT in Christ.

It's you who is more of a Calvinist. I'm NOT.

God's Truth

New member
It's who is a follower of Calvin. You believe in what he taught that people are born in sin, instead of believing Christ Who said apart from Him man can do NOTHING.

You and Calvin both believe that man can do SOMETHING - hear, believe, repent, accept - while NOT in Christ.

It's you who is more of a Calvinist. I'm NOT.

No, Calvinists teach that only those who are predestined to be saved can be saved.

You preach that. You say you must be born a sheep.

No one is born a sheep; no one is born saved.


New member
KJV John 14:10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Yep, Jesus was just like us in all aspects.

God's Truth

New member
The issue is how you were in Christ in the first place because you teach that people are born in sin, and therefore born NOT in Christ because sin separates man from God.

So again, how were you able to do SOMETHING - believe, hear, accept, repent - while yet NOT in Christ Who said you can do NOTHING when NOT in Him? How GT? How?

What don't you get that NO ONE is born just knowing God.

What don't you get that all are CONDEMNED until they come to God through Jesus?


New member
No, Calvinists teach that only those who are predestined to be saved can be saved.

You preach that.
No. You're hallucinating because you're severely confused?

You say you must be born a sheep.
No. That's your words, not mine.

No one is born a sheep;
Yeah, we're born humans.

no one is born saved.
You're wrong. Being born in Christ, we are born saved.

You teach the opposite of what Christ taught. He said you can do NOTHING, you insist you can do SOMETHING.


New member
We all were born in Christ.

Not true. The Most High is our Father.

We are not born of our Brother.

We have the same Father Jesus had.

"Jesus said to her, 'Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father, but go to My brethren and say to them I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.'"


New member
What don't you get that NO ONE is born just knowing God.
You don't know what Scriptures say:

KJV Ecclesiastes 7:29 Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

What don't you get that all are CONDEMNED until they come to God through Jesus?
Get what? Your doctrines? I don't pick up garbage doctrines.

We are born NOT lost, as Jesus expounded in the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son.

Before the sheep got lost, it was in the sheepfold cared for by it shepherd;
Before the coin was lost, it was with its owner.
Before the son went lost, he was at home with his father.

So with us. We start life NOT lost. And to be NOT lost is to be in Christ.

God's Truth

New member
No. You're hallucinating because you're severely confused?

No. That's your words, not mine.

Yeah, we're born humans.

You're wrong. Being born in Christ, we are born saved.

You teach the opposite of what Christ taught. He said you can do NOTHING, you insist you can do SOMETHING.

We have to obey Jesus to enter.

There is no other way around it.

God's Truth

New member
You don't know what Scriptures say:

KJV Ecclesiastes 7:29 Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.

Get what? Your doctrines? I don't pick up garbage doctrines.

We are born NOT lost, as Jesus expounded in the parables of the lost sheep, lost coin and lost son.

Before the sheep got lost, it was in the sheepfold cared for by it shepherd;
Before the coin was lost, it was with its owner.
Before the son went lost, he was at home with his father.

So with us. We start life NOT lost. And to be NOT lost is to be in Christ.

All are in need of learning about Christ. No one is born knowing.

No matter how much you try to twist it.


New member
We have to obey Jesus to enter.

There is no other way around it.
Of course.

Your problem, GT, is you claim you can obey while yet NOT in Christ.

You can only do things when first ALIVE, spiritually alive. And when NOT in Christ Who is our life (Col 3:4), you're dead, spiritually dead. Can you obey while yet dead?

And that's the problem when you believe Augustine's doctrine instead of believing Christ's doctrine.


New member
All are in need of learning about Christ. No one is born knowing.
Who says so?

It's your claim that gives you trouble, that while NOT in Christ you can do SOMETHING - you can do the act of KNOWING - when Christ Himself said you can do NOTHING.

Coming out of the womb, a child breathes, not to be alive, but because he already is. But you teach the opposite. You teach that a child comes out dead and it has to breathe to be alive.

No matter how much you try to twist it.
So don't twist it. You're twisting it that's why you end up with a twisted doctrine you want me to pick up.

God's Truth

New member
Of course.

Your problem, GT, is you claim you can obey while yet NOT in Christ.

God does not put disobedient unbelievers in Him.

You can only do things when first ALIVE, spiritually alive. And when NOT in Christ Who is our life (Col 3:4), you're dead, spiritually dead. Can you obey while yet dead?

What do you think that scripture means?

And that's the problem when you believe Augustine's doctrine instead of believing Christ's doctrine.

I only believe God's Truth.

God's Truth

New member
Who says so?

It's your claim that gives you trouble, that while NOT in Christ you can do SOMETHING - you can do the act of KNOWING - when Christ Himself said you can do NOTHING.

Coming out of the womb, a child breathes, not to be alive, but because he already is. But you teach the opposite. You teach that a child comes out dead and it has to breathe to be alive.

So don't twist it. You're twisting it that's why you end up with a twisted doctrine you want me to pick up.

No one is born knowing God. I gave you scripture about how we have to be taught, persuaded, and convinced.

Where does our faith come from? Our faith comes from HEARING the word, see Romans 10:17. From hearing the word and being TAUGHT, Colossians 1:5, 7. From continuing in what we have been CONVINCED of, see 2 Timothy 3:14, and being PERSUADED, 2 Corinthians 5:11. In Acts 26:17 Jesus tells Paul he is sending him to the Jews and Gentiles to OPEN THEIR EYES and turn them from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. How do you think Paul is going to open the eyes of the Jews and the Gentiles? Remember, faith comes from hearing the word, and Jesus sent Paul to preach the gospel. 1 Corinthians 1:18 For Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel–not with words of human wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power.

Paul is going to open their eyes by preaching to them.