Are most people Christian on this site


New member
How do we authenticate this new message?
It's a religion. There is no scientific authentication. Either you believe it's true or not. I'm not saying any of this to try to get people to convert. I'm merely explaining what my religion believes.


Well-known member
I thought I put "other". Must have hit Christian on accident. Need to figure out how to change it. Thanks for the heads up and sorry for confusion. I'm a Baha'i.

I wouldn't say that you are in the wrong place but you might want to be selective about where you go around here. Some of the neighborhoods are a little rough. You might want to go to the Cosmic Cafe and take a left. Tell 'em Frank sent you.


Well-known member
For me, Christian means you follow Jesus only and believe the bible is the only holy book.
For me, to be a Christian means to believe in and follow the revelation and promise of Christ: that God's love acting in us and through us to others, will heal us and save us from ourselves.

This would include most people of the Baha'i faith, but the labels are superfluous, anyway.


New member
I wouldn't say that you are in the wrong place but you might want to be selective about where you go around here. Some of the neighborhoods are a little rough. You might want to go to the Cosmic Cafe and take a left. Tell 'em Frank sent you.
Thanks for the directions! :)
I come from a religion that believes in Jesus but isn't considered Christian. Am I in the wrong place?

Under the circumstances, it's an interesting question. Many are Christian on the site, but not all, and here is why some are suspect.

Large errors, untruths, are taught by some claiming Christianity, errors the Bible does not support. The Holy Spirit leads into truth, becomes our eyes and ears for truth, facilitating proper learning of scripture, even proper world views. The Holy Spirit is the power of God. The Holy Spirit is not a failure, and, unless a Christian is very new in their walk with the Lord, anybody years in error still has spiritual blinders on, is not of the Holy Spirit, therefore not born again. If one is not born again of the Holy Spirit, one is not a Christian, rather either somebody who thinks they're a Christian, deluded by a false, unrepentant gospel, or even an intentional deceiver, God only knows.

In this regard, it would be hard to say that you are any more in the wrong place than others who actually hang out here, creating endless deceptive treatises, in the name of Jesus Christ. Name only.

Matthew 13

24 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
25 But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
26 But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
27 So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
28 He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
29 But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
31 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:
32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.
33 Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.


I come from a religion that believes in Jesus but isn't considered Christian. Am I in the wrong place?


You're in the world aren't you? 1 Co 5:10 Why do you think no one really notices after the rapture has occurred? :listen: Few go (Ex 23:2). :rapture:

How many got saved when the flood came?

"...[A]ll people on earth died except the eight people who were found righteous in the eyes of God..." Full text: What was the purpose of the flood in the time of Noah?

How many died in the wilderness?

"...[E]very person 20 years old or older would die in the wilderness and would not see the land with two exceptions—Caleb and Joshua..." Full text: What is the story of Joshua and Caleb in the Bible?

patrick jane

I still consider myself a devout follower of Christ. My worldview is just different than yours. It's OK if you don't accept that though. :)

Go to your user CP at the top left in the blue bar and click. Then you will see on the left a list of options, go to edit your details and change to Other. Do it asap because you claim a cult religion.


It's a religion. There is no scientific authentication. Either you believe it's true or not. I'm not saying any of this to try to get people to convert. I'm merely explaining what my religion believes.

I posted a link earlier in the thread discussing your religion.

Care to discuss some of the things that you should be concerned about?

Compared to Christianity, its core teachings are only superficial in their commonality. The differences are deep and fundamental. The Baha'i faith is ornate, and a full critique would be encyclopedic. So, only a few observations are made below.

The Baha'i faith teaches that God is unknowable in His essence. Baha’is have the difficulty of explaining how they can have an elaborate theology about God yet assert that God is "unknowable." And it does not help to say that prophets and manifestations inform mankind about God because, if God is "unknowable," then humanity has no reference point whereby to tell which teacher is telling the truth. Christianity rightly teaches that God can be known, as is naturally known even by non-believers, though they may not have a relational knowledge of God...

About Jesus, the Baha'i faith teaches that He was a manifestation of God but not an incarnation. The difference sounds slight but is actually enormous. Baha’is believe God is unknowable; therefore, God cannot incarnate Himself to be present among men. If Jesus is God in the most literal sense, and Jesus is knowable, then God is knowable, and that Baha'i doctrine is exploded. So, Baha’is teach that Jesus was a reflection of God. Just as a person can look at a reflection of the sun in a mirror and say, "There is the sun," so one can look at Jesus and say, "There is God," meaning "There is a reflection of God." Here again the problem of teaching that God is "unknowable" surfaces since there would be no way to distinguish between true and false manifestations or prophets. The Christian, however, can argue that Christ has set Himself apart from all other manifestations and has confirmed His self-attested divinity by physically rising from the dead (1 Corinthians 15), a point which Baha’is also deny.



New member
I posted a link earlier in the thread discussing your religion.

Care to discuss some of the things that you should be concerned about?

Compared to Christianity, its core teachings are only superficial in their commonality. The differences are deep and fundamental. The Baha'i faith is ornate, and a full critique would be encyclopedic. So, only a few observations are made below.

The Baha'i faith teaches that God is unknowable in His essence. Baha’is have the difficulty of explaining how they can have an elaborate theology about God yet assert that God is "unknowable." And it does not help to say that prophets and manifestations inform mankind about God because, if God is "unknowable," then humanity has no reference point whereby to tell which teacher is telling the truth. Christianity rightly teaches that God can be known, as is naturally known even by non-believers, though they may not have a relational knowledge of God...

About Jesus, the Baha'i faith teaches that He was a manifestation of God but not an incarnation. The difference sounds slight but is actually enormous. Baha’is believe God is unknowable; therefore, God cannot incarnate Himself to be present among men. If Jesus is God in the most literal sense, and Jesus is knowable, then God is knowable, and that Baha'i doctrine is exploded. So, Baha’is teach that Jesus was a reflection of God. Just as a person can look at a reflection of the sun in a mirror and say, "There is the sun," so one can look at Jesus and say, "There is God," meaning "There is a reflection of God." Here again the problem of teaching that God is "unknowable" surfaces since there would be no way to distinguish between true and false manifestations or prophets. The Christian, however, can argue that Christ has set Himself apart from all other manifestations and has confirmed His self-attested divinity by physically rising from the dead (1 Corinthians 15), a point which Baha’is also deny.

I would say that article is mostly true except for a few points. The bab wasn't the 8th manifestation. The Baha'i believe there are infinite manifestations. Also we don't believe in salvation by works, because we don't have the same concept of salvation as the Christians. There is no location of heaven or hell for us. In our religion they are metaphors for one's closeness to God in this world and the next.
Was just thinking, musing over wheat and tares, birds hanging out in mustard branches, God teaches this will be the congregation, until the end. So, it could be said what better place for somebody, who doesn't accept the whole gospel of scripture, to hang around, than somewhere it can still be found? At least if some still frequent the walls of a church building, Lord willing, repentant salvation could still rub off. The only thing problematic of web forums is that, unlike a church service, there are those likened to being in a pulpit, spreading lies. Still, better to hang here, than a cocktail lounge.


I would say that article is mostly true except for a few points...

Let's start off with this major difference between Christianity and your Baha'i religion:

About Jesus, the Baha'i faith teaches that He was a manifestation of God but not an incarnation.

In other words: Your religion teaches against Jesus Christ's Divinity.


New member
Let's start off with this major difference between Christianity and your Baha'i religion:

About Jesus, the Baha'i faith teaches that He was a manifestation of God but not an incarnation.

In other words: Your religion teaches against Jesus Christ's Divinity.
In the Baha'i cosmology one can be divine without being God. Although I agree with you that we are probably nowhere near your definition of Christianity :)


Well-known member
The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. denied the bodily resurrection, virgin birth and deity of Jesus, maybe they'll give you a national holiday as well?

My intuition says that they probably gave mlk his own holiday because he was an amazing civil rights leader and not because of what flavour of Christianity he subscribed to.

aCW uses white supremacist websites and faked info & photographs to disparage MLK at TOL. That's the sort of person you're dealing with.



Thanks for reminding zoo, it's that time of year again (where I expose the truth behind a baby murdering sodomite loving adulterer, and liberals like zoo attack me).

BTW, I marveled at your earlier post:

Yes, most people at TheologyOnline are Christians... But it shouldn't take long for you see a whole lot of the Christians here are spending their time and energy pointing fingers at one another and yelling about why other Christians here aren't actually Christians.

It's very illuminating.

I guess I didn't get the memo that stated those who aren't even sure that God exists are now experts on Christianity.