Are most people Christian on this site


New member
What do you see as the purpose for human life?
The Baha'i believe we were created to know and worship God. Service to humanity is also highly encouraged.

Below is a prayer by bahaullah our founder

I bear witness, O my God, that Thou hast created me to know Thee and to worship Thee.

I testify, at this moment, to my powerlessness and to Thy might, to my poverty and to Thy wealth.

There is none other God but Thee, the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting


New member
I did on page 1.

Let's start off with moral relativism.

I love this article by Selwyn Duke entitled

Why many American Christians really are un-Christian

Let us be blunt: It is simply not possible to espouse relativism — which holds that right and wrong are opinion — and be a true Christian.

Why? It's simple: Jesus did not die for our opinions. Jesus did not say that His blood was the blood of the new and everlasting covenant and that it would be shed for you and for all so that opinions may be forgiven; He did not say, I am a way, a truth, and a life; He did not say, let he who is without opinion cast the first stone; He did not say to that dark tempter, "It is said, 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God,'" but, hey, Satan, whatever works for you.

There are many doctrinal differences among the denominations, and good people could debate them ad nauseam and still not settle every one. Yet, if anything is central to Christianity, it's the belief that Truth is spelled with a capital "T," that it is absolute, universal and eternal. And also central is a corollary of this belief: that there is an absolute, universal and eternal answer to every moral question; that right and wrong are not a matter of opinion, that they don't change from time to time and place to place...
I definitely think that the Matthew verses are spot on. As far as the other stuff, that is the reason we claim not to be Christian because we interpret things a little differently. :)


Hall of Fame
I have a question for you. Would you consider agnostics to be atheists since atheism is simply a lack in the belief of God? Or do you believe atheists have an active belief that there is no God?

No, I wouldn't consider agnostics to be atheists. Every atheist I have ever spoken to simply believes there is no God or any other supernatural deities.


New member
No, I wouldn't consider agnostics to be atheists. Every atheist I have ever spoken to simply believes there is no God or any other supernatural deities.
Out of curiosity hypothetically If you had to pick a religion what would be the one you could tolerate the most?


Well-known member
I come from a religion that believes in Jesus but isn't considered Christian. Am I in the wrong place?


You asked, "are most people Christian on this site?"

It depends on who you're talking to. :plain:

Case in point:

As do many TOL'ers who wrongfully call themselves Christian.

Yes, most people at TheologyOnline are Christians... But it shouldn't take long for you see a whole lot of the Christians here are spending their time and energy pointing fingers at one another and yelling about why other Christians here aren't actually Christians.

It's very illuminating.


Hall of Fame
Out of curiosity hypothetically If you had to pick a religion what would be the one you could tolerate the most?

I couldn't just pick a religion for the sake of picking. My heart would have to be into whatever religion I was professing.


New member
I couldn't just pick a religion for the sake of picking. My heart would have to be into whatever religion I was professing.
OK I don't want to pressure you. I am just very interested in people's worldviews. Would you consider yourself a humanist?


I come from a religion that believes in Jesus but isn't considered Christian. Am I in the wrong place?
Do you consider yourself Christian, or are you saying that "the party line" of your religion is "not Christian?"

There are many genuine Christians here who consider themselves genuine Christians who yet and nonetheless reject Christ's genuine supreme pastorship of His genuine Church, and Body, and Bride.

Now, is the Bab considered to be our Lord Himself? His Second Coming? Christians call that preterism of one form or another.


New member
Do you consider yourself Christian, or are you saying that "the party line" of your religion is "not Christian?"

There are many genuine Christians here who consider themselves genuine Christians who yet and nonetheless reject Christ's genuine supreme pastorship of His genuine Church, and Body, and Bride.

Now, is the Bab considered to be our Lord Himself? His Second Coming? Christians call that preterism of one form or another.
I consider myself a Christian because I believe in the divinity of Christ. My religion teaches this as a core principal. However it seems that the majority of Christians who call themselves Christian believe we are not Christians. So I am OK with being considered non-christian.


New member
Now, is the Bab considered to be our Lord Himself? His Second Coming? Christians call that preterism of one form or another.

I had to look up preterism. Yes we are definitely preterists. We consider the bab and bahaullah to have a dual station in our religion referred to as the "twin manifestation". We believe their revelation is what the biblical return of Christ is referencing.


New member
A lot of people claim they are Christian, but are not. You'll find all types
on this forum. At least you're being honest and upfront. There's a lot of
wolves in sheep's clothing on TOL.
Indeed, to claim one thing and be another is accursed

The Baha'i believe that truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtues


I had to look up preterism. Yes we are definitely preterists. We consider the bab and bahaullah to have a dual station in our religion referred to as the "twin manifestation". We believe their revelation is what the biblical return of Christ is referencing.
There are other preterists here. Myself, I can't see how Psalm 110:1 (1st Peter 3:22; 1st Corinthians 15:25,26,27,28) has been fulfilled yet, nor that our Lord has come again (1st Corinthians 11:26).


New member
There are other preterists here. Myself, I can't see how Psalm 110:1 (1st Peter 3:22; 1st Corinthians 15:25,26,27,28) has been fulfilled yet, nor that our Lord has come again (1st Corinthians 11:26).
One of the paradigms in our faith is that God has sent a messenger with a new message that elucidates previous scripture. One of our holy books called the kitab I iqan goes into depth about what the bible meant in a lot of parts.