I agree too. Some will see a contradiction in what I did with the pic of my then fiancee and the things I was looking for in a mate with my latest statements in this forum.
I have been deliberately seeking a "stunning" mate since 2012. I don't ever want to lust after any woman not my wife. If I have a stunning wife at home , I won't be tempted when I see stunning out in the streets.
I wasn't intending to make any man sin with that pic on my profile; I was happy as can be and wanted people to notice and ask me about it. They noticed alright. They flew into indignation that has recently been revealed to be hypocrisy.
I don't recall this picture you had but speaking only as a man, I can understand your reasoning in what you want in a wife. In no way am I judging you for your criteria. To each his own. But it could have had the very effect on males here that you did not want it to have.
Anyway, having been married going on 20 years I think I've earned the right to say this:
tempus fugit. Whatever your wife looks like when you marry her, she won't stay that way for long. If her looks are what had the most meaning to you, prepare to be disappointed, then tempted, sooner or later.
However, the sooner you learn to truly love her for
her, and not for her looks...maybe even
despite her looks...and the more she loves you for
you, the more vivacious and attractive she will remain even as "the flower fades." You'll be less tempted to look at others despite the fading. We males can't imagine that when we're young but world class physical beauty, which WILL end, is FAR outweighed by an average, plain or even homely wife with a godly personality. THAT'S the long game.
Besides...the more attractive she is, the more liable
she may be to vanity and other temptations that accompany her beauty. So maybe you dodged a bullet?
In short,
take the man's advice.