ARCHIVE - World Trade Towers Blown Up

Nick M

Reconciled by the Cross
Hall of Fame

As far as I can tell NO ONE has claimed responsibility for these attacks, lets leave the finger pointing for later and work to help those affected by these attacks now.


Palestinian and Osama bin Laden groups have denied responsibility.

Which is expected....

The thing I think of that would make this *really* bad is if some McVeigh-types were behind this....

And the only thing I can think of that would be even worse is if some Army of God types were behind it....

I wasn't on TOL when this happened. Did they not know that al-qaeda tried it in 1993 with a giant truck bomb? And when they failed, bin Laden said he would use planes as missiles? Too bad we didn't take him serious. Too bad many still don't take the threat of Islam serious.

On a side note, John Doe number 3 from the OKC bombing is al-qaeda, and that is where Terry Nichols learned to make the bomb. According to the P.I. authorities, he married a Phillipina that was pregant by somebody else and brought her over. And when the paperwork was done, he went there (Philipines) to train with al-qaeda without her.