Turbo said:Is God the author of confusion? Do you think God was incapable of communicating effectively regarding origins?
Does being an evolutionist help you to understand Genesis? A little while ago the Berean asked you:
You responded:
"Not as literal." The Berean asked how you interpret Genesis, and you told him how you don't interpret Genesis.
But how do you interpret Genesis?
Is it all figurative? If so, what do the figures mean?
What to the detailed, dated genealogies symbolize?
Was Adam an actual man?
Was Noah?
Is there any truth at all in their stories?
Were Abraham, Isaac and Jacob real men? The Jews believe they are all actual descendants of these men. Are they?
Did the twelve tribes really start with Jacob's twelve sons?
Is the story of Joseph and Pharaoh true?
How about Exodus:
True story? Myth? A mixture of both?
These questions aren't meant to be rhetorical; I'd really like answers to them, please.
I am sure that God is capable of communicating reagarding whatever He wishes to communicate. However, I suspect that he recognizes the state of human technology and science in relation to such communication. Would have been rather silly for Him to suggest to the writers of the Bible that the universe came into being 15 billion or so years ago, that there are these things called atoms, made of smaller pieces. Physics works in a certain way now but did not then, etc.
I suspect that many of the people named in Genesis were real people. But suspect some where not. Since I consider the Noah story to be, well, pick a word--inaccurate, myth, absurd, etc. I don't know nor care if he was real. It is the point of the story that is important, the "truth" is not in the specific but in the generality, in the relationship. Was Adam an actual man? Probably not. to the extent it is figurative the point is to represent the relationship between God and man. What do the genealogies mean? I suspect they are meant to show a connection over time with God. I do not believe them to be accurate (sorry, no human has lived, what 900 years--never happened).
I have seen conflicting info on Exodus, again, whether it is absolutely true makes no difference to me.
Hope that answered your questions. Bottom line seems to be that you are willing to use Genesis to interpret science, while I would rather use science to interpret Genesis.