ARCHIVE: Signals from space aliens or random chance?

Nathon Detroit

More hot air innuendo from you as usual. When will you directly address the argument rather than preach and insult? Because you can't. You either know I'm right and are too dishonest to admit it or you know you're not smart enough to disprove it. That's why you obfuscate with comments like the above and it's obvious to all thinking people, Christian and atheist alike. I don't care about the rest. Those who can't or refuse to think are hopeless.

I left very little to wikipedia except as a reference to show where I got SETI's signal measuring rates from in my calculations. All the other calculations were done de novo by SUTG or I.

It's put up or shut up time.

But it won't happen. Your self-righteous kind can never admit a mistake.
What is your argument? How is it different from mine? You and I agree the signal was generated by space aliens, we are on the same page!!!

Now, either you are incredibly good at hiding your arguments or your argument is obscured by your verbose posting style but I see no counter argument.

What is your argument?

Can you summarize it for us? Can you highlight it so we can consider it? I am open to learn as much as the next guy but I am not a mind reader.


Gold Subscriber
Hall of Fame
What is your argument? How is it different from mine? You and I agree the signal was generated by space aliens, we are on the same page!!!

Now, either you are incredibly good at hiding your arguments or your argument is obscured by your verbose posting style but I see no counter argument.

What is your argument?

Can you summarize it for us? Can you highlight it so we can consider it? I am open to learn as much as the next guy but I am not a mind reader.

Fed's point was that since a telecommunications engineer can use Erlang to estimate blocking probability in circuits, then that proves that tar will one day become president of the US.

And before you jump on me, was trite but not boring enough to be called a platitude. I hoisted my petard while managing to avoid my landmine. was a joke.

...a pretty darn funny one at that.



New member
27211 < 256640x480


I'd even go farther and say 27211 << 256640x480

But as I said earlier, the 27211 depends alot on what the 'bad' data looks like. What is SETI receiving? A set of random characters, and only the ones in Knight's message is what I assumed. Which, of course, is probably wrong.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
This reminds me of the time my brother was all excited about choosing his lotto numbers by carefully selecting the numbers he thought looked good. I asked him if he would choose 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 and he said, "NO WAY! That will never happen."



FedUpWithFaith said:
Right, because you can't admit you're wrong about your statistical understanding. You're obviously backtracking and avoiding the landmines you set for yourself in earlier posts. Conveniently forgotten now are they?
Not at all. Tell us how the probability of Knight's message being randomly generated is less likely than the probability of the image of MM being randomly generated and I'm sure Chickenman will admit to being wrong. I know I will.

There's a challenge for your Super-Statistical-Self!

It's intellectually dishonest of you to change the subject. Except for one post where I went off my main topic to describe ThePhy's approach as muddled I have not been arguing the MM statistics problem - only Knight's space messages and several inccorect assertion he and others made about it. Nobody has refuted my arguments.

As far as the MM image is concerned I have not even read all the posts related to it in this thread and I pressume others where it came up before. Since I know how predisposed you self-righteous fundys are i don't put it past you to distort and take things our of context.

But if the issue is simply whether a 211 english character message is more likely to arise conjointly and instantaneously by chance than at perfectly diagrammed and colored 640x480 image of Marilyn Monroe than I'll sit here and do the math.

Since nobody has disputed it or proven otherwise, the probability of the encoded space message occuring by chance is approximately 10^400 .

Nobody has provided or I missed the specification of the hues and grayscale in the image. That makes a big difference. I'll simply take a 256 bit hue/grayscale which used to be the most common standard - certainly more than adequate to see a beautiful crisp image.

There are 640x480 pixels (+ data needed to align the image but lets leave that out) so we have about 3 x10^5 pixels each having 256 possible pixel combinations. That's a conjoint random combinatorial probability of 256^(3 x10^5) or 256^(640x480) which is what I believe you or others said it was.

So if ThePhy's did claim that the space message recieved conjointly is less probable than the MM image based on this agreed resolution and hue he's wrong and should just come forth and admit it. I've made bigger mistakes. It happens.

As an aside, if the issue is simply about image recogntion and what sort of image could be recieved of MM juggling that we could unambiguously percieve than could ThePhy be right? Let's see.

First, we don't need color and an 8-bit greyscale would be fine. As anybody who every turned a photo into an avatar can attest you wouldn't need 640x480 resolution either. In fact 200x100 is more than adequate to enable recognition it's Marilyn juggling fish. That is 8^200000. So ThePhy would still be wrong.

However, if the issue is whether a human could clearly and definitely percieve marilyn monroe juggling fish in a noisy imperfect image that could arise conjointly by chance then ThePhy would undoubtedly be correct. But the same reasoning would apply to the space message if we allow for noise. I don't know about you but I can still make this out:

Peeoople of erth. We ar alienns frm x destint galoxxy. ....[etc. to 211+ characters]

Such messages with random noise added are quite likely. That's the problem SETI has to deal with. It's only when everything has to line up perfectly and conjointly that random improbability explodes
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New member
You're determined to be right, aren't you. Or failing that someone else must be more wrong...
Sorry if I feel that I am right. Do you think I would be pursuing this idea if I were convinced I was wrong?

It is rather obvious from this thread that there are some rather deep-seated differences about what conclusions can be validly drawn from the mathematics behind this Knight’s scenario. Seat-of-the-pants judgments are fine up to a point. But since some pretty specific mathematical ideas have been presented in this thread, supposedly in support of both sides, we are beyond seat of the pants answers.
Come on, ThePhy. The tennis ball problem will be far in away more unlikely than any of the other things we've discussed. I would know how to approach the maths if I were capable of determining the numbers involved.
If the numbers were the only issue, it would be nothing but an arithmetic problem, to be given to some Junior High School student. If you need the equations that need to be solved fed to you, then in fact you “don’t have the foggiest idea of even how to approach the math behind that problem”. Is that hard for you to admit?

Nathon Detroit

It is rather obvious from this thread that there are some rather deep-seated differences about what conclusions can be validly drawn from the mathematics behind this Knight’s scenario.

From what I can tell.... we all pretty much agree. (other than the "OMEGA" exception) :)



Did I miss something? Can you help me either here in the forum or in a PM to resolve this thing? - because I can't find all the premises and assumptions necessary to understand that your interpretation or math is correct. Maybe you could send me all the relevant post numbers. It's quite possible I made a mistake but I don't see it and unlike Tweedledee and Tweedledum here I really do want to understand it and make sure the truth prevails.

Please realize that these guys will distort any mistake we make not only as erroneous justification for their beliefs but as a smokescreen to obscure the search for knowledge. Don't play into their hands. If you're right let's see if we can figure out a way to clearly express it so a fifth grader can understand it. If you're wrong just say so. You're only human.

Nathon Detroit

Please realize that these guys will distort any mistake we make not only as erroneous justification for their beliefs but as a smokescreen to obscure the search for knowledge. Don't play into their hands. If you're right let's see if we can figure out a way to clearly express it so a fifth grader can understand it. If you're wrong just say so. You're only human.
Dude.... spare us the drama will ya?

This is about the 10th post of yours where you ramble on about how stupid everyone is besides yourself. We get it, we get it.... you are of superior intellect and we all tremble at your feet. :rolleyes:

Now that we have established that can we just have a discussion without the drama?


New member

Did I miss something? Can you help me either here in the forum or in a PM to resolve this thing? - because I can't find all the premises and assumptions necessary to understand that your interpretation or math is correct. Maybe you could send me all the relevant post numbers. It's quite possible I made a mistake but I don't see it and unlike Tweedledee and Tweedledum here I really do want to understand it and make sure the truth prevails.

Please realize that these guys will distort any mistake we make not only as erroneous justification for their beliefs but as a smokescreen to obscure the search for knowledge. Don't play into their hands. If you're right let's see if we can figure out a way to clearly express it so a fifth grader can understand it. If you're wrong just say so. You're only human.
I was trying to simplify the issue by reducing the number of pixels in the MM image, without changing the underlying issues. I didn’t seem to get any takers on that. That is when Stripe (several times) posted the inequalities. I will take some time to look at those, but my quick look says I agree with them, and I don’t see where Stripe is going with that. If I said something that Stripe thinks he inequalities disprove, then I am not aware of it. If someone points out where I said something counter to Stripe’s inequalities, show me where and I will respond.

So in summary, if you are asking me how I give answer to Stripe’s inequalities, I don’t. They are not at issue. But they do not lead to the conclusion that Knight claims they do, either.

Nathon Detroit

I was trying to simplify the issue by reducing the number of pixels in the MM image, without changing the underlying issues. I didn’t seem to get any takers on that.
Here is the problem.... none of us invented the Marilyn Monroe example. I brought it up on the other thread as an example of what my professor had tried to teach me some years ago. At that point all of you on the other thread mocked me when I said my professor was in error.

Yet now, on this thread where the rubber is meeting the road you want to "dumb down" the example to a form where you can find it more palatable, probable etc.

Of course we all agree that you could simplify the image so dramatically that your odds increase in achieving your results but what you are looking for is an image that is so simple that the likeness of Marilyn Monroe is subjective in nature, sorta like looking at cloud formations and then saying... "look it's a wolf eating a wolverine!". "It is?" :confused:

Nathon Detroit

I didn't mock you, I just disagreed with you and agreed with your profesor. And I still do.
OK, "mock" wasn't the right word.

But there ya go.... you believe that feeding random pixels to the screen will eventually produce the Marilyn Monroe picture as well as every other picture imaginable.

Again, you are wrong, unless you plan to systematically remove undesirable results. It's just like a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters. None of them will ever produce a grammatically correct sentence unless you can find a monkey that can type. Otherwise they will all just keep banging on the wrong keys over and over again.


New member
Again, you are wrong, unless you plan to systematically remove undesirable results.

In the other thread, I was just replying to your claim that "A computer that randomly generates pixels on the screen will NEVER produce a picture of Marilyn Monroe, instead it will produce meaningless snow over and over again."

I just showed you that the odds were greater than zero, so your claim was wrong.

Nathon Detroit

In the other thread, I was just replying to your claim that "A computer that randomly generates pixels on the screen will NEVER produce a picture of Marilyn Monroe, instead it will produce meaningless snow over and over again."

I just showed you that the odds were greater than zero, so your claim was wrong.
And that's where probabilities break down!

After all... even you would appeal to intelligence if you found a far more probable "space message".

It's like rolling the dice. You have goods odds for desired rolls, but if you want those same results all while hoping that all the dice bounce just the right way and stack neatly on top of one another is another matter entirely. Possible? Yes. Is it gonna happen? No.


New member
Here is the problem.... none of us invented the Marilyn Monroe example. I brought it up on the other thread as an example of what my professor had tried to teach me some years ago. At that point all of you on the other thread mocked me when I said my professor was in error.

Yet now, on this thread where the rubber is meeting the road you want to "dumb down" the example to a form where you can find it more palatable, probable etc.

Of course we all agree that you could simplify the image so dramatically that your odds increase in achieving your results but what you are looking for is an image that is so simple that the likeness of Marilyn Monroe is subjective in nature, sorta like looking at cloud formations and then saying... "look it's a wolf eating a wolverine!". "It is?" :confused:
Let’s go back to the original issue.

In this post you originally said: “A computer that randomly generates pixels on the screen will NEVER produce a picture of Marilyn Monroe, instead it will produce meaningless snow over and over again.” You even put the “never” in caps. Include in that post is your disbelief that computers could be considered more complex than a cell. Your computer-cell comparison was not tied nearly as strongly to a timeline as the MM claim.

In response mebrainhurtz challenged you, with the proviso that the earth is the billions of years old that science thinks it is. I presume he was referring to your MM picture claim, but I could be wrong. In either case, I will have to part company with mebrainhurtz on the MM issue, at least in the time frame he encapsulated. I do not think I have said anything to support the “relatively” short time frame he said was needed.

In this post is where you flatly say your professor was wrong.

I am on your Professor’s side. Let me jump back to this thread to pursue that idea. Since Stripe seems to be willing to take on the mathematics (and I think he seems to have the right equations in hand), I will expect him to handle that end of things for you.

So, Stripe has listed 640x480 as (I presume) the number of pixels on the screen. Each pixel can have any one of 256 values (hue, intensity). He comes up with 256640x480 as the number of possible ways the screen could be illuminated, of which only one is exactly right. Am I on target so far, Stripe?

Now, let me make the assumption that each random set of pixels remains displayed for 10 seconds, during which time we, with our perfectly calibrated eyeballs, examine it to see if it is the right one. So if we multiply the value Stripe has supplied by 10, that is how long it would take to cycle though every possible combination of pixels. Note, in saying that I am removing the “random” factor, I am simply saying if we never repeated a pattern, it would take 10x256640x480 seconds to go through the list.

Now, and I pose this to Stripe, let’s make each selected pattern absolutely random. Let it run for 10x256640x480 seconds. Since there is no guarantee that a given pattern (including the MM one) will show in any of the displayed patterns, is there any statistical relationship as to how likely the MM pattern will in fact show up in those 10x256640x480 seconds?


New member
Stripe, I want to focus on Knight's claim. If you know the statistics I asked for in the last post, great. If you don’t let me ask it in a different, but less mathematically demanding way.

Is the probability that the MM pic will show up non-zero, if we display 256640x480 random patterns? For example, even if the math were to show that the probability were low, say only 1 chance in ten that the exact MM pic would show up, or even 1 chance in 100, or 1000. Do you agree that the probability is not zero?


New member
Uhhh...nay, nay oh faithless one. I could just as easily say the same thing about you. But the back and forth is proving fruitless. If you like, though, we can keep at the same 'ol same 'ol.

And by the way, I thought it was a petard? Now I'm laying landmines. Your religion is nuts, but I sure love the creativity in your metaphors. So thanks for working my right brain as well. It helps to soothe the headache on my left.

That's a whole lot of fluff that only dances around the issue. Observance of activity in primitive molecules and "generating all the main chemical precursors of life" has never produced life from non-life. It has never produced a momentary life that quickly died. It has never produced an almost. You have evidence of a lot of things that you rationalize into supporting a ludicrous idea, but you have no proof. Therefore, by definition, you must accept it on faith. No need to be scared of the word. It is a fact of life.

Yet when you need to go to a doctor all of that 'guesswork' is good enough for you. You buy into everything scientists say about what is happening now but refuse to buy what they think about how it happened. The same science is used in both.

Even worse you find great awe in how God makes your cells work today but you don't think he's clever enough to create us with evolution.