Reasons Why I believe. NOT IMO but Let God be TRUe and every man a liar!
Jesus said" you will know the Truth and the Truth will make you free."
(John 8)There is always room to learn more than what we know and believe
about God and HIS Word. I ( as a believer) have spent years reading and learning all I can about GOD. Time spent in prayer, communicating with that UNseen Spirit that speaks to my heart, not to my head, desires that we love all people, the good, the bad, and the unbelieving; HE loves all mankind. He loves sinners ( including me and you) but He hates sin in all form. It is not my job as a preacher and teacher of God's Word to judge or condemn anyone. My assignment as a disciple is to convince all men of the truth. How can any of us pretend that we know all the answers. God cannot be confined to a box or anyone church or religion. If God is being blamed for letting all those bad things that happen to people, who would want to serve, follow, trust, or believe in HIM. On the other hand, IF GOD does exist and HE is capable of all things good and bad that happen to us in this world,I should serve ONLY HIM out of fear, if not out of love (which HE extended to us all first). We should not ask why should I believe in HIM or How dare HE allow such attrosities
of mankind and not lift a hand to help us. where is GOD when we need HIM?? He is only a prayer away! And may I add that it is not for me or anyone to question GOD. Rather than NOT TRUST GOD, believe GOD, read HIS Word daily, search the scriptures daily to find out if these things are true. GOD has revealed HIMSELF to the world and to every generation. We may trust in GOD and hope in Christ for eternal life, but never can we fully trust any man. I am a sinful creature,falible and frail, prone to error; yet when I read GOD's Word, I find truth and pure holiness. I find no errors or untruth in any translation I read. In closing may I say
that When we ( you or I ) read GOd's Wrod, we should read it fresh every day as though we have never read it before. We if we go to reading with preconcieved ideas and expectations, we may miss what God has to say to us in the now of our lives. If we search for contradictions and untruths there, in our minds we will find them, even though they are not there. We must read GOD's Word as though we were searching for gold, silver or buried treasure. When we humble ourself in HIS Presence, while in prayer, or reading HIS Word, we will find God. Abiding in HIM and letting HIM live our lives as though He were living it for us. We will be drawn to love others, caring for their eternal well being, praying for them to come to grips with their failures, faults and problems. Then and only then do we have the right to show them the way to eternal life, which has been freely offered to all manking, and has been rejected by many, because they refused to believe all that GOD has said in HIS Word.
Jesus said" you will know the Truth and the Truth will make you free."
(John 8)There is always room to learn more than what we know and believe
about God and HIS Word. I ( as a believer) have spent years reading and learning all I can about GOD. Time spent in prayer, communicating with that UNseen Spirit that speaks to my heart, not to my head, desires that we love all people, the good, the bad, and the unbelieving; HE loves all mankind. He loves sinners ( including me and you) but He hates sin in all form. It is not my job as a preacher and teacher of God's Word to judge or condemn anyone. My assignment as a disciple is to convince all men of the truth. How can any of us pretend that we know all the answers. God cannot be confined to a box or anyone church or religion. If God is being blamed for letting all those bad things that happen to people, who would want to serve, follow, trust, or believe in HIM. On the other hand, IF GOD does exist and HE is capable of all things good and bad that happen to us in this world,I should serve ONLY HIM out of fear, if not out of love (which HE extended to us all first). We should not ask why should I believe in HIM or How dare HE allow such attrosities
of mankind and not lift a hand to help us. where is GOD when we need HIM?? He is only a prayer away! And may I add that it is not for me or anyone to question GOD. Rather than NOT TRUST GOD, believe GOD, read HIS Word daily, search the scriptures daily to find out if these things are true. GOD has revealed HIMSELF to the world and to every generation. We may trust in GOD and hope in Christ for eternal life, but never can we fully trust any man. I am a sinful creature,falible and frail, prone to error; yet when I read GOD's Word, I find truth and pure holiness. I find no errors or untruth in any translation I read. In closing may I say
that When we ( you or I ) read GOd's Wrod, we should read it fresh every day as though we have never read it before. We if we go to reading with preconcieved ideas and expectations, we may miss what God has to say to us in the now of our lives. If we search for contradictions and untruths there, in our minds we will find them, even though they are not there. We must read GOD's Word as though we were searching for gold, silver or buried treasure. When we humble ourself in HIS Presence, while in prayer, or reading HIS Word, we will find God. Abiding in HIM and letting HIM live our lives as though He were living it for us. We will be drawn to love others, caring for their eternal well being, praying for them to come to grips with their failures, faults and problems. Then and only then do we have the right to show them the way to eternal life, which has been freely offered to all manking, and has been rejected by many, because they refused to believe all that GOD has said in HIS Word.