Here are my quotes, who I am quoting appears above the quote. I guess you missed that.
"What is time? I do not know."
"If matter and its motion disappeared there would
no longer be any space or time."
Oscar Cullmann
"The New Testament knows nothing
of any timeless eternity, or of a God who is beyond
or outside time and not within it."
Francis Schaeffer
" 'In the beginning' is a technical term
stating the fact that at this point of sequence there is a creation
out of nothing. Before this there was a personal
existence--love and communication."
Opponents of Augustine
“If it was the eternal will of God that
the creation should come to be, why, then, is not the
creation itself also from eternity?"
Hegel took the idea of synthesis one step further. A thesis has an antithesis, a compromise produces a synthesis, which is what Augustine produced. Hegel said the synthesis becomes a new thesis which has an antithesis and from which we can form another new synthesis. This is the dialectic methodology and marks the end of absolute truth as Schaeffer points out in
Escape from Reason. Schaeffer absolutely disagrees with Hegel
I don't mind you quoting me but I do mind you misquoting me.
Cullman points out what the Bible literally says despite what ever other conclusions he draws from it.
I don't think most people find "eternal timelessness" a difficult concept to understand. What they find difficult is that it's not what the Bible says about God.
I don't find you to be mean as much as I find you dazed and confused as anyone would be with what you believe.
Concerning Augustine on time he wrote:
"And I confess to thee, O Lord, that I am still ignorant as to what time is. And again I confess to thee, O Lord, that I know that I am speaking all these things in time, and that I have already spoken of time a long time, and that "very long" is not long except when measured by the duration of time. How, then, do I know this, when I do not know what time is?" --Augustine from his Confessions.
I'll let others judge for themselves if I grasp Augustine or not.