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Haven't you told me on numerous occasions that being born again is a metaphor? I rest my case.I was talking to e4e. whereas e4e specifically said I deny the Spirit.
Haven't you told me on numerous occasions that being born again is a metaphor? I rest my case.I was talking to e4e. whereas e4e specifically said I deny the Spirit.
You actually watch that garbage?Has anybody seen the Denzel Washington movie 'Deja Vu'? My wife wanted to rent it. Minority Report, Back to the Future, etc. always strained my brain with their time warp issues. Deja Vu is refutable by Open Theism and makes no sense, except to the timeless/eternal now people. The movie is incoherent and impossible logically.
The movie is a good argument for Open Theism and against other views on time.
Perhaps the timeless people could explain how 500 people could get blown up, yet it was possible to go back 4 days, change the past, and have the same 500 people alive in a parallel stream that negated their actual deaths?!
Oops. Is it too late for a spoiler alert?
Haven't you told me on numerous occasions that being born again is a metaphor? I rest my case.
You actually watch that garbage?
I don't think much of your arguments ether come to think of it. I hardly think about them at all.![]()
I don't strive with my maker, that is unless you are my maker then i strive a lot.
Hay, tell me something Patman, what have I calmed for myself that is not true with all God's children? The only difference is I know who i am in Christ and 90 percent of the people on this board do not know who they are in Christ. I suppose that would include you.
Your just jealous that i gave my death to Christ and he gave me His life, and it would seem that you are more comfortable remaining in your death and keeping it as your very own even though you have received salvation (life from the dead) as i have.
I don't guess it makes you feel very religious in the flesh when the flesh can add nothing and is left out. After all the flesh has to do something to justify its existence doesn't it.:sigh:
Haven't you told me on numerous occasions that being born again is a metaphor? I rest my case.
Without the new birth there is no Holy Spirit within us. Denying the actual spiritual birth by God's seed is denying the Holy Spirit. We cannot be a new creation without it. We cannot have the Spirit of Christ without it. It is a literal accomplishment within us by God and to say it never happened and is only a metaphor is like saying that salvation is a metaphor. You deny the h\Holy Spirit. Plain and Simple.Jesus used METAPHORS about Himself (I am Door, Bread, etc.). This does not mean that He was denying His own reality.
"Born again" or 'This is my body and blood' are metaphors that convey spiritual truth. We do not interpret born again as a wooden literalism, nor do we say that Jesus has a door knob for a belly button. BA conveys the reality of being born from above, born anew, regenerated by the Spirit, made alive in Christ, made a new creature, etc.
Recognizing biblical figures of speech (as in any literature...and there are many in the Bible...Jesus liked to use them) is not tantamount to denying spiritual truth and reality.
Is that the best example of me denying the Spirit? With yourself, and millions of other Christians, I affirm the new birth/regeneration and consider myself born again by the Spirit of God. It is one expression (only used 3x in Scripture, so do not think it is the only truth about salvation) among several that convey what salvation is. My point is that it is analagous, not identical, to physical birth. It does not literally mean we go into the womb and come out again (if it is not a metaphor, then this is how we should interpret it...born again...what else would it mean...Nicodemus made this mistake and Jesus corrected him with understanding, not denying the metaphorical use of the phrase). Metaphors represent the reality, but without using wooden language.
Metaphors are used about God also. This does not mean God is not real or that we deny God because we rightly interpret inspired figures of speech.
Try taking a course in special hermeneutics so you will be able to properly discern and interpret figures of speech.
Tix tixSince you can't spell, I will also assume you do not understand what a metaphor is and is not in relation to truth/reality.
Without the new birth there is no Holy Spirit within us. Denying the actual spiritual birth by God's seed is denying the Holy Spirit. We cannot be a new creation without it. We cannot have the Spirit of Christ without it. It is a literal accomplishment within us by God and to say it never happened and is only a metaphor is like saying that salvation is a metaphor. You deny the h\Holy Spirit. Plain and Simple.
I was talking to e4e. You made a general comment about Open Theism, whereas e4e specifically said I deny the Spirit. You need to back up your slam against OT (I assume you really do not understand it), and elected needs to back up his slam against me, otherwise you lack credibility and are simply straw man, ad hominem attackers because you can't build an intelligent case to think critically about different views.
Absolutely! If not, I pity the foo'! Omnicompetent is a must regardless. It is inclusive in Omnipotence (God can do) which is not just a view of His strength, but ability.
Has anybody seen the Denzel Washington movie 'Deja Vu'? My wife wanted to rent it. Minority Report, Back to the Future, etc. always strained my brain with their time warp issues. Deja Vu is refutable by Open Theism and makes no sense, except to the timeless/eternal now people. The movie is incoherent and impossible logically.
The movie is a good argument for Open Theism and against other views on time.
Perhaps the timeless people could explain how 500 people could get blown up, yet it was possible to go back 4 days, change the past, and have the same 500 people alive in a parallel stream that negated their actual deaths?!
Oops. Is it too late for a spoiler alert?
The new birth is not the same as saying, I am the door or I am the vine or I am the gate Those are the analogies. Jesus said, "You must be born again." An event that must occur in the life of the believer. I get tired of your non belief. Your denial of the work god accomplishes in the lives of Children. I ran out of patients with you a long time ago.I do not deny the new birth, the Holy Spirit within us, spiritual birth by God's seed, being a new creation, the Spirit of Christ in us, the hope of glory. This has happened for believers who are regenerated by the indwelling Spirit of God. Saying the phrase 'born again' is one of many metaphors describing what salvation really is is NOT a denial of the Spirit and salvation.
As I said, just because Jesus used a metaphor that He is Bread does not mean He is a loaf or that He does not exist in reality as the Lord Jesus because a metaphor is used about Him.
Will someone help e4e with basic English and basic Bible interpretation. My patience is worn thin.
God is not a gambler, Philetus. nether does He need a course in risk management. God is not the one taking risk. That be us.:doh:Well said my man, Clete.
Omni-competent vs. control freak
Even knowing your opponents every future move doesn’t require the competence to negotiate relationships with significant others who have a say-so in their choices and actions. Being Omni-competent doesn’t remove all the risks. They could just quit the game. Maybe that is why God allows us to win a game now and then. But, beating God at his own game isn’t really winning; is it?
E4E is going to have a field day with that one.:shut:
God is not a gambler, Philetus. nether does He need a course in risk management. God is not the one taking risk. That be us.:doh: