ARCHIVE: God's mass-murder in the flood


q: As it turns out..... your preservation of life standard appeals to yet another standard of "quality of life". Quality of life is a pretty subjective standard wouldn't you agree?

A: Quality of life can be described as the statistical length of a group's life.


Q: But we may disagree. How shall we make a final determination if we disagree?

A: We would choose an objective third party.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smothers
A: Quality of life can be described as the statistical length of a group's life.

So you would state that two people who lived the exact same span of years had the same quality of life no matter what their circumstances?

If yes - that is a bizarre standard.
If no - why did you state that?


So you would state that two people who lived the exact same span of years had the same quality of life no matter what their circumstances?

Generally, yes.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smothers
Q: But we may disagree. How shall we make a final determination if we disagree?

A: We would choose an objective third party.
ROTFL... :D :D you have got to be kidding me? Are you for real? Or are you a fake sent here to make things easy for me? :chuckle:

If we disagree, how on earth could we agree on an objective third party??? I.e., the only one of us who would think our third party was objective would be the one that was ultimately exonerated - heaven knows what would happen if our objective third party didn't agree with either of us! - :shocked:

And furthermore... by what standard could we determine if our third party was actually being objective? Your standard? My standard? Yet a forth parties standard???

I am doing everything I can to keep a straight face and deal with you on a rational level.... but I beg of you to consider your position a tad more carefully.


If we disagree, how on earth could we agree on an objective third party??? I.e., the only one of us who would think our third party was objective would be the one that was ultimately exonerated - heaven knows what would happen if our objective third party didn't agree with either of us! -

A: Isn't choosing a third party to decide the basis of government, mediation and the court system?

Q: And furthermore... by what standard could we determine if our third party was actually being objective?

A: Objective means an accurate representation of reality. One would choose a third party by their quality of viewing/deciding things based on reality.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smothers
So you would state that two people who lived the exact same span of years had the same quality of life no matter what their circumstances?

Generally, yes.
What else can I say..... but..... your a knuckle-head!

OK lets get this straight...

Fred Jones lives to be 75 years old. He has a beautiful loving wife, three kids a high paying job and excellent overall health. His life is filled with family, friends, freedom and happiness.

Tom Smith lives to be 75 years old. At age 5 he was captured by natives and forced to live in a cold dark cave his entire life digging for gold for these fairly odd natives. Occasionally when he didn't perform to the pleasure of the natives they would torture him. He wasn't allowed any outside contact and was fed only mush for food his entire life.

According to YOUR "quality of life" standard these two men had identical "qualities of life". :rolleyes:


The person who lived in a cave would statistically not live to be 75. This person is a statistical outlier. You should choose a better example.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smothers
If we disagree, how on earth could we agree on an objective third party??? I.e., the only one of us who would think our third party was objective would be the one that was ultimately exonerated - heaven knows what would happen if our objective third party didn't agree with either of us! -

A: Isn't choosing a third party to decide the basis of government, mediation and the court system?
No, you are wrong. In most countries and certainly in a righteous Government (if one existed) Judges would be chosen to uphold an EXISTING standard. Only in evil governments would these judges get to set the standards themselves. In fact even in the wicked governments that exist today I can't think of any that let their chosen judges set their own standards of morality (at least they aren't supposed to) ;)

You continue...
A: Objective means an accurate representation of reality. One would choose a third party by their quality of viewing/deciding things based on reality.
Do I get to choose the third party or do you? :)


I would think that it would be pretty obvious that those with a higher quality of life tend to live longer. Notice the word "tend", Knight is attempting to point at statistical flukes to prove his point.

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smothers
The person who lived in a cave would statistically not live to be 75. This person is a statistical outlier. You should choose a better example.
So it's theoretically impossible for this to happen????

OK... just for your tiny brain let me re-word the example....

Fred Jones lives to be 45 years old. He has a beautiful loving wife, three kids a high paying job and excellent overall health. His life is filled with family, friends, freedom and happiness.

Tom Smith lives to be 45 years old. At age 5 he was captured by natives and forced to live in a cold dark cave his entire life digging for gold for these fairly odd natives. Occasionally when he didn't perform to the pleasure of the natives they would torture him. He wasn't allowed any outside contact and was fed only mush for food his entire life.

According to YOUR "quality of life" standard these two men had identical "qualities of life" :rolleyes:

Nathon Detroit

Originally posted by smothers
I would think that it would be pretty obvious that those with a higher quality of life tend to live longer. Notice the word "tend", Knight is attempting to point at statistical flukes to prove his point.
You created the standard not me. Tendencies weren't part of your standard.

Let me re-post your standard and see if you want to alter it....

Quality of life can be described as the statistical length of a group's life. - smothers standard.


Okay Knight, you win. I give up. I have no objective standard to live by. Is that where you are going with this?