Arby's apologizes to Pembroke Pines police after an officer was denied service


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Hall of Fame
1) the officer in the op is a she

2) just because a different employee, served the officer, doesnt mean another employee didnt deny service - that employee took her order, took her credit card, then told the manager that they were not going to give the officer service because they wouldnt serve police and the manager confirmed it.

3) Clearly Arbys is retarded for apologizing for one of their employees denying service when it didnt really happen...right?

Arby's apologized for an employee not doing their job and the bone head manager opening their pie hole to tell the customer some one wasn't doing there job when they should have just gave her the food with no mention of the HR problem they were having.
She got the food, no denile of service.
The article is mis leading and click bait.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I understand disliking a specific officer for misconduct, but I don't understand blanket condemnation. There's a few rotten apples in the barrel, but the vast majority of officers really want to protect and serve to the best of their ability.

They might want to but in reality they're a part of the tyrannical God-hating system. That's their job.

Ask Mr. Religion

☞☞☞☞Presbyterian (PCA) &#9
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You would think that most eating establishments would welcome a police presence just for the safety aspect. I know of many apartment complexes that give police officers a rental discount if they park their cars at the complex at night. (Some police forces allow officers to keep their patrol cars overnight at their homes.)



New member
You would think that most eating establishments would welcome a police presence just for the safety aspect. I know of many apartment complexes that give police officers a rental discount if they park their cars at the complex at night. (Some police forces allow officers to keep their patrol cars overnight at their homes.)


Letting officers keep their cars off duty makes sense in many ways. They can respond to emergencies and call-outs with all of their equipment ready to go.



It doesn't surprise me.

Young folks and a few older people have read the same news we all have: men getting killed by police, people getting terrified and man-handled by SWAT teams breaking down their front door, or seeing first-hand the arrogance and entitlement that can come from anyone wearing any sort of uniform.

Businesses have a right to refuse service to anyone. But to me, obviously, the person who did not serve the policewoman has no concept of critical thinking and probably took from the news that ALL cops were bad--much as our citizens sometimes actually believe that ALL liberals or ALL conservatives are "idiots" or "dangerous."

I am afraid most people today are the product of superficial education and parenting methods.
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Christian Liberty

Well-known member
You would think that most eating establishments would welcome a police presence just for the safety aspect. I know of many apartment complexes that give police officers a rental discount if they park their cars at the complex at night. (Some police forces allow officers to keep their patrol cars overnight at their homes.)


I question how safe they really make us these days, honestly. The Supreme Court has ruled time and time again that police have no duty to protect us, and when they are abusive and go to court the courts generally just throw out the charges even if there is evidence. I don't think I've ever seen a cop actually get a life sentence for any case of murder (let alone a death sentence which is the Biblically justified sense for murder.) I don't deny that some individual officers would keep people safe but I am not convinced that that's to be expected anymore.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I'm honestly most curious regarding AMR's opinions on police in general (and less so on this particular issue.) AMR, I know you support the establishment principle. I am just curious, for what reason do you think its OK to serve as part of the current system? Do you agree with the original Presbyterians that a national covenant which refuses to recognize Christ (like the US constitution) is illegitimate and shouldn't be sworn allegiance to? If not, why not? Also, do you deny that our government in general is completely out of control with regards to the types of things it enforces? Do you deny that police are, regardless of good intentions that I'm willing to grant in most cases, the enforcement mechanism for our out of control govt?


You would think that most eating establishments would welcome a police presence just for the safety aspect. I know of many apartment complexes that give police officers a rental discount if they park their cars at the complex at night. (Some police forces allow officers to keep their patrol cars overnight at their homes.)

I hear what you are saying loud and clear. But I am still a bit astonished that most posters to this thread have no understanding of the "Why" and the larger context surrounding the refusal of service.

Christian Liberty

Well-known member
I hear what you are saying loud and clear. But I am still a bit astonished that most posters to this thread have no understanding of the "Why" and the larger context surrounding the refusal of service.

I get it. I'm actually not really against it. I know rationality doesn't really fly here on this issue though.


New member
I question how safe they really make us these days, honestly. The Supreme Court has ruled time and time again that police have no duty to protect us, and when they are abusive and go to court the courts generally just throw out the charges even if there is evidence. I don't think I've ever seen a cop actually get a life sentence for any case of murder (let alone a death sentence which is the Biblically justified sense for murder.) I don't deny that some individual officers would keep people safe but I am not convinced that that's to be expected anymore.

You don't have a clue how bad most of the people are that the police put in prison. Your way of thinking about our society is warped, especially regarding the police.