Anyone Who Thinks Another Person Deserves To Be Raped Is A Knob

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
The problem with trying to set up rape as a punishment for an individual's sins is that rape happens to innocent victims as well as people that truly deserve it.
While I don't agree that anyone deserves to be raped, part of what you're noting is something I mentioned more than once, that we aren't in a position to presume we're wiser than Job's friends and that the rain falls on the just and unjust, as do calamities.

This is because of a false belief that only wicked individuals are punished.

However, the Bible is full of accounts where the wicked societies are punished severely for the wickedness in them, and the victims of the punishment of the wicked society include people we see as innocent.
To me innocence outside of a legal standard is fairly useless. No one is really innocent, all require grace.

I love TH and call him friend.
Right back at you. :) Anyway, if reproducing her own words is demolishing her character then she's the architect of that destruction. Else, anyone who wants to or finds the subject compelling is given links back to the place where the arguments are taking place.

:cheers: Supra. :D

Trashing people from other threads on your own thread that you close when you like is dishonest and dispicable.
If you say so...because, you know, that's the only reason you're giving for why that would be true. :plain:

Right. I'm evil because I take strong exception to someone who, disputed on argument, questions the faith and intentions of those who differ, among other regrettable practices. Wait, everyone does that when they quote and respond...must be the locking. But then I stand and argue and face that where it's actually going on.

Heck, Volt, I didn't even publish the worst of what she said, from using fool to questioning of my salvation/inclusion in the Body, along with other troublesome misstatements.

He is downright evil.
Because nothing says evil like reproducing someone else's words on the internet.

Evil? That's like speaking to a person's salvation. I don't engage in that. You go right ahead though and merry Christmas to you. :cheers:


If you get thrown you sure can't claim you didn't deserve it. If you wanna play ya gotta pay. :chuckle:

Yes, you deserve whatever you get. Your behavior isn't moral or immoral, but God's principle of reaping what we sow is true for all of life. You don't plant beans and get to expect turnips.
How exactly does this work? Do you think God is like some galactic babysitter who monitors the minute by minute activities of 7 billion humans?


New member
I'm not talking about being outed... I was trying to keep a low profile in hopes tol management would not kick me right off.

I must not be understanding. Everyone knows who you are and what the history is.

My enemies did their best to have me banned anyway and here you are being part of the lynch mob. Surely you see what you are doing?

The only thing I wanted to lynch was your double standard thinking, not you.

This last thing you did with bringing up huge parts of my private life was inexcusable. My enemies were already aware of it all but were content to leave it alone. Why bring it all out in the open again?

Seriously? If everyone knows you are you, then like me, if they remember, they must wonder why the new standard.

It's not fair to call that single public detail "huge parts" of your private life.


Hall of Fame
I'm not talking about being outed. My enemies were on to me almost instantly. Its sad though you have joined forces with people who want me destroyed on this board. How can you be so blind? I wasn't trying to hide myself from my enemies. I knew they would recognize me. I tried ignoring them but they kept harassing me about my past anyway. I was trying to keep a low profile in hopes tol management would not kick me right off. My enemies did their best to have me banned anyway and here you are being part of the lynch mob. Surely you see what you are doing?

True, we knew ... and I have said little to you other than acknowledging I know your identity. TOL management actually claimed in the Woodshed that you were a new user. Your posting style outed you, and your admittance was the final confirmation.

This last thing you did with bringing up huge parts of my private life was inexcusable. My enemies were already aware of it all but were content to leave it alone. Why bring it all out in the open again?

I am not seeing how bringing up something that you posted publicly on this board is bringing up your private life.

This topic is not about *you*. It's about rape and the kind of individuals who commit such a horrendous act. IF Mother Theresa used derogatory names towards women who were violated by CRIMINALS, I would be saying the same to her.

There is a distinct mentality being presented on these threads towards women. When is the last time any of those who are bashing rape victims did a thread about men who hang out together or go on the prowl looking for a woman he/they might get lucky with?

The same happens when discussing the topic of abortion. Women are blamed for pregnancies even though they didn't get like that on their own. On THAT particular issue, with the exception of rape, women are partially responsible. Oddly enough, the other part of the equations (the impregnator) is ignored aka given a free pass.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
If you get thrown you sure can't claim you didn't deserve it. If you wanna play ya gotta pay. :chuckle:

Yes, you deserve whatever you get. Your behavior isn't moral or immoral, but God's principle of reaping what we sow is true for all of life. You don't plant beans and get to expect turnips.

Yes, I can claim I did not deserve it. I cannot claim that it was an un foreseeable consequence.

In any case, I see your problem, your command of the English language is not sophisticated enough to understand the difference between consequence and deserved.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
Because you live in LaLa Land and we're talking reality. You'd like to pretend that immoral behavior (unlike your feeble example above) has some very real and dire consequences in this life.

Why do you think it I lala land for a man to think of a woman's safety when he sees that she is in a compromising situation? I live in that world because that us what I would do.


New member
Shame on me for eating and drinking with publicans and sinners. :chew:

I would say the publicans and sinners are in very dangerous company when you are around. You are one of the Grand Inquisitors who relishes the punishment of sinners and loves to see their noses rubbed in the dirt! Have you forgotten we are all sinners?
How ought you to be punished for presuming to judge others?


Hall of Fame
Seriously? If everyone knows you are you, then like me, if they remember, they must wonder why the new standard.

It's not fair to call that single public detail "huge parts" of your private life.

Valid point. His previous standard for a woman was someone young and hot. Some men would see strippers as "young and hot".

Even though I see that as superficial, his current posts are inconsistent with what he posted in previous threads.
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