Another wolf is marked/exposed/identified.

Greg Jennings

New member
You sure think you're an expert on other folks. :chuckle:

I can use years worth of comments to develop an outline of a oerson's online profile.

I know that people who act big online often do so bc they can't irl. Not always, but it is common. So it was an educated guess

For example: look at mine. Mine will portray someone who is mostly treading the line between liberal and conservative, but who wants to be inclusive to all religions because I believe they are all a way to the same deity. I do occasionally snap at others, but only when my questions go repeatedly ignored. It's my pet peeve.
Also (and most importantly) I ADMIT when I am proven wrong. Most people here (and in general) have an aversion to doing that

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
I've never once said you must answer all my questions, I've even said you don't have to answer the question I asked, if you don't want to, and you haven't.

Yes, you did-you lied.

And that's it. I've only quoted Peter as written in the KJV Bible. I never added anything to that. Can you show me in which post I said that you have to give me an answer, or that I changed the wording of what Peter said?

I don't need to change his words, Peter says it clear enough.

You lied-again. I asked you to provide the verses, that require me to answer any/all questions, and you provided me the Peter verse. That verse does not say "answer all questions," deceiver.

Peter 3:15 KJV But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

It says "be ready always(my emphasis)to give an answer ..."

You changed it to "always give an answer..."

That is slick...real slick.


Well-known member
The twelve and Paul are all apostles,

So far so good...

Paul preached the same gospel as the other 12.

And that is where we differ.

Can you tell me what you believe regarding the following, if that's ok? That the twelve didn't preach that Jesus died on a cross to save the world, if everyone needs to believe this, then why didn't they preach it? I hear people say this here, they keep saying that the same gospel wasn't preached and that the 12 didn't preach the cross to the Jews, why didn't they if the crucifixion is crucial for salvation? Thanks

From Sonnet's "What is the Gospel" thread. Post #3602

It appears that there have been overstatements on both sides of this issue. On the one hand, it is contended dogmatically that there is but one Gospel in the Bible, and on the other hand dispensationalists argue just as dogmatically that there are several gospels in the Bible. The misunderstanding appears to arise largely from the use of the word gospel. Some use the word gospel as the equivalent of how to be saved. They argue, and rightly so, that no one has been saved by his own works; that salvation in every dispensation has been by God's grace, but they contend that dispensationalists argue for salvation by works for those in a former dispensation because they say there is more than one gospel. This is simply a conclusion drawn which is contrary to the positive statements of dispensationalists. Practically all dispensationalists believe that salvation in every dispensation has been based upon faith in the revealed Word of God, but since they believe that the Bible presents a progressive revelation they must of necessity contend that men in former generations did not possess the totality of revelation which is contained in the New Testament epistles. Therefore there has been a change from time to time in the content of the message which was the object of faith. As pointed out, the content of the gospel of the kingdom which was preached by the apostles during the earthly ministry of Christ was completely devoid of the teaching that Christ would die for the sins of the world, be buried, and rise again the third day. And yet that is the heart of gospel preaching in this dispensation. And even more evident is the fact that in Old Testament times faith demanded that men bring animal sacrifices, a practice which is expressly forbidden in God's message for today.


New member
I'm not going to explain another poster to you, pops.
I'm not the busy body you are.

You need to figure out the Gospel before you die in your sins, instead of finding fault with those around you.
I know the Gospel.

It's good to see you admit there is only One.

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Greg Jennings

New member
Ah, so you see yourself as better than others.

You didn't have to tell me that. It was obvious.
It is true that I value those who admit their wrongs over those that don't.

You don't? You prefer the company of liars? I prefer the company of those I can count on, whether Christian or not, such as my Muslim, African fiancée.

Guess I'm just too new school for you?


Well-known member
Was your family Christian?


Not in behavior, I mean did you go to church when you were little with the fam?


I'm thinking so. And if that's true then you were raised as a Christian. No two ways about that.

Think you're smart, don't ya? :chuckle:

And I don't need you to convert ME. I've been converted for years. You're just too overzealous to notice when you're speaking to one of your own

I don't think I said a word about converting you....or anyone else. In fact, I'm pretty sure I said it's the Spirit that does that work...not man.

Don't accuse me of being "overzealous" when you haven't gotten anything right yet. :popcorn:


Well-known member
Also (and most importantly) I ADMIT when I am proven wrong. Most people here (and in general) have an aversion to doing that

It is true that I value those who admit their wrongs over those that don't.

That isn't what you said, though, is it? You boasted that you admit when you're wrong, but most others don't.

You don't? You prefer the company of liars?

Ah, the old, "How often do you beat your wife" question.

I prefer the company of those I can count on, whether Christian or not, such as my Muslim, African fiancée.

Guess I'm just too new school for you?

Oh, now you're pulling out the "I'm more enlightened than you are" card.

You have a full deck of those nifty little sayings, don't ya?

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
Actually no, Catholicism and Methodism and quite different. I'd expect a self-proclaimed "saint" to know as much.

So which denomination are you?

No, "Methodists," Romans,.....................(fill in the blank), believe that one can lose his/her salvation, i.e., they deny the eternal security of the believer. Thus, they "preach"/"teach" a subtil form of works-based "salvation," much like Calvinists.

Different cages....same dirty birds.

I am a member of the body of Christ, a forever justified saint, proclaimed by the LORD God; thus I proclaim, what He proclaims.

And you are grinding your big, bad wolf choppers, as you read this. Too bad. Accept it.

Get saved.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If he isn't full of pride then explain his profile and how it is actually humble.


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The droid takes himself way too seriously. Our/my mistake-we thought you were human, with a sense of humor.

Remind me never to invite you to "Celebrity Roasts," tonight roasting the great saint John W.

You're beginning to bore us, Pops Downer. You're a real barbiturate.

john w

New member
Hall of Fame
If he isn't full of pride then explain his profile and how it is actually humble.


Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
I should have included extremely caring, bright, sensitive, with a sharp wit, and I like long walks on the beach, candle light dinners, bubble baths, sunsets, heart shaped chocolates, surfer music, and "Bay Watch" reruns.