Angel4 truth stop lying

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I think they did mean.
No, not really. Your first clue should have been Knight's choice of smiley. It's a caricature. So was my suggestion. And anyone who isn't onion thin skinned understood that, or who knew me or Knight, I'd imagine.

Which is why not a single female friend of mine here (and I have any number of them) gave me any sense of being offended. Now if one had and communicated that to me my response would have been a clear and unambiguous apology for an unintended slight.

Just like racist jokes, only about women.
No, a joke that is aimed at demeaning someone tends to have a nastier edge to it. Try telling a racist joke and you'll see what I mean.

Most jokes, from those about blondes to lawyers, aren't really aimed at harming anyone.
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