And then there were five.


New member
the gop is a minority party

...just like every other party in the country. The GOP happens to be the second-largest minority party.

don't you get that?
do you not understand how hard it is to get a republican in the white house?
we are frustrated
we are fighting about how to win
we know what it takes

I'm not sure that's true anymore. This nomination process in the GOP doesn't look like it's going to produce a President so much as decent reality TV.

just look at the voting history for the past twenty years
it shows the path
it shows the only way we can win

Widespread disenfranchisement?


Bush, Cruz, Rubio and Trump, all claiming to be Christians, yet calling each other liars during the February 13th Republican debates didn't present the current state of conservative politics in a favorable light!

As is often the case, their attempts to bring public attention to the weaknesses of their opponents told us much more about the character of the accuser than the accused!


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Bush, Cruz, Rubio and Trump, all claiming to be Christians, yet calling each other liars during the February 13th Republican debates didn't present the current state of conservative politics in a favorable light!

As is often the case, their attempts to bring public attention to the weaknesses of their opponents told us much more about the character of the accuser than the accused!

a christian should not support abortion
how can a christian support a democrat?


a christian should not support abortion
how can a christian support a democrat?
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven


how can a Christian support capitalism and a Republican Party with billionaire conservative candidates?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of Heaven


how can a Christian support capitalism and a Republican Party with billionaire conservative candidates?

are you equating killing babies
having too much money?


are you equating killing babies
having too much money?
How much will it cost to raise a child born in 2014?

The average cost of raising a child born in 2013 up until age 18 for a middle-income family in the U.S. is approximately $245,340 (or $304,480, adjusted for projected inflation), according to the latest annual "Cost of Raising A Child" report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Given that abortion rates in America are closely linked with poverty, the policies that have contributed to the dramatic increase in the concentration of wealth over the last 35 years have also contributed to increased levels of poverty.

Appointing a majority of conservative justices to the Supreme Court doesn't change the fact that it now costs an estimated $304 340 to raise a child in America!


what does it change?

Your website (defending murder because the family is poor) is broken, just like your morals.
How many U.S. women obtaining abortions are already mothers?

Answer: Six in 10 American women having an abortion already have a child, and more than three in 10 already have two or more children.

Why do women in the United States have abortions?

Answer: Most women identify multiple reasons for having an abortion: Three-fourths cite concerns for or responsibility to other individuals, including children; three-fourths say they cannot afford a child ..... half say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner.
Give that poverty in general and child poverty in particular, has increased dramatically in America, coupled with the collapse of the middle class, the lack of upward mobility and cuts in social programs by Congress, America has become one of the least inviting of the modern nations to raise a child.

The majority of women seeking an abortion are poor, already have at least one child and lack the financial resources to support another.

Conservatives shed "crocodile tears" over aborted fetuses, then actively support those kinds of government policies that only exacerbates the economic circumstances that encourages poor young women to abort!

At 22.6%, America has the 30th highest abortion rate in the world - if ProLife supporters were truly interested in reducing this instead of wedded to their conservative driven agenda, they would look to the policies of some of the western European states which have significantly lower rates.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Give that poverty in general and child poverty in general has increased dramatically in America, coupled with the collapse of the middle class, the lack of upward mobility and cuts in social programs by Congress, America has become one of the least inviting of the modern nations to raise a child.

why did it get worse with obama?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I'd probably point at a financial collapse and a stimulus that focused on bailing out Wall Street without providing much incentive to spread the wealth around much.

so it takes more than seven years to turn it around

what caused the financial collapse?


why did it get worse with obama?
One of the reasons that Obama was elected was that in the fall of 2008, America was in the midst of a financial meltdown, with the Republican Party in disarray and its leadership in a total state of denial!


New member
so it takes more than seven years to turn it around

what caused the financial collapse?

Deregulation in general, and of Wall Street more specifically through the repeal of Glass/Steagall. Hence, the rise of an Independent Senator, Bernie Sanders, who has been pointing it out for decades. Deregulation, in all its forms, only enriches a handful at the expense of the rest of us all. Even state lotteries, privatization of taxation, shifts the tax burden from the wealthiest to the lower and middle classes. When the middle class loses its purchasing power the economy collapses.

I might also point out that there was a political theory (the two Santa Clause theory) forwarded in the late 1970s that led to this collapse. "Good" Santa" lowers taxes even though the economy cannot support the cuts even while he increases spending so that when the "Bad Santa" takes office they are forced into repairing the damage done through either raising taxes or cutting services. If you look at the past 35 years you can see the pattern emerge. Simply Google two santa clause theory for more detail.

The biggest con job in history was/is the wealthy convincing people like you that by making them richer you will somehow benefit.

Now just for giggles, I suggest a remnant species that should be exterminated. It is a remaining dinosaur that benefits nobody, is very destructive and spreads vast amounts of corrosive feces wherever it travels.


"The T-Rump"

Note the big oversized head, big mouth and little, tiny, baby hands.


you poor thing,
this must be
so hard for you.
Trump winning.....

I see that your boy is threatening to suuuuuuuuuue Ted Cruz for lying (I can see the childlike tantrum now: "Ted Cruz is a LIAR! LIAR! pants on fire!"), and even threatening a 3rd Party run if the GOP doesn't start treating him [Trump] with respect.

Go ahead Donnie, take your supporters who are losers like you and run on a 3rd party, you'll take away more votes from the liberal democrat than the conservative republican.


like marbles on glass
Deregulation in general, and of Wall Street more specifically through the repeal of Glass/Steagall. Hence, the rise of an Independent Senator, Bernie Sanders, who has been pointing it out for decades. Deregulation, in all its forms, only enriches a handful at the expense of the rest of us all. Even state lotteries, privatization of taxation, shifts the tax burden from the wealthiest to the lower and middle classes. When the middle class loses its purchasing power the economy collapses.

I might also point out that there was a political theory (the two Santa Clause theory) forwarded in the late 1970s that led to this collapse. "Good" Santa" lowers taxes even though the economy cannot support the cuts even while he increases spending so that when the "Bad Santa" takes office they are forced into repairing the damage done through either raising taxes or cutting services. If you look at the past 35 years you can see the pattern emerge. Simply Google two santa clause theory for more detail.

The biggest con job in history was/is the wealthy convincing people like you that by making them richer you will somehow benefit.

Thank you, great post. I'm going to look up that political theory.

(No thanks for that monstrous image at the end, though - you put me right off my afternoon coffee. :chuckle:)

patrick jane

I see that your boy is threatening to suuuuuuuuuue Ted Cruz for lying (I can see the childlike tantrum now: "Ted Cruz is a LIAR! LIAR! pants on fire!"), and even threatening a 3rd Party run if the GOP doesn't start treating him [Trump] with respect.

Go ahead Donnie, take your supporters who are losers like you and run on a 3rd party, you'll take away more votes from the liberal democrat than the conservative republican.

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