An Atheist (Fool) Debates Bob on God's Rights


Maximeee's Husband
fool said:
Thanks, part 2 on thurs. I had no idea it would go as far as it did.

I'm looking forward to it. It's nice when the topics get switched up from time to time.

You're like a Berean fool!


New member
Hall of Fame
I finally had a chance to listen. Good call and topic fool. :up:
Don't forget to post thursdays call on here too because I definitely want to hear part 2!

I thought Bob's comparison of weightlifting to an Israelite soldier killing a baby was a big strange though. :squint:

I was waiting for you (fool) to bring hell into the picture. Bob was talking about going from the porch to inside but it isn't as simple as that because inside there are two rooms and one is much nicer than the other. :chuckle: Looking forward to when you get to the part about a 23 YO dying and an 80 YO dying....

Bob Enyart

Staff member
As expected...

As expected...

Knight said:

fool... you misrepresented my argument on Bob's show... I have never said that "God is righteous and therefore God can do anything and it would be righteous".

I have never once said that.

That aside... it was a really good call! :up:

Knight, glad to hear that. I was expecting as much. And also, I agree that it was a really good call. I'm looking foward to the sequel on Thursday!



Well-known member
Hall of Fame
If it's all right with you Bob I'd like to call for the second half of the show like last time, that's 6:30 EST, much easier for me since 5:00 EST is right when I'm in the middle of getting home from work and bringing the kids home type chaos. If that's no good I can do the earlier segment, that when all my other apperances were, but 6:30 is easier.


New member
Knight said:
Yet that isn't what you said that I said. You insinuated that I said.... God could do anything and it would be righteous.

Well, do you agree or disagree with the statement that God could do anything and it would be righteous?

And, what is your personal method for determining whether an act is or is not righteous?

I might say to you... we can trust that a smart man does smart things. And that's true... by definition a smart man does smart things. Yet it would be silly for us to then conclude (from that statement) that a smart man could hypothetically do ANYTHING and it would continue to be smart.

That would be silly conclusion to jump to wouldn't you agree?

Yes, this would be a silly conclusion. But this isn't quite an exact analogy with the case above for this reason: Alot of Christians say the derive their moral standards from the attributes of God. We wouldn't say that we determine what smart means by observing a specific smart man.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Knight said:
And wouldn't it be silly if someone then twisted that to mean that God could do dumb things and call them smart?
If you use that person as the standard for smart then what he does is smart.
It's not a twisting at all, it's an if 1+1=2 and 2+2=4, then 1+1+1+1=4 expansion of the premise.
I don't want to use all the material for tomorrows show, but if you want to call in at the same time, you and Bob can gang up on me. We could call it "the clash in the corn", or the "wrestle in the wheat", or "the battle in the bread basket", I'm sure the people in Des Moines might be a little puzzeled why two guys from Colorado are arguing with a guy from Michigan on their air, but like a wise man once said "Show biz, son, show biz!"


New member
Fool, I wrote this post before listening to your call. A good part of my comments were covered. Good job! I have questions and responses of my own. Maybe I'll have to call one day.

I like how you handled yourself, and a number of the points you made. If the God who is telling you to go cut down babies is really the all-powerful creator of the universe, then certainly he could solve problems and accomplish his aims by other means than by asking people to go and slaughter their neighbors. He could just make the bad people disappear, or fall over dead, as you suggested. He could take the babies bodily into heaven if he really wants them. The fact that he chooses this violent method above others says something about him (if you really believe he's ordering these things), and that something isn't very good. Morality is more than just authority (or might is right).

In Bob's scenario, where Christ's salvation guarantees that no one has to go to a fate of eternal torment if they die as an infant, it is kind of strange that he keeps letting generation after generation go astray without hearing of Christ. Because, as the inheritors of fallen flesh, virtually all humans are bound to go astray if given enough time, thus squandering Christ's supposed gift. And over the thousands of years since Christ died, many have lived long enough to sin but not long enough to hear the gospel, and thus vast numbers are doomed. What's the point?

Anyway, I'll tune in when you call again.

Best wishes,


P.S. My son really digs the Bob Enyart song! I've never seen him dance like this before.... :think:
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Nathon Detroit

fool said:
If you use that person as the standard for smart then what he does is smart.
No, again you are wrong.

Events in the Bible do not happen in a vacuum.

We have God's commands, counsel, example and instruction. And from that we could could objectively discern if He chose to act against His nature, which He doesn't.

It seems to me you have something worked out in your head and your having a hard time letting it go even though it is clearly is in error.

It's your story and your stickin' to it. :D

Nathon Detroit

fool said:
but if you want to call in at the same time, you and Bob can gang up on me.
By the way... thanks for the offer but I will pass.

First off... two's company, three is a crowd.

Secondly... I woke up this morning with a RAGING head cold. I am miserable! I have medicated myself as much as the law will allow. I can only hope at this point I am being coherent.

Good luck today fool, I do like you... you have a humbleness about you that makes you really likable.


New member
Knight said:
We have God's commands, counsel, example and instruction. And from that we could could objectively discern if He chose to act against His nature, which He doesn't.

I still don't get it. What is your moral standard? In other words, how do you determine if act X is moral or immoral?


New member
Knight said:
Secondly... I woke up this morning with a RAGING head cold. I am miserable! I have medicated myself as much as the law will allow. I can only hope at this point I am being coherent.

[KNIGHT'S MOM] Make sure to drink lots of fluids and get plenty of rest...[/KNIGHT'S MOM] :chuckle:
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
SUTG said:
I still don't get it. What is your moral standard? In other words, how do you determine if act X is moral or immoral?
We started drilling that hole on todays show, wound up with more questions than answers, to be continued..............................


Balder said:
P.S. My son really digs the Bob Enyart song! I've never seen him dance like this before.... :think:

My kids love that song too! They sing it all the time. :chuckle:


New member
Hall of Fame
The second show is up on and I just finished listening to it. I appreciate the discussion of whether or not anything God does is righteous regardless of what that might be. That is one of my objections to the settled view. How could God tell us that rape and murder are bad, but on the other hand plan every instance of it, and still be righteous? (sorry, not trying to start that debate up here) Great show, looking forward to part 3!


New member
Hall of Fame
Shalom said:
My kids love that song too! They sing it all the time. :chuckle:

I have the album it is on. :) Tony Funderburk? You can get it from in the online store.

Added in edit: Hmmmmm... after a second look, I don't think the current BEL intro song is on that album, but the "Do right and risk the consequences" song is for sure.
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Vaquero45 said:
I have the album it is on. :) Tony Funderburk? (Im sure I killed the spelling of his name...) You can get it from in the online store.

My six year old has the first part words all jumbled up but he definatley knows the part " you need a man on a mission from God,,,,well not to worry it is Bob Enyart live Bob Bob Enyart live...." :chuckle:

I love it.............Ya gotta love kids :thumb: