Maybe so many cultures see murder as bad because Society, as a whole, could not function if everyone went around killing random people?
Or maybe so many cultures see incest as bad because Society, as a whole, could not function if everyone went around sleeping with their children and creating a bunch of retarted children.
Dont you think that basic logic and intelligence serve us just as well as this "God" you keep talking of?
Your proof of God is no proof at all.
if no one told you that you shouldnt stick your hand in fire, would you know not to? no, of course not.
it only took the first time, or maybe one or two times after that, to figure it out: Stick your hand in fire = nasty burns on your hand.
no God is needed, no God is involved here, just basic human logic and reasoning.
If people are allowed to go around murdering people, then no one will be able to get anything useful done. useful stuff needed to be done. so society as a whole decided, through basic human logic and reasoning, that in order to get anywhere, we needed to not kill random people.
The point i am making is that there is no logic behind your arguments. Your proof for God is no proof at all. First you must prove, without reasonable doubt, that all cultures and civilizations had the same morals and values as our current society, something which just isnt true. Then you must prove that those same Morals and Values come directly from God, which is impossible to prove.
Oh, and my signature is aimed directly at those people who believe that Atheists and Agnostics can have no Morals. Those people who believe that we get our morals and values from God, and God alone. Those people who believe that people become Atheistic and Agnostic simply to serve their own selfish needs. in other words, it is aimed at the people on this website who, like you, are so centered on their own world-view as the correct world-view that they are blinded by their own arrogance.
but i am getting angry. i need to go to bed. be back tomorrow.