You just got finished trying to exclude me from the discussion.
You won't actually quote me doing that. Which is funny when you think about it.
If you're talking about liberty and justice, those are universal concepts to be understood regardless of location and education.
I'm still talking about gun control in relation to the 2nd Amendment.
It's contrary to your elitist stance
In the sense that someone who knows what he's talking about is elitist. So in an unintended way you have a point.
that I have to be in the US and have gone through a particular schooling to be able to contribute.
Rather, I've noted that you self-evidently don't have much of a grasp of the law on point and are equally unfamiliar with the nation. That's not exactly a great position from which to opine meaningfully.
The sooner you stop attempting to sideline people because of their heritage, the sooner you can look like a well-adjusted member of the human race.
It's not your heritage, it's that you proffer from ignorance. Worse, you disparage those who don't.
To inform yourself before setting out an opinion? I noticed.
Well, guess what? I've acclimatized to multiple cultures, lived in them, learned the language, succeeded and added to them.
Sweet. Guess what? This isn't one of those.
So you can take your perception and shove it. :up:
You need a new hobby. Preferably one where you learn how to do a thing before you try to do it.
I dismissed your endless regulations as useless.
The ones you neither know nor understand, along with the caselaw, etc. Right.

lain: I can see how you'd have to do that.
Let everyone know when you go down to the seashore to command the waves. It should be entertaining.
For the zero people reading this, whenever Town's words get traded back to him (with the grammar, spelling and punctuation fixed), it shows that they add just as much value to the conversation regardless of the direction they travel.
This is just something Stripe does when he can't think to do much else. And my grammar is fine, though I'm sure everyone makes the odd error in quick and informal discourse. I've corrected him a couple of times, but only because of the occasional, "Dude, English," he'll pepper a post with when it taxes him.
So, that was Stripe using more of a summary attempt/hybrid quote, but still missing the mark. For one, if you claim a prima facie case you have to then point to the thing that makes it inarguably true. Instead, he just throws another unsupported declaration about emotion on the pile.
Meanwhile, and more seriously, in Dayton, Ohio, a man with an AR was shot and killed by a trained good guy with a gun, who responded quickly, dropping the fellow in about 30 seconds. The criminal still managed to kill nine people and wound a couple of dozen more.
In Australia, yesterday, a man who couldn't legally purchase one of those or easily purchase any, took a knife and killed a person. He wounded another. Then other people along the street where he was prowling subdued him and held him for the police.
Gun laws work.