All Things Second Amendment


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
It's the continuation of a response to your post about mass murderers.
What is your proposal? If you are arguing that these last two mass murderers were identifiable before they began their massacres, through some sort of "psychology" or "psychiatry," then say so. Otherwise you're not addressing my point that these people are horrible in part, because they are 'invisible' to us, and live among us, hiding in plain sight?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Well said, TH. Thank you for this.
Appreciated. I think I'm going to vacate this thread, because it's Idol's and I've had my say. I'll add that the dark fantasy so many of the people who support the status quo or worse wrap themselves in is no longer something to shake head at and roll eyes. It is costing the lives of neighbors, believers, children. It should be held in contempt and I will work from here forward to drive it into the dung heap of history where it belongs.

My son will grow up in a safer America. I believe this because I believe that more and more Americans are waking up to what the gun lobby and the insanity of more guns as a solution to gun violence really means for us.


like marbles on glass
What is your proposal? If you are arguing that these last two mass murderers were identifiable before they began their massacres, through some sort of "psychology" or "psychiatry," then say so. Otherwise you're not addressing my point that these people are horrible in part, because they are 'invisible' to us, and live among us, hiding in plain sight?

I made my point already, and it was clear. We face more danger in this country from homegrown white supremacist Trump-addled Americans right now than from foreign enemies or immigrants, and if you can't or won't speak to that then we're done.


like marbles on glass
Appreciated. I think I'm going to vacate this thread, because it's Idol's and I've had my say. I'll add that the dark fantasy so many of the people who support the status quo or worse wrap themselves in is no longer something to shake head at and roll eyes. It is costing the lives of neighbors, believers, children. It should be held in contempt and I will work from here forward to drive it into the dung heap of history where it belongs.

My son will grow up in a safer America. I believe this because I believe that more and more Americans are waking up to what the gun lobby and the insanity of more guns as a solution to gun violence really means for us.

Agree, especially with your reference to the the dark fantasy, and would include unbelievers in your list of neighbors, believers, and children - every one of us should be able to go out and buy groceries without having to worry about being gunned down in the store by someone with a weapon that was made for warfare.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I made my point already, and it was clear. We face more danger in this country from homegrown white supremacist Trump-addled Americans right now than from foreign enemies or immigrants, and if you can't or won't speak to that then we're done.
I am Happy to speak to that---what is your proposal? What do you propose that we do? I just can't speak to what you've said so far, because there's nothing to speak to yet. What you've said, whether true, or false, or something in between, doesn't . . . mean anything. As regards this thread, as regards the right to bear arms. I don't have anything to speak to yet.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Appreciated. I think I'm going to vacate this thread, because it's Idol's and I've had my say. I'll add that the dark fantasy so many of the people who support the status quo or worse wrap themselves in is no longer something to shake head at and roll eyes. It is costing the lives of neighbors, believers, children. It should be held in contempt and I will work from here forward to drive it into the dung heap of history where it belongs.

My son will grow up in a safer America. I believe this because I believe that more and more Americans are waking up to what the gun lobby and the insanity of more guns as a solution to gun violence really means for us.

Agree, especially with your reference to the the dark fantasy, and would include unbelievers in your list of neighbors, believers, and children - every one of us should be able to go out and buy groceries without having to worry about being gunned down in the store by someone with a weapon that was made for warfare.
You two, are a Trip.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
In Anna's case, it appears to be just another way to feed her obsession with trump
He is a unique president. This is how Southerners must have felt about Lincoln. If there were social media in 1862 I think what we see with President Trump now would be very familiar to then.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
We face more danger in this country from homegrown white supremacist Trump-addled Americans right now than from foreign enemies or immigrants....

as it turns out, we face more danger from cars:

In 2018, an estimated 40,000 people lost their lives to car crashes ...

in fact, we face more danger from water:

From 2005-2014, there were an average of 3,536 fatal unintentional drownings (non-boating related) annually in the United States — about ten deaths per day. An additional 332 people died each year from drowning in boating-related incidents.

in fact, if you're a young black man, you're unlikely to encounter anything more dangerous than your peers

but the media teat that you and others suckle at so greedily doesn't feed you those stats, does it?

and they won't until they can figure out how to use them to smear trump


New member
Before Trump became President in 2016, there existed a Populist-Patriot-Alternative Media Movement. This movement goes back to the Short Wave Broadcasters of the nineties - Bill Cooper, Mark Koernke, Linda Thompson, Larry Nichols, Steve Quayle, and a young Alex Jones. They all got the new Populist-Patriot Movement rolling by their criticism of the Administration of Bill and Hillary, and especially the Waco massacre.

In the early 21st century Andrew Breitbart and Matt Drudge were import for the transition of the new Populist-Patriot Movement from Short Wave to the Internet. Breitbart became an Alternative Media Figure who, among other things, taught about the Frankfurt School of Transformational Marxists, something that the Short Wave Broadcasters of the nineties did not do very much. Bill Cooper talked about Marxism a little and made fun of Leftists who called up, calling them "Baby Marxists."

The new Populist-Patriot-Alternative Media Movement existed without Trump for a time in the early 21st century.

After Trump became President, he became a focus point for the attack by the Left or Marxists. It may appear to the Democratic Party now that if Trump is brought own, then that whole Populist-Patriot-Alternative Media Movement can be brought down.

The role of Big Tech - the Silicon Valley Monopoly of huge Internet outfits, like Google, Apple, Facebook, etc - in the American political arena was not apparent or salient until the issue of the censorship of that Populist-Patriot-Alternative Media Movement was made known in very recent years.

The goal of Big Tech Internet Monopolies was to make sure that in the 2020 election Trump would not win. And so these monopolies began to censor the Patriot-Populist-Alternative Movement.

Since the Silicon Valley Internet Giants are allied with the Left, this censorship of free speech is an attack upon the First Amendment. We already know that the Marxist Left opposes, in any way possible,the Second Amendment.

So we have an important conflict going on now between the Left's Attack upon the Second and First Amendments, in relation to the 2020 Election.

It is not certain that a defeat of Trump then would lead to the complete defeat of the Patriot-Populist-Alternative Media Movement.
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Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
Or a book, flying machine, or chocolate--just so. No one believes otherwise. Now try the actual point without injuring your argument, whatever it may be, if you can.

I'm fairly sure this Muppet said he was leaving.