All Things Second Amendment

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
So the question that most interests me is this: how come this dead cowardly psychopath didn't know that it was wrong to kill strangers at random?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
You mean the suicidal mass murderer.
Was he suicidal? I hadn't read that. I know he was an angry white kid with a supremacist mindset who seemed determined to kill a number of people and managed a bit of it. I think it's a good idea for people to know that. And after that, to forget he ever existed.

As I mentioned, two of the killed were kids.
The boy, Stephen Romero, was six, and the girl, Keyla Salazar, was thirteen. A twenty year old man was also shot and killed. I haven't read his particulars. Romero's mother was also shot, but survived. I'm not sure about the varying degree of injuries sustained by the remaining 12 I've read were wounded, in addition to the murders of the three I know about.

You don't think this is the most important philosophical dispute in the world right now.
I set out what I think on the point and that what's in dispute isn't the 2nd Amendment, which few are arguing should be abolished.

We mean different things when we each say the words "the right to bear arms." .
How you define it isn't germane to anyone being clear on what I mean by it (the right to possess and use a gun for a legal purpose) and what I oppose (weapons like the one used here), or why. So it's not really a concern for me.

Do you have a citation for that?
A semi automatic weapon is distinguished by its ability to produce a much more rapid rate of fire than lever or bolt actions. It's a thing established prima facie. Couple that with a large capacity magazine and it's perfectly suited to the task mass murdering shooters put it to.

Thankfully, the kid couldn't also purchase a bump-stock when he bought the rifle.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Now to be fair, that gun in the hands of the mental defective psychopath santino legan, did cause a lot more damage than if he'd been carrying a bb gun, or a slingshot, or a pocket full of rocks

Probably less damage than if he'd driven a car into the crowd, or used a pack of matches strategically.

But never mind that


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
How about "the mentally defective murderer, santino legan"?
Or "the embarrassment to his parents and friends, the psychopath santino legan"?
Or how about just "the dead coward, santino legan"?
Hitler was a suicidal mass murderer. And he was all these other things too. So, sure.

There's something particularly monstrous about someone who tries to 'take out' as many innocent people as possible before they or as they or while they kill themselves. They're also akin to Kamikazes.

The last thing you don't want to have if you ever find yourself in the presence of a suicidal mass murderer, is a superlative weapon. Like a selective fire rifle or selective fire carbine.

Suicidal mass murderers are real, not ghosts, not bogeymen, not myths. They live among us, invisibly, until they reveal themselves to us, by trying to commit suicidal mass murder.

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Hitler was a suicidal mass murderer. And he was all these other things too. So, sure.

There's something particularly monstrous about someone who tries to 'take out' as many innocent people as possible before they or as they or while they kill themselves. They're also akin to Kamikazes.

The last thing you don't want to have if you ever find yourself in the presence of a suicidal mass murderer, is a superlative weapon. Like a selective fire rifle or selective fire carbine.

Suicidal mass murderers are real, not ghosts, not bogeymen, not myths. They live among us, invisibly, until they reveal themselves to us, by trying to commit suicidal mass murder.

"The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Good response by the cops on scene - imagine how much faster if there had been someone with a concealed carry right near him when he started


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Was he suicidal? I hadn't read that.
No kidding. This is the hill you want to die on, that he wasn't suicidal? My goodness.

"Suicide by cop or suicide by police is a suicide method in which a suicidal individual deliberately behaves in a threatening manner, with intent to provoke a lethal response from a public safety or law enforcement officer."
I know he was an angry white kid with a supremacist mindset who seemed determined to kill a number of people and managed a bit of it. I think it's a good idea for people to know that. And after that, to forget he ever existed.
Why, exactly?
The boy, Stephen Romero, was six, and the girl, Keyla Salazar, was thirteen. A twenty year old man was also shot and killed. I haven't read his particulars. Romero's mother was also shot, but survived. I'm not sure about the varying degree of injuries sustained by the remaining 12 I've read were wounded, in addition to the murders of the three I know about.
And I mentioned the 15 murders, attempted murder being legally equivalent to deliberate unlawful homicides.
I set out what I think on the point and that what's in dispute isn't the 2nd Amendment, which few are arguing should be abolished.
Show where I said that the dispute concerns the abolition of the Second Amendment? You can't. Kneejerk reflex on your part. Not careful reading---which would be better.
How you define it isn't germane to anyone being clear on what I mean by it (the right to possess and use a gun for a legal purpose) and what I oppose (weapons like the one used here), or why. So it's not really a concern for me.
What's your position on actually bearing arms then? You support your right to own a lever action internal magazine fed rifle---do you also support your right to carry it publicly?

Because that's really the most direct meaning of the word "to bear" in the phrase "the right to bear arms," which you claim that you support.

You won't answer this.
A semi automatic weapon is distinguished by its ability to produce a much more rapid rate of fire than lever or bolt actions.
That's what I said.
It's a thing established prima facie. Couple that with a large capacity magazine and it's perfectly suited to the task mass murdering shooters put it to.
So that's a big, fat, 'No' to my question then. You don't have a citation. So it is just spin on your part, like I said. Made up iow.
Thankfully, the kid couldn't also purchase a bump-stock when he bought the rifle.
Yeah there's lots to be thankful for here. What an awful thing to say at this point, trying to make a political point.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Good response by the cops on scene
- imagine how much faster if there had been someone with a concealed carry right near him when he started
Or many people (instead of just "someone"). The leos were outgunned---they all only had handguns, to his rifle (or carbine---I think the AK is a carbine but I've never been sure). They were outgunned because they were outranged. He could have shot them (if he was any good) before they could have shot him (unless they were very good). But a number of innocent people with handguns can help to offset being outgunned. So that was really good.

Of course, if there were leos there, there were probably leos near the entrances also, which is one of the reasons the suicidal mass murderer cut his way through the fence where there wasn't a gate. To avoid them for as long as possible, to murder as many innocent people as possible, before he was killed by the leos. "Suicide by cop."

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
Thank goodness he wasn't able to rent a U-haul van/truck, load it to the top with cans of gasoline, rig a simple detonator, drive it at speed into the middle of the crowd and detonate it.

Oh wait - he easily could have done that


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Thank goodness he wasn't able to rent a U-haul van/truck, load it to the top with cans of gasoline, rig a simple detonator, drive it at speed into the middle of the crowd and detonate it.

Oh wait - he easily could have done that
And if Town were free to actually carry /bear his seven round lever action rifle, and saw what the killer was trying to do with his truck, he could have shot him and saved innocent lives. But Town doesn't actually believe we have a right to bear arms, he just believes we have a right to own ("keep") them, but not bear them. His rifle would've been sitting at home in his safe all locked up and unloaded, being perfectly useless against murderers and rapists and other capital criminals.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Imagine if he'd been carrying a pump action 12 gauge shotgun
It would have been useless for gun controllers. 'Couldn't very well use this suicidal mass murder as a reason to ban assault weapons if the killer used a shotgun.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
In this country, they mostly look like right-wing domestic terrorists.

In your country, the debate is politicized to the point where justice is completely ignored.

Leave aside that these crimes are committed by socialist, law-hating Darwinists, the correct response — regardless of where you place them on your political spectrum — is to call for two things:

1. People to arm themselves in response to the murder epidemic so that they can love their neighbor by saving their life.

2. The swift, painful and public execution of capital criminals so that people will not act so presumptuously.

We have thousands of rules that are routinely ignored. For example, in New Zealand — where guns are all but banned — an officer told a responsible gun owner that he should shoot an intruder, despite the law saying a license is to be denied if the applicant has expressed willingness to use a weapon for its primary purpose of self defense. The regulations are ignored, even by law enforcement officers.

Rules don't work. Justice and liberty work. Unfortunately, liberals hate those things.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Gold Subscriber
Now to be fair, that gun in the hands of the mental defective psychopath santino legan, did cause a lot more damage than if he'd been carrying a bb gun, or a slingshot, or a pocket full of rocks

Probably less damage than if he'd driven a car into the crowd, or used a pack of matches strategically.

But never mind that
Or a box cutter... :think: